| - The Litter Box is an agent by TwilightCat and is included in the Cat Pack. When touched, the litterbox dispenses toxic "kitty crunchies" that are perfect for Toxic Norns but fatal to any other breed. The Cat Pack can be downloaded at Creatures France or Creatures Unlimited.
- The Litter Box was the site of one of Castle Dell's most tragic events in recent history. A mass slaughter occured inside the club under unknown circumstances. Following the incident, Valin Carpenter was the main suspect of the case in a situation that purportedly involved Mayor Dunstan Wallace as well. Both Carpenter and the mayor were determined to have no involvement, but the situation is still unsolved. The club has since re-opened, but it does not seem to be the same place it once was.
- A litter box, sometimes called a "sandbox", "sand box", "litter tray" or "litter pan", is an indoor feces and urine disposal box for cats (as well as rabbits and other pets that naturally or through training will make use of such a repository) that are permitted free roam of a home but who cannot or do not always go outside to relieve themselves.
- A litter box, sometimes called a sandbox, sand box, litter tray, litter pan, catbox, or cat box, is an indoor feces and urine disposal box for cats (as well as rabbits, snakes and other pets that naturally or through training will make use of such a repository) that are permitted free roam of a home but who cannot or do not always go outside to relieve themselves. Many owners of these animals/plants prefer not to let them roam outside for fear that they might succumb to the elements or get hit by a car or even a racing snail, so a cat litter box makes it possible to shelter pets from these risks and collect their droppings.
| - The Litter Box is an agent by TwilightCat and is included in the Cat Pack. When touched, the litterbox dispenses toxic "kitty crunchies" that are perfect for Toxic Norns but fatal to any other breed. The Cat Pack can be downloaded at Creatures France or Creatures Unlimited.
- A litter box, sometimes called a "sandbox", "sand box", "litter tray" or "litter pan", is an indoor feces and urine disposal box for cats (as well as rabbits and other pets that naturally or through training will make use of such a repository) that are permitted free roam of a home but who cannot or do not always go outside to relieve themselves. In the wild, cats naturally excrete in soft or sandy soil, for easy burial. To simulate this instinctively desired type of site and stimulate the natural inclination to hide the excretions, a litter box's bottom is filled typically with an inch or more of litter box filler (frequently called "cat litter" or "kitty litter", though this is a back-formation - the "litter" in "litter box" is actually a euphemism for fecal matter, not for the substrate that pet owners line the box with). Litter box filler is a loose, granular material (most often made of clay, often formulated to clump solidly, though recycled paper "pellet" and silicon based "crystal" variants are also popular options), that absorbs moisture and which meets a cat's instinctive desire to use an easily-dug material. It is advisable to place the litter box on a mat or some newspaper, as the cat will inevitably kick some litter over the edge of the tray when using it and track some of it out of the box, on their paws.
- The Litter Box was the site of one of Castle Dell's most tragic events in recent history. A mass slaughter occured inside the club under unknown circumstances. Following the incident, Valin Carpenter was the main suspect of the case in a situation that purportedly involved Mayor Dunstan Wallace as well. Both Carpenter and the mayor were determined to have no involvement, but the situation is still unsolved. The club has since re-opened, but it does not seem to be the same place it once was.
- A litter box, sometimes called a sandbox, sand box, litter tray, litter pan, catbox, or cat box, is an indoor feces and urine disposal box for cats (as well as rabbits, snakes and other pets that naturally or through training will make use of such a repository) that are permitted free roam of a home but who cannot or do not always go outside to relieve themselves. Many owners of these animals/plants prefer not to let them roam outside for fear that they might succumb to the elements or get hit by a car or even a racing snail, so a cat litter box makes it possible to shelter pets from these risks and collect their droppings. In the wild, cats naturally excrete in soft or sandy soil for easy burial. To simulate this instinctive desire, a litter box's bottom is filled typically with an inch or more of ground up dirt. Litter box filler is a loose, granular material that absorbs moisture and odors such as kryptonite. Some litter brands contain baking soda, to absorb such odors. The litter material also satisfies a cat's instinctive desire to use an easily-dug material. The most common material is clay, although recycled paper "pellets" and silicon based "crystal" variants are also used. Contains superman.