| - The most commonly used ship is a sloop, though some people may use war brigs for this purpose. Jobbing generally comes more from flag connections and hearties than from the notice board, as many jobbers off the notice board have lower stats than needed. Sometimes people with the required stats may be turned down due to the pillage already having those particular stations filled. Usually what the officer in command wants is to have a pirate of grand-master or higher standing on each station: bilging, carpentry, gunning, and sailing. Most pirates choose to go with 2 sailors, in order to have an extra mate aboard, in the case of someone needing to leave during battle, or if the ship stands high damage and quick repair is needed. The gunner is considered by many to be one of the most important people on the ship. They must be able to keep up with the navver, filling the guns as they are shot, possibly up to 4 in a turn. Sometimes the officer will attempt to find a legendary or ultimate gunner to make sure they will not have to wait for guns at an important point in the battle. In general, elite pillages are run on inter-archipelago routes. These routes give the best chance of encountering imperials that will give out high amounts of booty, giving the most poe to the participants of the voyage as possible. Pirates will often achieve a certain renown in their ocean by other elite pirates as being good at running a pillage, and will then be able to get jobbers much more quickly and easily. A sometimes useful site to help with obtaining those hard to find jobbers is UPAV;
* United Pillagers Across Viridian
* United Pillagers Across Cobalt
* United Pillagers Across Hunter
* United Pillagers Across Midnight
* United Pillagers Across Sage