| - For those of you who just joined, or just scrolled by this Wookieeproject, let me extend a warm welcome to you all. Though we are looking for users to join this project so it can happen, what has been accomplished already is great sart. Already, users on this project have started on Cade Skywalker, starting by sourcing the article, though it needs quite some work to make it GA quality once again.
| - For those of you who just joined, or just scrolled by this Wookieeproject, let me extend a warm welcome to you all. Though we are looking for users to join this project so it can happen, what has been accomplished already is great sart. Already, users on this project have started on Cade Skywalker, starting by sourcing the article, though it needs quite some work to make it GA quality once again. To those who are taking a cursory look at this project, let me extend a desperate offer for you to join. I don't mean to nag you without end, but if we only have a couple of users contributing to this project, its not going to happen. I would very much like to see some articles from the Legacy Era be improved, as the short length of some articles there are very painful to look at. I don't intend on an important section of Star Wars to be ignored, even if Legacy of the Force was painful to read. Cheers to all who have or will dedicate themselves to this project. Darthchristian 22:02, 8 June 2008 (UTC)