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- 2 of Hearts: 3 3 of Diamonds 2 of Clubs
- Mara Jade was one an Emperor's Hand during the early days of the Galactic Civil War. She carried out the Emperor's bidding, killing Rebels and corrupt Imperials alike with cold professionalism even as a young woman. After Palpatine's death, she received his last command, which was to kill Luke Skywalker; however, the death of her Master caused her to go rogue. Eventually she joined Talon Karrde, becoming one of his best smugglers and his second-in-command. She eventually encountered Skywalker, and developed a grudging respect for him. A fateful encounter in 9 ABY finally broke Jade of her desire to kill Skywalker.
- At the end of the Combat phase, each enemy ship at Range 1 that does not have a stress token receives 1 stress token.
- Is located inside the Death Watch Bunker at -4692 4269. Mara Jade is the "Emperor's agent" Darth Vader sends the player to meet with at one phase of the Imperial Themepark quest on Naboo. The character has a brief interchange with her, then she sends you back to the Emperor's Retreat. Mara is significant not because of who she is in-game (an almost insignificant NPC), but because of who she is in the Star Wars Expanded Universe. Also located in Theed at /way -5536 4396 during Empire Day. She starts the Empire Day Rescues.
- Mara Jade erlangte zunächst als Die Hand des Imperators Bekanntheit.
- Mara Jade erlangte zunächst als Die Hand des Imperators Bekanntheit.
- MARA JADE Mara Jade var Darth Sidious högra hand och kallades därför kejsarens hand. Kejsaren lärde henne att använda kraften och att prata med honom var hon än befann sig. Hon åkte runt och framförde ärenden på Kejsarens order.
- [Source] Mara Jade est une tueuse Sith ayant servi l'Empereur Palpatine. Lors de sa dernière mission, elle dut tuer Luke Skywalker, mais un clone de Luke, Luuke Skywalker, se présenta et elle le tua. Sa haine des Jedi était finie et elle se maria à Luke Skywalker.
- Mara Jade relies on stealth and cunning to create confusion. She does this by using her thermal detonator.
- Mara Jade is a character from the Star Wars continuum. Force-sensitive, she was raised by Emperor Palpatine to be an assassin and while dying, he sent her one last command: to kill Luke Skywalker. She joined a smuggler's crew and was eventually forced to work with Luke, during which time she grew to respect him. Several years later they were married, and had a son, Ben.