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- A Bowyer sells bows and crossbows. There is usually at least one in each important town or settlement. Bowyers can be found in:
* Breeland
* Bree
* Edwin Miller, Weapons and Armour Shop
* Mason Boyle, East Bree
* Harlan Reed, Weapons and Armour Shop
* The Shire
* Ered Luin
* North Downs
* Mallennor, Esteldin
* Jon Carver, Trestlebridge
* Trollshaws
* Ruthlas, Thorenhad
* Angmar From Lord of the Rings Online Wiki, a Wikia wiki.
- Bowyer ist einer von Smithy Leutnants und kommt ausschließlich im Spiel Super Mario RPG vor. Er hat eher mäßige Werte und ist deshalb kein starker Gegner. Er greift mit Feuerpfeilen an, wenn Mario, Geno und Mallow ihn angreifen. Nachdem Bowyer besiegt ist, bekommen Mario und seine Freunde das zweite Star Piece.
- Used when creating bows or arrows. Stand near a workbench and press Use button to start crafting.Purchased at for 500 gold. A Woodworking Knife is required to make arrows or bows. It can be purchased at a General Store or found in a Tool Chest. 100 Bowyer allows you to train Bowyer Mastery Bowyer Raises Vitality, Quickness, and Wisdom Exp Ratio- The more X's the more exp you gain
- Bowyer is one of Smithy's lieutenants in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars who resembles a bow. One of his attacks is firing his Aeroes at Mario and co. Bowyer started up a training facility for the Smithy Gang in Rose Town as Smithy ordered him to do so, but set it up in the Forest Maze. When Bowyer obtains the second Star Piece, he is confronted by Geno and soon enough, Mario and co. battle him.
- Bowyer is a character in the Super Mario series. He first appeared in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. He is Smithy's lieutenants. He looks like a bow, and fires his assistant, called Aeroes. His name comes from the word 'bowyer' which means a person who sells bows.
- Bowyer is a bow-shaped villain sent by the Smithy Gang to retrieve a Power Star in Forest Maze. He is usually accompanied by Aeros which he shoots at Rose Town, paralyzing all who get in their trajectory path. He is not to be confused with Bowser. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Bowyer is a boss in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars and part of the Smithy Gang. He is fought early on in the game in the Forest Maze and specializes in arrows. In fact, he can use his entire body as a bow to launch colossal arrows towards his enemies, which during the time of the game include Mario, Mallow and Geno. Directly before the player fights Bowyer Geno will join the party.
- Bowyer es uno de los tenientes de Smithy en el juego Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Bowyer se asemeja a un arco y ataca lanzando a sus esbirros (llamados Aeros) contra sus oponentes. Bowyer fue ordenado por Smithy para preparar a Pueblo Rosa de la ocupación militar. Así, Boywer creó un campamento en el corazón del Bosque Laberinto y empezó a lanzar sus flechas envenenadas contra el pueblo. Cuando una persona era alcanzada por una flecha, se paralizaba y permanecía inmóvil como estatua. Uno de sus Aeros, encontró una Pieza Estrella en el bosque.
- Bowyer est un membre du Smithy Gang dans le jeu Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Avec Mack, les Axem Rangers et Yaridovich, c'est une arme anthropomorphe, plus précisément un arc. Il a été envoyé par Smithy pour préparer Rose Town, dans une occupation militaire. En tant que tel, il s'est placé au cœur de la Forêt Labyrinthe et a commencé à tirer des flèches empoisonnées dans la ville. Quand une personne est frappée par une flèche, elle devient paralysée et reste bloqué comme des statues. Ses sbires trouvent le second Morceau d'Étoile dans la forêt.
- Bowyer is one of Smithy's lieutenants in the game Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Bowyer resembles a bow, and attacks by firing his minions (called Aeroes) at his opponents. His name comes from "bowyer", a person who makes or sells bows to be used for archery. Along with Mack, the Axem Rangers, and Yaridovich, Bowyer was made like a weapon, for Bowyer, a bow. Later, Mario, Mallow, Bowser, Geno, and Princess Toadstool encountered several mass-produced Bowyer copies in Smithy's Factory.
- Bowyer was a villain from the video game Super Mario RPG. He was created by Smithy. Bowyer shot arrows called Aeros at the inhabitants of Rose Town, but Mario and Mallow made their way through the forest to fight him. Geno, a doll possessed by a star, appeared to fight him, but just as Geno was about to be defeated, Mario stopped Bowyer. Together, Mario, Mallow, and Geno defeated Bowyer, and he was destroyed.