| - Silky[[:File:|[, ]]] is a giant silkworm located within a shallow feeding pit in the Silken Fields in the Valley of the Four Winds. Tended by Silk Farmers, it seems to enjoy knocking them on their backs, much to their concern.
- A seal-like creature who could transform into a human by shedding its seal hide. They emerge from their waters periodically and meet with humans, but don't form lasting relationships, and return to the sea after a brief period. According to myth, once a selkie has returned to the sea, seven years will pass before he or she is seen again.
- Als Silky wird eine grüne, den Raupen aus der realen Welt sehr ähnliche Raupe bezeichnet.
- The Silky is an enemy from Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light.
- Silky is a seal.
- Smooth, sinuous texture and finish.
- Silky ist ein japanisches Manga-Magazin, das Manga aus dem Josei-Genre veröffentlicht. Es erscheint jeden zweiten Monat beim Hakusensha-Verlag. Das Magazin wurde im August 1985 gegründet. 2005 hatte es eine Auflage von rund 80.000 Stück pro Ausgabe.
- Silky is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. He is a mid-ranking member of the Family. During the game, he is mainly found in front of the park. Later on in the game, during the shootout, Silky is seen as well, ducking in cover from the Coin Gun. He is also seen in the research facility. He gives Luke's parrot the delivery 'Silky's Coffee'. This involves, obviously, sending him coffee with the parrot. It is not in his nature to hurt innocent civilians, but his job forces him to think otherwise.
- Le Silky est un ennemi apparu dans Wario Land 3. C'est un petit ver à soie de couleur verte.
- For battle information check the Silky/Advanced Information page View the Silky/Gallery to see more images or add new ones
- Silky is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. He is a mid-ranking member of the Family. During the game, he is mainly found in front of the park.
- Silky fue un quarf que vivió en la luna boscosa de Endor. Entabló amsitad con la Princesa ewok Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka para que pudiera secuestrarla y devolverla a su dueña, Jadru, quien planeó el secuestro de la princesa para apoderarse del Solestelar. Mientras que en su forma falsa tenía un aspecto hermoso parecido a un unicornio, su verdadera forma fue un monstruo temible con dientes largos y afilados, grandes ojos negros y piel escamosa verde. Silky poseía un par de pequeñas alas para volar o bien para mantener a sus víctimas en captura como lo hizo con Kneesaa.