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Two people, appearing to be in their late teens, were sitting on a tree, the brown-haired individual handing upside down, legs gripping the branch. "So I killed him?" The child asked, looking up at the white-haired boy. "Yeah." He sighed. "You also gained his powers of course, having been introduced. Isshou, if you ever could use these all at once, you'd be a serious threat." "True, but why would I want to use him?" Isshou said in mock disgust. "He's ugly!" Awai's mouth twitched. Isshou was the first to notice. "Awai, someone cute is down there." He said, getting excited. "Go."

  • Soul Cutter: A True Reaper
  • Two people, appearing to be in their late teens, were sitting on a tree, the brown-haired individual handing upside down, legs gripping the branch. "So I killed him?" The child asked, looking up at the white-haired boy. "Yeah." He sighed. "You also gained his powers of course, having been introduced. Isshou, if you ever could use these all at once, you'd be a serious threat." "True, but why would I want to use him?" Isshou said in mock disgust. "He's ugly!" Awai's mouth twitched. Isshou was the first to notice. "Awai, someone cute is down there." He said, getting excited. "Go."
  • Two people, appearing to be in their late teens, were sitting on a tree, the brown-haired individual handing upside down, legs gripping the branch. "So I killed him?" The child asked, looking up at the white-haired boy. "Yeah." He sighed. "You also gained his powers of course, having been introduced. Isshou, if you ever could use these all at once, you'd be a serious threat." "True, but why would I want to use him?" Isshou said in mock disgust. "He's ugly!" Awai's mouth twitched. In the immediate vicinity, a androgynous, effiminate, and slender male, whose features are almost completely feminine in appearance sensed a unique spiritual pressure. His blonde-colored hair reached down to his ankles, and the front part of his hair was cut straight in a bob stroke. He had heterochromia; that is to say, his left eye was blue and his right was red. There was a facial marking like a red bolt of lightning trailing down his cheek from his left eye. He wore an elegant and ornate decorated kimono, and black high-heeled stiletto boots. His ears perked up, as his natural ability was to "hear" spiritual energy. More accurately, the way he sensed spiritual energy was through his ears. The single pressure split into double, as he approached the two, curious. Isshou was the first to notice. "Awai, someone cute is down there." He said, getting excited. Awai sighed. "5...4...3...2..." Before he even got to one, Isshou flung down from the tree, landing easily on the grass. He looked at the new arrival. "Hi." Isshou was smiling. Gazing upon this person, who was leaning in, Yuuki nervously replied, "Um...h-hi." Analyzing these two beings, Yuuki took note of their spiritual pressure. "Well...uh..." At a loss for , Yuuki could do naught but stammer. "Hello!" Isshou said, pressing his lips quickly against Yuuki's. Awai sighed from up on his perch, pressing a hand to his face. "Didn't even need to get to one." Embarassed by such an event occuring, Yuuki blushed profusely, as he attempted to calm himself. "U-Uh..." Yuuki thought to himself, "Such an embarrassing situation...I hope that white-haired guy doesn't get mad..." Regaining his composure, Yuuki queried, "U-Um...Who are you two?" "Isshoumaru Ureshii." Isshou said cheerfully, licking his lips with a smile. "Awaii Shirosaki." Awai called from his perch. "I have to apologize sincerely for my spouse. He gets...over enthusiastic." Still blushing, Yuuki replied, waving his hands in front of himself, "Ah, no no no no...It's okay. Seriously. I don't mind-" Yuuki cut himself off, not wanting to anger anyone. "Anyway...I probably sound intrusive, and I apologize if I do, but what are you two doing here, exactly...?" "Sitting." Awai said simply. "We have a habit of wandering around, and when it's time to rest, trees are our favorites spots. "What's your name anyway?" "Um..." Such a moment actually caused Yuuki to forget his name for a brief second. "Ahaha, sorry about that. I'm Yuuki Kaburagi." "That's a cute name." Isshou piped up. Awai sighed as if he'd seen this 1,000 times. "It's nice to meet you Kaburagi Yuuki." He extended his hand. Cautiously, Yuuki extended his own hand and shook Isshou's vigorously. "As it is to you two." "It's getting late, we're out in the middle of a godforsake wilderness." Awai said, looking around. "We have a cabin around here, and we'd be honoured if you'd join us Kaburagi-san." Scratching his head, Yuuki, seeing the two as potential allies, replied cheerfully, "Yeah, sure." Isshou grabbed his hand and began to lead him, following Awai, who turned to look at them. "I apologize again and ask you to bear with it. The food we have is worth the stress of Isshou." Nodding his head submissively, Yuuki replied, "I see." Yuuki was unsure of why he was agreeing to this. However, as he was starving and they seemed like kind person in his eyes, he followed the two. It didn't take long to reach the cabin, which actually looked pretty roomy. It was only when they got inside that