| - A reggaetonero (or reguetonero) is one who speak over reggaeton riddims. They are like a singer in a rock band or a rapper in a rap song. In fact, although reggaeton sounds most similar to reggae, reggaetoneros tend identify hip-hop artists as their strongest influences. Reggaetoneros used to be known as raperos or rapeadores.Marshall, Wayne. "From Música Negra to Reggaeton Latino." In Reading Reggaeton (forthcoming, Duke University Press). In Havana, Cuba, some of the more successful reguetoneros are, in fact, former rappers who "have been, or still are, managed by the Havana-based Agencia Cubana de Rap."Baker, Geoff. "The Politics of Dancing: Reggaton and Rap in Havana, Cuba." In Reading Reggaeton (forthcoming, Duke University Press). These artists have added to the contentious relationship between rap and reggaeton in Cuba, but have "emerged as the clear winner" Baker, Geoff. "The Politics of Dancing: Reggaton and Rap in Havana, Cuba." In Reading Reggaeton (forthcoming, Duke University Press). due to the popularity of reggaeton among youth in Cuba. Some of the leading Cuban reguetoneros supported by the Agencia Cubana de Rap include: Cubanito 20.02, Eddy K, and Gente de Zona. The latter two groups, along with performers like CandyMan and Control Cubano have made strides to "Cubanize" their music and have added to the emergence of a timba-reggaeton, or Cubaton. The genre, however, is still not accepted as an authentic manifestation, but is seen more as a transnational import. Many Cuban reguetoneros lack professional training and record their music at amateur levels. For this reason, among others, reggaeton has yet to be accepted as an authentic Cuban genre. However, as the genre gains more attention and contributions from professionals, it continues to acquire more cuban characteristics and become more settled as a national music.