| - The sharn are fictitious creatures in the Forgotten Realms setting of Dungeons & Dragons. They are central to the plot of the fantasy novel Blackstaff by Steven E. Schend and are best known as those responsible for imprisoning the malevolent phaerimm. Within the context of the setting, the sharn are also called by the lesser known names shiftshades, blackclaws, simmershadows, skulkingdeaths, and fhaorn’quessir, which is Elvish for “changed/altered/transformed people.”
| - The sharn are fictitious creatures in the Forgotten Realms setting of Dungeons & Dragons. They are central to the plot of the fantasy novel Blackstaff by Steven E. Schend and are best known as those responsible for imprisoning the malevolent phaerimm. Within the context of the setting, the sharn are also called by the lesser known names shiftshades, blackclaws, simmershadows, skulkingdeaths, and fhaorn’quessir, which is Elvish for “changed/altered/transformed people.” The sharn are adept and monstrous sorcerers who worship the alliance of deities known as the Pentad—the elven deities Corellon Larethian and Sehanine Moonbow, the dwarven god Dumathoin, and the human deities Mystra and Oghma. The sharn are composed of a variety of different races, including elves, dwarves, humans, and centaurs, of fallen civilizations that willingly underwent magical transformations to turn themselves into sharn that they may better preserve their civilizations’ lore. The sharn also prevent abuses of magic and fight against corruptions of the Weave. All sharn share a single group mind; they are one being with many souls and sense what other sharn sense and think what other sharn think. It is rare when the sharn mind fragments into the individual minds of its composite beings. Sharn can meld and flow together, forming black pools of liquid. There are black pools of sharnstuff in caverns in the upper reaches of the Underdark, particularly the Northdark, where the sharn make their homes. The sharn split off from these pools of themselves, and when they complete their missions, they meld back into them. The sharn can create small portals through the ethereal and broach nearly any protections or barriers. Each portal is a small translucent hexagonal window of purple light three feet in diameter that coalesces out of a swirl of purple motes, and the sharn can maintain up to three of them at once within about twenty feet of their bodies. Although the sharn cannot move completely through these portals, they can use them to see through, cast spells through, and extend limbs through to claw or bite at their opponents. Sharns also frequently cast spells upon themselves which greatly increase their speed and agility. They do not need material components or focuses for their spells, whether arcane or divine. The sharn are not very numerous. According to Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn, their society houses much political argument and social intrigue, and they constantly have power struggles which are typically based on ideological conflicts. It also states that most of the elder sharn have phased out of existence, but this does not seem to be the case in Steven Schend’s Blackstaff. Furthermore, it mentions that the sharn spend the majority of their time engaged in internal debates and experiments.