| - Mr. Perkis is voiced by James Patrick Stuart.
- Mr. Perkins is the richest man in Astoria and Troy's father. He plans to knock down all of the houses in the Goon Docks so he can build a golf course with a view across the mouth of the Columbia River. His plan is foiled in the end when Rosalita finds valuable gemstones in Mikey's marble bag that would be worth enough to allow the Walshes to avoid foreclosure.
- Mr. Perkins is an engine driver for the North Western Railway. He commonly educates viewers about various different things and also tells Railway Series stories.
- Mr. Perkins is a secondary antagonist in Despicable Me. He is a tall and plump man who runs the Bank of Evil. He is also Vector's father.
- Principal Perkins was the principal of Bayside High School mentioned during Raven Baxter's freshman year. After the stand that Raven and Chelsea were standing on suddenly became stable, they looked to up see Principal Perkins on the roof pulling them up. Later, in the gym, Raven tells Eddie Thomas that her meeting with Perkins was little more than a loud blur. When Mr. Lawler is promoted to principal, he explains that Mr. Perkins was promoted to superintendent.
- Mr. Perkins ist Mitarbeiter der Autovermietung Gelbert. Er taucht in Tödliche Spur auf, und ist auf die drei ??? nicht gut zu sprechen. Über ihn ist wenig bekannt. Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Männliche Charaktere Kategorie:Mitarbeiter der Autovermietung Gelbert Kategorie:Stub
- Mr. Perkins is the secondary antagonist of the 2010 animated film, Despicable Me and a very minor character in it's 2015 prequel Minions. He is the President of the Bank of Evil, where he supplies loans to villains on their schemes, including his son Vector. He was voiced by Will Arnett.
- Mr. Perkins was a Tank Minion that was encountered by the heroes in the Vertigus Cliffs of N.E.S.T He was sent by Commander Spog to kill the heroes.
- thumb|214px|Mr. PerkinsMr. Perkins war ein Panzer , welcher vom Commander Spog eingesetzt wurde, um Ratchet, Clank, Copernicus Leslie Qwark und Dr. Nefarious zu vernichten. Sie fanden ihn im NEST an der Vertigus Klippe. Körperlich war er wie ein normaler Panzer gebaut, besaß allerdings einen Schild , welchen man erst wegreißen musste, um einen Treffer zu landen. Als Bewaffnung hatte er Raketen, welche er auf den Boden hageln ließ und einen Abtasterstrahl, welchen er aus seinem Arm feuerte.thumb|142px|Konzeptgrafik.