| - Tokhar Pathfinder Wildhorne is a hunter of the Tauren and represent the tribe of Wildhorne wich was destroyed many years ago when he was just a child by the Centuar. The tribe of Wildhorne was settled for many years in Stonetalon Mountains, the borders between the Night elfs and the Taurens. For long they co-existed in peace. One morning, a raid of Centaur entered Stonetalon Mountains and Wilderhorne tribe's settlement. It was a bloody battle, the tribe member took arms and defended their camp with all their strength and the Centaur began a siege on their settlement. For three weeks the tribe stood their ground with no way to escape for aid to the other tribes. When the hours became days and the days became weeks, the Elders of the tribe could see clearly that not even the Earthmother would be able to save them. So they started to hide their children in holes on the ground wich they covered with mud and leafes to hide its existence. it was there Tokhar's parents took him while they were about to make their final battle against the Centaur. Tokhar and five other children was put in a hole in one of the tents and was covered up till the battle was over. However, just minutes after they sealed the hole, the Centaur rushed the settlement and it was to become the last battle with the defeat of the strong and brave Wildhorne tribe. The children stayed in the hole two days before they took a peek outside, only to see their parents slaughtered and the settlement burned to the ground. Most of the children was only 5-15 years old and had no experience with pathfinding, hunting or survival technics. But they all decided to get out and start wandering till they can see another tribe of their kin. They walked for days with little food and water. During their travel, they were attacked by a animal of rage, the childen got scared and they ran in all direction. Tokhar and his friend Danki ran togheter in fear, but the animal was right behind them and in just a glimt of a moment, the animal took Danki. Tokhar to afraid to look back continue running and ran for almost felt like an ethernity. Tokhar relised very soon after he stopped moving his feets that he was now all alone, there was no sign of the others or Danki. Tokhar started to build himself a "home" with rocks, wood and leafes. He constructed spears with sticks and the like to defend himself. 10 years went to pass till a few members of the Grimtotem came across his home. They took Tokhar with them to their settlement. Tokhar was blessed by the local elder in the village of the Grimtotem, "Only the blessing of the Earthmother has saved him from the wilderness after so long." Tokhar was later taken from the Grimtotem village to another village owned by the tribe; Thunderhorn. The great Hunters of the Taurens. Their they learned Tokhar for years the art of beastmastery, pathfinding and the like. After 30 years of traning by the local elder of the village, Tokhar set on a quest to explore the world with only the Earthmother and his ancestors to guide him.