| - Bear Grylls, also known as Huggable Ted (born 1974, the middle of the Sahara desert) is an ex-SAS survivalist, open-minded gourmet, television personality, predatory animal, and vegetarians' nightmare. He currently lives in the Sahara South American Rainforest Pineapple under the Sea New York Penn Island North Pole with his spouse Gretsorsov Protteen.
- Bear Grylls (deutsch: gegrilltes Bärchen) ist vor allem durch seine Survival Expeditionen bekannt. Er begibt sich regelmäßig in die unwirklichsten Orte der Erde wie z.B.: Wüsten, Savannen, Dschungel, Gletscher oder Ostfriesland. Um den Voyeurismus in der Welt zu fördern, werden diese Expeditionen regelmäßig im Fernsehen gezeigt.
- Edward Michael "Bear" Grylls (born 7 June 1974) is a British adventurer, writer and television presenter. He is best known for his television series Man vs. Wild, known as Born Survivor in the United Kingdom. In July 2009, Grylls was appointed the youngest-ever Chief Scout at the age of 35.
- Bear Grylls (portrayed by Lee Eisenhower) is a minor character who only appears in DRINK YOUR P!SS. He is presented as a brash and slightly sarcastic and humorous character. After Ian finds himself 'lost' in the woods, Bear Grylls comes and helps Ian survive in the wild. Bear Grylls repeatedly says that Ian should drink his own piss, which Ian refuses at first. After Ian finally drinks his own urine, it is revealed that Bear Grylls was actually Ian's hallucination.
- Bear Grylls (in italiano: Orso alla Griglia) è un noto personaggio inglese, diventato celebre grazie alle sue capacità di sopravvivenza in territori ostili come deserti, laghi ghiacciati, savane, praterie infestate da grossi animali incazzati e la periferia di Napoli. Orso Grylls è un uomo vissuto, che per anni ha temprato il proprio carattere con i peggiori lavori: il soldato, lo scalatore senza corde, l'avvocato, il venditore porta a porta e il tizio che fa volantinaggio vestito da pollo per la rosticceria che ha aperto da poco.
- Eduard Michael MacGyver Kandeláber Grylls, prezývaný Bear(medveď), je britský dobrodruh, cestovateľ, spisovateľ, zabávač, labužník, zoológ, botanik, psychoanalytik, chodec, parašutista, plavec, vrah, fašista, člen jednotky SAS, degustátor, redegustátor, zdravotník, skaut a pouličný predavač hrnčekov, DVD a tričiek . Preslávil sa predovšetkým televíznymi seriálmi: Život v divočine, Boj s divočinou, Boj sa divočiny a Neboj sa jesť. Mal len 23 rokov, keď sa mu podarilo vyšplhať na Mount Everest, s bicyklom na chrbte. Zapísal sa tým do Guinessovej knihy rekordov, ako najmladší horolezec z Anglicka, ktorému sa podarilo zdolať túto horu. Vďaka týmto odvážnym činom sa stal najmladším vodcom skautov vo Veľkej Británií.
- Vous êtes dans votre chambre, allongé sur votre lit, paisible. Votre copine ne viendra pas vous voir avant 2 semaines ( bah ouai mon gars t'as mal choisi parce que t'étais puceau à l'époque mais maintenant faut les porter ses couilles hein !)alors c'est la loose. Vous mentez si vous me dites que le PC n'est absolument pas ouvert sur une page de navigateur internet en mode "Privé", que vous regardez un documentaire sur la faune sous-marine en bretagne... après je ne pervertirai pas le sujet initial de ce post avec des pensées grivoises, mais je me permet de dire qu'une catastrophe peut arriver n'importe quand, et le fait de tenir fermement votre verge n'y changera pas grand chose. Et mourir devant un Bukkake inter-racial mature n'est pas le moyen le plus sûr de rencontrer Jésus en personne.