| - Charizard is Alain's main Pokémon, which he has owned since it was a Charmander, when Alain was still one of Professor Sycamore's assistants. Thanks to Alain's Mega Ring and its Charizardite X, it can Mega Evolve into Mega Charizard X.
- Bisharp was the fourth Pokémon Alain used to battle Ashe in the Lumiose Conference finals. It went up against Ashe's Blaziken, where despite the massive type disadvantage, managed to defeat it. Alain temporarily recalled it. It was later sent out again to face Ashe's Skarmory. Bisharp managed to defeat the dual Steel-type, but not without taking serious damage itself, causing it to be swiftly defeated by Ashe's Greninja.
Bisharp's known moves are Thunder Wave, Guillotine, Iron Head, and Focus Blast.
- Unfezant was the first Pokémon Alain used to battle Ashe in the Lumiose Conference finals. It went up against Ashe's Luxray, but was defeated.
Unfezant's known moves are Steel Wing, Sky Attack, and Air Slash.
- Alain found Gible abandoned and injured in the streets of Lumiose City. He then brought her to Professor Sycamore. They took care of her and watched as she evolved into a Gabite and then a Garchomp.
- Tyranitar was the third Pokémon Alain used in his battle with Ashe in the Lumiose Conference finals. It went up against Ashe's Gogoat, but was defeated.
Tyranitar's known moves are Dark Pulse, Stone Edge, and Crunch, and its Ability is Sand Stream.
- Metagross first appeared as a Metang when Alain used it in his rematch against Ashe. It went up against her Talonflame, and defeated it with the super effective Rock Slide.
By the time of the Lumiose Conference, Metang had evolved into Metagross. It was used in Alain's battle against Remo in the semi-finals, but was defeated by one of Remo's Pokémon.
It later reappeared as Alain's fifth Pokémon in the Lumiose Conference finals. It battled against Ashe's Luxray, which ended in a tie.
Metagross's known moves are Metal Claw, Psyshock, Meteor Mash, Agility, and Rock Slide.
- Weavile was the second Pokémon Alain used to battle Ashe in the Lumiose Conference finals. It went up against Ashe's Talonflame, but was defeated.
Weavile's known moves are Protect, Night Slash, Ice Beam, and Double Team.