| - Corin – postać, występująca w modyfikacji Mroczne Tajemnice. Jest on strażnikiem w obozie strażników kopalni.
- Corin is a member of the Volturi guard. The nature of her vampiric ability is unknown, but it most likely involves sneakily killing everyone around her while they're distracted by laughing at how stupid her name is. As of Breaking Dawn we do not know how this would affect Bella, but, given that she's childish, and pathetic, and full of herself from her super-speshul-sue powers, she would probably kill her first. 'Cause,I mean, which lame-o Volturi Member DOESN'T? This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Home of the UEE Marines, Corin is a deadly ice world that is used for Marine command, housing and training. Dotted with icy tundras and craggy rock caves, Corin is technically outside the system’s green band. The Marines maintain a massive underground base, but also require that all trainees survive a six-month boot camp on the planet’s surface. Marine units not in the field are engaged in constant wargames here. Corin is one of the best-protected worlds in the galaxy, with a Marine carrier(Bengal class) preventing unauthorized access at all times. The best advice: do not approach.
- Corin war ein Grauer Wächter aus Tevinter, der die Zweite Verderbnis beendete als er in der Schlacht von Starkhaven Zazikel erschlug.
- Corin is a dead raider in Nuka-World in 2287.
- E' coinvolto nella/e missione/i: Questa pagina è in costruzione. Quindi perdona l'incompletezza della voce.
- Corin is an unnamed blob-like species, Smaller Then Mallo. He is grey,with a white/pink face. The top of his head has a Cap. He Wears Yellow Gloves, Similar To Mallo,
- Corin was the Tevinter Grey Warden who ended the Second Blight when he struck down Zazikel in the Battle of Starkhaven.
- Corin är en manlig Tollan från planeten Tollan. (RPG: "Stargate SG-1: Roleplaying Game")kategori:Tollankategori:Nämnd endast SG-1 karaktär
- Corin, also known as Thunder-Fist, was the Prince of Archenland, and the son of King Lune. He was also the Crown Prince for thirteen years, before the return of his twin brother, the first born Prince, Cor. Corin later became a well-known, and even legendary, boxer.
- Corin is Greshan's husband the father of Conan and Siobahn and the renowned blacksmith of his village in Cimmeria.
- Siège des Marines de l’UEE, Corin est une planète de glace hostile utilisée pour le commandement, le casernement et l’entrainement des troupes. Parsemée de toundras gelées et de cavernes rocheuses escarpées, Corin se situe techniquement en dehors de l’écosphère du système. Les Marines disposent d’une énorme base souterraine mais exigent que toutes les nouvelles recrues survivent à un entrainement de six mois à la surface de la planète. Les unités de Marines qui ne sont pas déployées participent constamment à des simulations. Corin est l’un des mondes les mieux protégés de la galaxie et un porte-vaisseaux des Marines veille constamment à empêcher tout accès non autorisé. Le meilleur conseil à suivre : ne vous approchez pas.
- Corin es una miembro de la guardia Volturi, cuya primera aparición fue en el índice de vampiros en la última parte de Amanecer. Ella tiene el poder para hacer que otros se sientan bien con su situación. Debido a este poder, es asignada a mantener a Sulpicia y Athenodora contentas con su situación en el castillo, pero también, ordenada por Aro, utiliza su poder para impedir que Chelsea abandone el aquelarre. Su poder tiene un segundo efecto; es adictivo. Puede hacer que otros se sientan físicamente incómodos cuando no están expuestos a ella durante un período de tiempo.
- Nel 2372, incontrò Tuvok dopo che questi era finito su una luna dopo un incidente con una navetta. Corin era in compagnia di altre due bambine Drayane, Tressa ed Elani. Disse a Tuvok che erano stati lasciati a morire sulla luna e che avevano paura che una creatura chiamata morrok li avrebbe uccisi. Quando una squadra di ricerca Drayana atterrò sul pianeta, Tuvok aiutò i bambini ad evadere. Il giorno seguente, Corin ed una delle bambine erano scomparsi, e Tuvok trovò solo i loro vestiti. Informazioni di retroscenaCorin è stato interpretato da Tahj D. Mowry.
- Corin was a male Drayan. In 2372, he met Tuvok after he was stranded on a moon after a shuttle accident. Corin was accompanied by two other Drayan children, two females named Tressa and Elani. He told Tuvok that they had been left to die on the moon and were afraid that a creature known as a morrok would kill them. When a Drayan search party landed on the planet, Tuvok helped the children evade the Drayans. The next day Corin and one of the other children were gone, and Tuvok only found their clothes. Corin was played by actor Tahj D. Mowry. His name comes from the script.
- thumb|Corin, wenige Stunden vor seinem Lebensende Corin ist ein Drayaner. Eine seiner Lieblingsspeisen sind Takkabeeren mit Cherel-Sauce. 2372 steht er kurz vor dem Ende seines natürlichens Lebens und wird deswegen mit anderen Drayanern in seinem Alter, Fayla, Jarren, Tressa und Elani, auf den Crysata-Mond gebracht. Durch den Absturz ihres Raumschiffs, bei dem alle jüngeren Begleiter sterben, bleiben die alten Drayaner allein und verstört auf dem Mond zurück, bis sie auf den ebenfalls abgestürzten Tuvok treffen. Corin wurde gespielt von Tahj D. Mowry. Kategorie:Person