| - Throughout his career, Havoc proved to be an effective leader who truly cared for the men under his command, even as he began to doubt his own future—and those of his clone brethren—in the Republic. The Battle of Concordia saw him meet the Death Watch Trooper Mand Dia, whom he came to respect despite their striking differences. In 21 BBY, his leadership was put to the ultimate test at the Battle of Phatrong, when he was forced to unite the 536th Legion against the Separatist leader Emchic Dong, an extremely violent human who hated clones. Havoc was captured and infected by a brain worm that Dong had kept as a pet. The worm was different from others and Havoc knew what he was doing but couldn't control it. Eventually, Clanker got the worm out, but Havoc was scarred forever.
| - Throughout his career, Havoc proved to be an effective leader who truly cared for the men under his command, even as he began to doubt his own future—and those of his clone brethren—in the Republic. The Battle of Concordia saw him meet the Death Watch Trooper Mand Dia, whom he came to respect despite their striking differences. In 21 BBY, his leadership was put to the ultimate test at the Battle of Phatrong, when he was forced to unite the 536th Legion against the Separatist leader Emchic Dong, an extremely violent human who hated clones. Havoc was captured and infected by a brain worm that Dong had kept as a pet. The worm was different from others and Havoc knew what he was doing but couldn't control it. Eventually, Clanker got the worm out, but Havoc was scarred forever. Havoc's unwavering dedication to the Republic kept him on the front lines over the three-year span of the Clone Wars. He aided Cade, Tyler, Olivve, and Jakkel in rescuing Kel Dor colonists from the Zygerrian Slave Empire and, around 20 BBY, offered his soldier's expertise to help the Jedi train local insurgents on Kintan to emancipate their world. In a stark turn of events, he and Cade lead the defense on Alderaan against the Separatists. In a frontal assault, Order 66 came through and feeling the same helplessness he did on Phatrong, he shot Cade by instict. Tyler escaped Alderaan but was scarred by his master's brutal slaughter. By war's end in 19 BBY, Havoc countied to command the 536th until 4 ABY when the Empire was broken apart. He served until his death in 7 ABY at the Battle of Trandosha.