| - Typ der Parkour erfunden hat.
- David Belle (nació el 29 de abril de 1973 en Fécamp, Francia) es un deportista y recientemente actor creador del parkour. Belle comenzó practicando parkour cuando tenía 15 años, inspirado por su padre y las películas de artes marciales. También es fundador de la asociación de parkour - PAWA (PArkour Worldwide Association, Asociación mundial de parkour en inglés).
- David Belle est un ninja acrobate philosophe monsieur qui peut passer dans une fenêtre fermée ou descendre un escalier sans mettre le pied sur une seule marche. Il s'agirait en premier lieu d'un jeune rebelle qui voulait faire baver les adolescents parce que "il a tro la class tavu wesh". Mais en second lieu il s'agirait plutôt d'un rebelle de la société qui ne voulait pas prendre le métro comme tout le monde (et qui voulait faire baver les adolescents etc etc ...). En troisième lieu il y'a une église et une boulangerie.
- David Belle was born and raised in Fécamp, France. He descends from a modest family in the suburbs of Paris. His grandfather Gilbert Kitten, father Raymond Belle, and brother Jeff Belle have been highly skilled rescuers in the French military fire service.
- David Belle of Fécamp, also known as God, is the central figure of Parkour, revered by most Traceurs as the incarnation of God, and is also an important figure in ownage. He is possibly the only person who can outrun Chuck Norris. Not on flat terrain though. He is super skilled in the martial art of jumpinglikespiderman-foo and has perfected it to a degree that even meer mortals (dumb teenage kids) can use it. This was latter called what we know today as Parkour.
- ur. 29 kwietnia 1973 w Fécamp we Francji – traceur, twórca parkouru. David zadebiutował na scenie w studiu Pygmalion. Zagrał w filmach, również telewizyjnych (Les gens du voyage, Femme Fatale Briana de Palmy, Engrenage, Intervention divine Eliego Sullimana), wideoklipach (Limbo negro Ménélika, L’école du micro d’argent grupy IAM) i zagranicznych reklamach. Jego brat wysłał do EuropaCorp kasetę demo, która wywarła wrażenie na Lucu Bessonie. Dostał propozycję zagrania w filmie Bessona Yamakasi, jednakże stosunki między nim a osobami, które wtajemniczył w sztukę przemieszczania, nie układały się najlepiej. Besson, pozostający z nim w kontakcie, zapoznał go Cyrilem Raffaellim, z którym Belle zagrał w 13 Dzielnicy.
| - David Belle of Fécamp, also known as God, is the central figure of Parkour, revered by most Traceurs as the incarnation of God, and is also an important figure in ownage. He is possibly the only person who can outrun Chuck Norris. Not on flat terrain though. He is super skilled in the martial art of jumpinglikespiderman-foo and has perfected it to a degree that even meer mortals (dumb teenage kids) can use it. This was latter called what we know today as Parkour. == Biogarphy == Hi Nate! David Belle started off being alive at an early age. His first stunt was being born, but his super-duper parkour ultra powers first came to the attention to his parents when he learnt how to walk in only one year! He later decided to pursue a career in going to school, there he did some gymnastics, but contrary to popular belief his parkour super powers did not come from there, but when he got bitten by a radio-active papillon. After gaining his powers he decided to make a career out of it and quit school, despite his amazing academic success and went on to jumping the rooftops of Evry in Paris. First he started training only at night to avoid attention and during the day he returned to his secret hideout (his mom's house) where he nourished his mind, body and soul by eating, going to the bathroom and french meditation (sleeping). But eventually his ego grew (he is french after all) and he started doing it during the day. He then became a local legend and was know as 'Cet idiot qui saut du balcon au balcon'. But he soon caught the eye of other academically brilliant young men, who quit their bright futures to try to follow him. Literally follow him. But they all died, because the were n00bs and too softcore, I mean they couldn't cover 15 meter gaps, pshhh! The ones that didn't die were black. This is the reason most of Belle's parkour videos are accompanied by rap music. Bad rap music. Bad French rap music. French music. Ew.
- Typ der Parkour erfunden hat.
- David Belle was born and raised in Fécamp, France. He descends from a modest family in the suburbs of Paris. His grandfather Gilbert Kitten, father Raymond Belle, and brother Jeff Belle have been highly skilled rescuers in the French military fire service. In 1984, at the age of 11, Belle moved to Lisses, France. He made close friends with a group of teenagers with a similar physical passion who began training with him. Some of the friends that trained with Belle would later become known as the Yamakasi. Later in life, Belle spent time in the military and fire brigade with aspirations of following in his father's and grandfather's footsteps. He left soon after for personal reasons in order to dedicate himself to Parkour. He later joined the Troupes de marine in Vannes, where he received a promotion, a gymnastic agility certificate of honor, and champion records for Regimental rope-climbing (which his father had once held) and the Essonne obstacle course. He has however said that his taste and love for adventure and freedom did not go well with the regimented life of the military. Upon completing his national service, he worked in various professions including a warehouse worker, security guard and furniture salesman. He also spent 3 months in India studying Kung Fu. After his return he continued his training in Parkour and filmed footage of his capabilities which he later turned into the famous Speed Air Man video. In 1997 the Stage 2 team (Francis Marroto, Pierre Sled and Pierre Salviac, Georges Kanellitsas) was shown a video of Belle and decided to film a news feature about Parkour. In filming this news feature the term "Yamakasi" was used for the first time in connection with the team. Belle did not approve of the name and felt like it did not give credit to his father, so he split from the group after the feature. Later, Belle would go on to train other students who gave them the name 'Tracer.' The spelling was later adapted to 'Traceur', and his since been used to define a practitioner of Parkour.
- David Belle (nació el 29 de abril de 1973 en Fécamp, Francia) es un deportista y recientemente actor creador del parkour. Belle comenzó practicando parkour cuando tenía 15 años, inspirado por su padre y las películas de artes marciales. También es fundador de la asociación de parkour - PAWA (PArkour Worldwide Association, Asociación mundial de parkour en inglés).
- ur. 29 kwietnia 1973 w Fécamp we Francji – traceur, twórca parkouru. David zadebiutował na scenie w studiu Pygmalion. Zagrał w filmach, również telewizyjnych (Les gens du voyage, Femme Fatale Briana de Palmy, Engrenage, Intervention divine Eliego Sullimana), wideoklipach (Limbo negro Ménélika, L’école du micro d’argent grupy IAM) i zagranicznych reklamach. Jego brat wysłał do EuropaCorp kasetę demo, która wywarła wrażenie na Lucu Bessonie. Dostał propozycję zagrania w filmie Bessona Yamakasi, jednakże stosunki między nim a osobami, które wtajemniczył w sztukę przemieszczania, nie układały się najlepiej. Besson, pozostający z nim w kontakcie, zapoznał go Cyrilem Raffaellim, z którym Belle zagrał w 13 Dzielnicy. David Belle założył zespół Le Parkour Team PK DB.
- David Belle est un ninja acrobate philosophe monsieur qui peut passer dans une fenêtre fermée ou descendre un escalier sans mettre le pied sur une seule marche. Il s'agirait en premier lieu d'un jeune rebelle qui voulait faire baver les adolescents parce que "il a tro la class tavu wesh". Mais en second lieu il s'agirait plutôt d'un rebelle de la société qui ne voulait pas prendre le métro comme tout le monde (et qui voulait faire baver les adolescents etc etc ...). En troisième lieu il y'a une église et une boulangerie.