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- From the VHS release:
- Warlord is a ruling office of the Tsuranuanni Empire. He rules in the name of the Emperor, though in theory the Emperor could overrule him. The Warlord is chosen from the Five Great Families of the Keda, Tonmargu, Minwanabi, Oaxatucan and Xacatecas.
- The Warlord (Travis Morgan) is a superhero in the DC Universe and the defender of the magic world Skartaris.
- A Warlord is a specific Caste for Males of the Blood . Anne Bishop describes Warlords in the beginning of her books as: A Jeweled male equal in status to a witch. Warlords can have any jewel though the caste itself is noted to be far less dangerous and viscious than those of the Princes and especially Warlord Princes. While they are protective and powerful Warlords lack the aggression of their the higher castes.
- Warlords were war frigates in service of the East India Trading Company.
- Warlord is a level in Battlefield 2: Special Forces. It is set in a raid on an insurgent warlord's compound in Fallujah, Iraq and surrounding strongholds by British SAS forces.
- A Warlord (also known as a Guardian in Funimation) is a individual who's a part of The Eight Warlords (or the The Eight Guardians in the anime).
- Warlords are accomplished and competent battle leaders. Warlords stand on the front line issuing commands and bolstering their allies while leading the battle with weapon in hand. Warlords know how to rally a team to win a fight. Primary Stat: Charisma. Hit Points gained per level: 5.
- The Warlord for your convergence should be the most successful PvP member in your convergence. Your Warlords battle rating will give your convergence a Patria Bonus, Warlord Bonus, depending on your Warlords battle rating.
- "Warlord" is a Moon Man song produced by FireSpectreX, released to YouTube on December 30, 2016.
- The Warlord is more capable in one-on-many battles than in one-on-one combat and prefers long-range weapons, such as poles. He casts gusts of thunderstorms that cause enemies to faint in their tracks. The Warlord demonstrates his power most effectively in groups, such as during siege battles.
- Quu was the Warlord during the Force War.
- Travis Morgan was the Warlord of Shamballah.
- Warlord is one of the 18 different Retorts available for customizing and empowering Wizards in Master of Magic. All of the Warlord Wizard's troops (including Heroes but not Fantastic Units) receive a +1 Experience Level bonus upon being recruited. Normal Units may now reach the Experience Level of Ultra Elite. At Wizard-creation, this Retort costs two picks.
- Warlords are trained warriors who excel at leading others into combat. Trained in tactics and generally charismatic, warlords direct allies in battle and use words of encouragement to keep them fighting when injured or demoralized. With the proper skill, warlords can direct flanking maneuvers, feints, and other clever tactics in order to overcome the power of their foes.
- thumb|99px|Kodos, uno de los Warlords.Warlord es el antiguo título dado a la persona a cargo del War Ministry en el Kingdom of Acorn. Anteriormente, el cargo era mantenido por Kodos y Julian Kintobor durante la Great War. Cuando terminó la Great War, el War Ministry fue cerrado por Maximilian Acorn, poniendole fin al uso del título. (StH: # 74, # 78)
- Warlord is a class in the expansion set, A New Hero Arizes.
- The Warlord is a level 2 battleship; it is armed with two weapons, a plasma turret and a heavy laser turret. The laser turret has a shorter range but much better firing rate and accuracy than the plasma turret, allowing the Warlord to perform efficiently at both close range and long range. It is excellent at destroying other ships and shore bombardment, and can also withstand extreme amounts of punishment, but is completely defenseless against submarines. Its ARM counterpart is the Millenium. __TOC__
- "Warlord" was the 52nd episode of Star Trek: Voyager, the 9th episode of the show's third season, first aired on 20 November 1996. The episode was written by Andrew Shepard Price, Mark Gaberman and Lisa Klink; and directed by David Livingston.
- Warlord is an AI Ranker in the Last Raven VR Arena. Its rank is 16.
- Warlord is an Overlord class that specializes in increasing the power of monsters or reinforcing them.
- Power armor-wearing supervillain, arms dealer, and leader of a private mercenary army; from his Flying Fortress he attempts to foment wars and other armed conflicts. He is powered by captured Hzeel technology and is a member of The Galaxars.
- Only one subclass, marshal, has been published for the warlord class.
- Have a picture of this skill? Then please upload it! For more information please consult our image policies Class Race Skill Tree Type Cast Time Channel Time Target Range Radius Duration Cost Level Unlocked Morph One Morph Two Morphed From Warlord is a Passive skill that appears in The Elder Scrolls Online. It was introduced with the introduction of the Champion System during Update 6.
