| - thumb|Werbung für Guiness im Sullivan's Guinness ist eine irische Biersorte auf der Erde im 19. Jahrhundert. Ein Werbeschild für das Bier befindet sich 2376 in der Bar von Michael Sullivan in der holografischen Nachbildung von Fair Haven an Bord der USS Voyager. (VOY: )
- Guinness is a popular Irish dry stout that originated in the brewery of Arthur Guinness at St. James's Gate, Dublin. It merged with Grand Metropolitan plc in 1997 and is now part of the British based multinational alcohol conglomerate Diageo. Guinness is one of the most successful beer brands worldwide. It is brewed in almost 60 countries and is available in over 100.
- La Guinness è una sostanza liquida e alcolica che scorre nelle vene degli Irlandesi al posto del sangue. Leggende metropolitane fanno credere che la Guinness sia una birra, ma approfonditi studi hanno smentito categoricamente questa eventualità.
- Guinness (ギネス 'Ginesu'), also known by the title of Wolf King (狼王'Rōō'), is the most powerful Battle Wolf and the ruler of Area 2. Guinness' power and absolute lordship over one of the major continents of Gourmet World make it one of the mighty Eight Kings, the eight most powerful beasts in the world, and he also was Jirou's adoptive father.
- Une pancarte publicitaire Guinness figurait dans le pub irlandais Sullivan's dans la simulation holographique de Fair Haven au 19ème siècle. (VOY: "Fair Haven", "Spirit Folk")
- La Guinness est une bière toute noire. Quand on boit du lait on peut faire des moustaches blanches. Avec la Guinness ça fait une moustache avec des poils. D'après le maître Jean Pierre Coffe, la couleur de la Guinness est due à l'emplacement de la brasserie: à la sortie du fleuve, au dessus du Canal McGeorges. C'est donc pour cette raison que la Guinness noircit le vomi mais pas l'urine. Elle est constituée de raclure de pneus et de boue(pour la consistance), d'eau de source naturelle (pour le goût), de brou de noix (pour la couleur) et de lessive (pour la mousse et pour le goût).
- Guinness was een type stout dat oorspronkelijk kwam uit het Ierland van de 18de eeuw. Een advertentie voor dit bier was er in Sullivan's, de bar van een karakter, genaamd Michael Sullivan. Hij was een holografische simulatie van de 19de eeuw. (VOY: "Fair Haven", "Spirit Folk")
- Guinness was a type of beer originating from Ireland in the 18th century. It was a dry stout, made distinctive primarily by the use of roasted barley. A keg of Guinness was among the food stores aboard the USS Enterprise, and was served during a reception welcoming Eremoid observer Verka in the 2250s. (ST - Enterprise Logs short story: "Conflicting Natures") Carol Abramowitz and Gabriel Collins celebrated the completion of their Master's degree studies at Cambridge University with pints of Guinness. (CoE eBook: Remembrance of Things Past, Book II)
- 250px|right|thumb|O'Neill dricker en Guinness. Guinness är en öl sort från planeten Jorden. Guinness var grundat på Irland. Under 2003 tog Harold Maybourne en flaska med Guinness och varmkorv från Jonathan J. O'Neills hus när han berättade om gömman av De gamla teknologi för O'Neill. Under 2004 brukade Brigadgeneral Jonathan J. O'Neill dricka Guinness innan han bytte till Fat Tire. (SG1: "Paradise Lost", "Lost City, Part 1")
- A Guinness advertisement was featured in Sullivan's, the bar of a character named Michael Sullivan, a 19th century holographic simulation. (VOY: "Fair Haven", "Spirit Folk")
- Guinness is an NPC in Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra.
- It is unknown what happened to them when St. Ivalice was transformed by the Gran Grimoire, until Marche and Clan Nutsy accepted the quest Prof in Trouble to save the nu mou Professor Auggie in Lutia Pass. Here, they found out that the three bullies have been turned into Zombies and attacking passers-by. Marche and the clan defeated them with ease.