| - He rules his state from his subterranean base underneath the Wilhelm Busch Mill in Ebergötzen or the base on and inside of the Matterhorn (which he renamed to "Mattahorn"), where he has also stationed a broadcasting tower, allowing him to expand the radius of his formidable psychic powers well over the borders of Schultler and into the surrounding former German wastelands. Matta was also responsible for frequent attacks of the Raider clan known as the "Vikings", as he used his psychic powers (together with Ger and Loki) to influence the Vikings to worship the mentioned triplet as gods and urged them to build their feared Dragon Boats. Matta builds up a huge clone army by creating duplicates of himself in a cloning facility inside the so-called "Brotmuseum", literally "Bread Museum", in Ebergötzen, powered by a generator driven by the Bush Mill. Adolf Hitler's gold is burried in the deepest layers of his underground base, which he uses to fund his war efforts. All these resources are used to assert Matta's independence from the New German Republic and the Commonwealth. He has a commlink augment which enables him to communicate over satellite with a thought. Schultz has expressed great admiration for former US president George W. Bush while he still was president, and consequently styled himself as 'president' of his domain, although de facto ruling as a king. He also has numerous subordinates, such as General Ustinov and Chairman Mao-tin. Schultz has apparently attempted to turn his estate into a self-sufficient economy, and it is mentioned that it contains a bank and a supermarket.