- A warlord was a military leader in charge of civilian territory. The Confederacy of Independent Systems made use of several warlords including General Grievous, who plotted to blockade and occupy planets such as Ryloth. Following the death of Emperor Sheev Palpatine at the Battle of Endor, many officers of the Galactic Empire became rogue warlords, including Kaplan. Approximately three decades after the Battle of Endor, Kylo Ren severed his ties with Luke Skywalker's Jedi and became a warlord of the First Order.
- The Warlord is the title and rank associated with the military leader of the Dragaeran Empire, who is responsible only to the Emperor. The Warlord also oversees the Imperial Guard. The person of the Warlord is traditionally addressed as "Your Excellency", and referred to as "His/Her Excellency". The position of Warlord is (almost?) always held by a Dragonlord, that being the House most concerned with matters military.
- Warlord is a pirate on the Opal Ocean. His alt, Warlordg, played on the Malachite Ocean, but has now gone dormant or has been deleted.
- Warlord was an Overlord title near the pinnacle of Shadowlands leadership, granted those who have fought many battles and proven effective in each of them.
- Travis Morgan, the Warlord was a male stripper with a total hard-on for dinosaurs. He traveled the mythical land of Skartaris plunging his hot steel manliness deep into the throats of his enemies. He spends most of his time complaining about his marriage, and slaughtering people for trying to kill beautiful monsters. His weapon of choice is always loaded, contains enough force to stop anyone in their tracks, and is ready to be pulled out and pointed at anyone in a second. He also carries a gun and a sword.
- Warlordthumb|Warlord w Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury. – jeden z bossów występujących w serii gier Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku.
- Warlords are warrior rulers of various lands and kingdoms. Thork was the Warlord of the Frost Orcs. Ancient warlords once forsaw that Graham would save his family from Mordack. Perhaps some may rule the Barbarians.
- Any leader of an army.
* Distinguished from a General in that the Warlord leads irregular armies.
* Using among the Orlanthi as a leader of a Tribal Confederation Source: History of the Heortling Peoples
- 2216; Autarch; Denar; detectie raster; Gallia nectar; gamma straling; Ilari; Ilari (planeet); lectrazine; Martin; Paxau; Paxau Resort; plasma injector; type-8 shuttle; viceroy; volleybal; Vulcan gedachtenversmelting; Vulcan nekgreep; warpkern breuk; warp signatuur; Yaro Provincie.
- A warlord is a person who rules over a land with the aid of a private army. Notable warlords included Xena, Draco, and Borias. This article is a stub, or very short article, that is most likely incomplete and needs expansion.
- Warlords are very distrustful at first (-50 Relationship) so players tend to rarely ally with them at all. Warlords have Communism as a government, and speak with a rather proud, but also somewhat evil voice, sounding in the Baritone or High Bass range. Warlords will not even care if an empire breaks the Galactic Code. If you are a Warlord yourself, you will have -20 relationship with others (except other Warlords and Warriors) because "You are a Warlord."
- On Saturday May 24th NateDawg said GoodBye to City Empires. ! Peace yall WARLORD is a city in South Eastern New Sparta. WARLORD was founded by NateDawg in February 4, 2008. WARLORD's leader, NateDawg, is also the King of New Sparta.
- Warlords are AOE master. They use polearm weapon and can hit multiple targes without skills. They rellay on no-target AOE stuns and are great for training. Provoke is great skill for pulling mobs (900 range at max level)
- With his matched Pike and Short Sword, called Sleaghgrim, the Warlord is a highly specialized job that combines the long reach of the pike and the speed of the gladius. The Warlord excels in smashing through his opponents’ defenses with the long swipes of his pike, granting him access to their inner defenses with his quick sword. The Warlord often uses his pike to vault over enemies while charging, quickly changing his position on the battlefield, giving him the opportunity to strike from above and behind. His ability to quickly change his positioning gives him many opportunities to strike at undefended backs and sides that his opponents may not expect. The Warlord can capture many enemies single handedly by suddenly dropping down from above or forcing them into a corner with his long reac
- Warlord is the third and final book of the Hythrun Chronicles Marla Wolfblade's world has been shattered by the death of both her beloved court'esa and her husband. But as she plans to take her revenge against Alija Eaglespike, the woman who forced Elezaar to betray her, a foolish deal she made years ago with the Assassins' Guild comes back to haunt her . Marla suddenly finds herself facing a new adversary in the dangerous and enigmatic assassin, Galon Miar, who may or may not be on her side.
