| - A troop of an intergalactic gladiators arrives on the planet, where they will hold their annual competition. Meanwhile, Smith, Will and the Robot work busily to repair a weather station. John comes to check on their progress, and the group is soon interrupted by a pair of large men in wrestling costumes who start a brawl. A third man appears and introduces himself as Myko. Myko commends John for fighting so well, and asks John to join his “Gamma Games,” an intergalactic contest that requires a representative from the planet Earth. John politely refuses.
| - A troop of an intergalactic gladiators arrives on the planet, where they will hold their annual competition. Meanwhile, Smith, Will and the Robot work busily to repair a weather station. John comes to check on their progress, and the group is soon interrupted by a pair of large men in wrestling costumes who start a brawl. A third man appears and introduces himself as Myko. Myko commends John for fighting so well, and asks John to join his “Gamma Games,” an intergalactic contest that requires a representative from the planet Earth. John politely refuses. In exchange for riches and passages back to Earth, Smith promises Myko that he will be able to convince John to change his mind. Myko agrees to the terms, but it turns out that Myko is deceitful and dangerous, but Smith has no idea. Smith tries to humiliate and pressure John into entering the fight, but still John refuses. Meanwhile, Myko reports back to his superiors. It would seem that the Gamma Games are a ruse, a way for leaders of Myko's planet to judge the strength of their enemies. An Earth man is needed so they can decide whether or not to attack the Earth. Smith continues to pester John to the point where John gets so angry he nearly strikes the doctor. Will is hurt and confused by his father's unwillingness to fight. Realizing that John will never change his mind, Doctor Smith and Will go to Myko to tell him. There they are permitted to watch some of the contestants in training, which is a very impressive sight. When Myko learns that John will not be participating in the games, he insists that Smith enter instead. He promises that Smith can pick his opponent, and Smith chooses Geoo, a man half his height. Unfortunately for Smith, it turns out that Geoo is a crafty fellow and can make himself disappear. Penny, Will and the Robot help Smith train. John is suspicious of Myko’s intentions and asks about the purpose of the games. Myko lies and claims they are only for entertainment. That night Myko contacts his superiors again, and John and Don eavesdrop on his transmission, learning the truth about Myko's intentions. When John informs Smith that Earth’s safety hangs in the balance, Smith is unconcerned, smug in the thought that he is going to win. John forbids Smith from entering and orders the Robot to guard him. The Robot does so by padlocking Dr. Smith in a cage, but Smith manages to trick the Robot and escape. He arrives at the Gamma Games and fights... but Geoo, with his superior talents, easily wins. Myko announces that earth people are weak and that Earth will be invaded and subdued. Fortunately, John arrives and insists on fighting to prove Myko wrong. He triumphs over Geoo by using strategy, but Myko will still not stop the invasion plans. Only when John challenges Myko himself and defeats him in a game of nerve does the alien back down, and the Earth is saved.