- Warlords are genetically engineered versions of Overlords designed to push the limits of all biological organisms to their limits while staying relatively out of combat. At first glance they look like squids with smog coming out of their backs. While not exactly intimidating, these unit make up for this in their ability to support others in battle. For personal defense, Warlords can emit a painful ultrasonic shriek that can cause the brains of small organisms to explode (Starship Troopers: Brain Bug; Animorphs: Howler). Slightly more powerful than the ones used by Terran Spectres, these hypersonic shrieks either kill or immobilize anything nearby. Even crystal and non-crystal based circuitry is damaged by the high frequency sounds to the point of shattering.
- An Ork Warlord is always intimidating in his war panoply, as a fierce appearance is essential when ruling with an iron fist. He will claim the lion's share of the spoils of war, even if it means strangling a few Deathskulls Lootas that have got to them first. Warlords often ride at the head of their armies in clanking great Battlewagons covered in personal glyphs and banners.
- Strips included:
* "The Best of Enemies", about an uneasy alliance between a British sergeant and a German soldier in Korea
* "The Big Palooka", written by Mike Knowles
* "Big Willi", a panzer commander in the Afrika Korps, drawn by Mike Dorey
* "Bomber Braddock"
* "Codename: Warlord", an aristocratic spy called Lord Peter Flint
* "Drake of E-Boat Alley", naval strip drawn by Ron Smith, Jeff Bevan
* "The Dutchman's Revenge", drawn by Jeff Bevan
* "The Falklands File", drawn by Terry Patrick and Gordon Livingstone
* "Grimm's Gunners", drawn by Francisco Cueto
* "Gustav's Cossacks"
* "H.M.S. Smokey Joe", art by Denis McLoughlin
* "Iron Annie", about a Junkers crew, drawn by Mike Dorey
* "Kamfgruppe Falken", about a German penal batallion on t
- The Warlord wreaks utter devastation on the battlefield. He is a master at knocking down and stunning his enemies with brutal Hammer blows and cunning Chaos Magic. With the ability to constantly Weaken and Impair those who stand against him, those who face the Warlord is in for an exercise in utter frustration.
- Warlordism is a term coined to describe chaos at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the birth of the Republic of China, from the death of Yuan Shikai in 1916 until 1928. This period is called the warlord era of China. It can however be used to describe similar periods in other countries or epochs such as in Japan during the Sengoku period, or in China during the Three Kingdoms, or in Somalia during the Somali Civil War.
- The title of Warlord was bestowed by Emperor Palpatine to his most respected and important warriors. Thrawn received the title when he was promoted to the rank of Grand Admiral, and presumably, the same was done for his twelve counterparts and Darth Vader. What responsibilities the title came with are unknown, though it is assumed that it came with many privileges and generally outrank any other official in the military and most officials within the government, with the exception of possibly the Grand Vizier and Executor, and, naturally, the Emperor and his appointed lieutenants and Dark Side Elite.
- A warlord is a term used to describe a person who has assumed power over an area, and arbitrarily controls this area trough armed force. During the 22nd century, warlords existed on Preenos. (ENT: "Oasis") An unnamed warlord existed on Kelis' homeworld in the late 24th century. (VOY: "Muse") In 2374, Major Kira Nerys called the Female Changeling an "intergalactic warlord" and claimed that she was trying to turn Odo into one. (DS9: "Behind the Lines")
- Warlords are a type of enemy appearing in Random Kingdom III in the June 2014 Revision. Warlords are high-ranking members of Cyberian society, military leaders who take to the field occasionally to confront exceptional enemies. In combat, Warlords wear advanced powered armor that gives them impressive combat capability in addition to their strategic ability and experience. Several Warlords are encountered as named characters in the game; non-specified warlords are only encountered on one occasion in the game, on the Beaumont Train, where 3 are encountered in the train cars, alternating with Spotters and followed by a Vertigo Aerodyne.
- WARLORD's mind has been around. Stephan Andersen was once a Cobra Techno-Viper working on Cobra's Battle Android Troopers, but as a punishment was killed, and his remains installed into the second incarnation of BAT leader, Over Kill (version 2). When Over Kill was killed by the Decepticons, Weaver-9 used scans of his electronic and organic brains to reconstruct his twin minds and allow them to combine in an Autobot lasercore. Weaver-9 saw this as a way of bringing back his fallen friend and of addressing the Autobots' pressing need for solid front-line fighters. Now his merged minds command a hulking hover artillery platform with eight powerful legs used to stabilize him when firing his main cannon with deadly accuracy over ranges exceeding 50 kilometers, using his smaller drone units as
- Warlord, or Dr. Warlord as he prefers to be called, is a genetically engineered krogan super soldier. Bred and educated in a tank, he was intended to exemplify the best traits of the krogan, and help reinvigorate his species. He had been neglected by his creator Dr. Okeer and was marked as an imperfect krogan, but he actually proved to be one of Okeer's greatest creations and, apparently, his smartest aswell.