Isshou let go of Yuuki's head and walked into the kitchen, leaving Awai and Yuuki alone in the room. Scratching his head, Yuuki motioned to Awai, questioning, "Um...so...What's it like...here...?" Yuuki, due to his low self-esteem and sheltered upbringing, was uneducated in such matters, hoping to learn from others. "This place in general?" Awai asked. "It's fine actually. This cabin was falling down, so we rebuilt it...Isshou installed a state-of-the-art-kitch, and now this serves a hideout for when we're out here." Placing his pointer finger to his lip in thought, Yuuki responded, "...Ah. I see." Scratching his head once again, embarrassed about his boring demanor, Yuuki continued and chuckled slightly, "...Sorry, I don't have much to say, usually. I'm so bad with ..." "Bad with conversation?" Awai supplied. "Ah, yup. How'd you-" Stopping himself once again, Yuuki could do naught in the face of such a situation, acting his usual subdued self. "You see, considering who I usually associate with, we're all usually distant...So I apologize for my-" "Calm yourself." Awai suggested as Isshou walked back in a flowery pink apron and carry several trays of rice, and fish. Apparently, fish was easy to catch around here, and Isshou just enjoyed rice. Isshou handed placed each bowl and dish onto the table they were sitting in front of each one of them. Isshou threw the apron to a far corner, and sat down on the far side of the table, because he couldn't decided which one he wanted to sit by more. Yuuki's severe social awkwardness was only more amplified by this outcome; hoping not to make a spectacle of himself, he slowly began to chow down, while thinking, "Ah...This is rather lovely. It's not that eyeball stew that Nika cooked up..." "This Nika is a terrible cook?" Isshou asked, while Awai began taking quiet bites of food. "Hai...ai...yes." Yuuki complied, all while anticipating if Nika would leap through the window. Isshou smiled. "Then you rest and enjoy decent cooking. There's tons to eat, so please, make yourself at home." Nodding, Yuuki replied to such an answer with a smile. "...T-Thank you..." It was a while before they finished the food, Isshou had made such an amount. They all looked content, or rather, Awai looked blank. Isshou got up, and opened a window. Moonlight poured in. "It's a nice night." He said, smiling. "Hey, Yuuki. I have an idea. Why don't we work off that meal? What would you say to a no holds barred match?" Slowly standing to his feet, Yuuki noticed the moon shining down. Such a sight reminded him of that young man with Zangetsu, and his own defeat at his hands. That night, he stood no chance against such a fearsome foe. However, that was in the past. Such matters were of no concern in the present. Sighing, hoping to see Isshou's might, as well as utilize this chance as an oppertunity to rise higher in strength, Yuuki replied, "Um...okay." He led them outside, to the center of the area. There were occasional trees, and it was all bathed in moonlight. "I may be a bit too serious, so I want you to stay on your guard." Isshou said, his skin pale in the moonlight. Thrusting his arm out, facing Isshou's direction, Yuuki whispered, "Reveal yourself, Jokyoku." As a symphony of musical notes resounded throughout the air, Yuuki summoned a naginata to his hand, grasping the polearm. "Shudder...Shinkon." He murmured, his katana changing into a pink Katana with a spiked guard and a red and blue clothed hilt. "I'll try to mar your body as little as possible." Isshou said smiling. "This will ensure that." He lept forward, appearing behind Yuuki. He swung his blade. Being struck by Isshou's weapon, Yuuki staggered back, clutching his right shoulder in pain. The wound that was inflicted upon him felt different. Reflexively breaking hold of his shoulder, the Shinigami then utilized Shunpo to translocate himself, appearing high in the air. "Now..." Uttering a singular command under his breath, Yuuki shot down like a Magpie swooping towards its prey towards Isshou, raising Jokyoku over his head before screaming, "Bakuhakuzan!" Slashing down upon Isshou, the blade of the naginata generated small explosions as the weapon closed in upon Yuuki's opponent. Isshou was good at sensing spiritual pressure however, and had turned in time to raise his blade up. The force bounced him back and Yuuki away, causing him to hit the ground hard. Awai watched without flinching. Isshou picked himself up, shrugging off the damage. "I can already tell I'm not strong enough..." Isshou thought. "But I did promise him a fight. So..." He held up his blade. "Wish...Yuigon!" He cried, being enveloped in smoke. Then a hand shot the smoke down, revealing a slim figured boy with pale skin, long white hair and lavender tinted white eyes. He was wearing a maroon blazer over a sleeveless purple shirt, a pair of blue denim and standard joggers. In his hand was a sword. He looked around. "Ugh...for the love of all that is holy..." Gracefully floating back down to the ground, the sharp tips of Yuuki's stillettos touched the earth. Gripping the haft of his naginata even tighter, Yuuki focused his gaze upon his opponent, questioning before he charged, "Wait...Did you transform? Your reiatsu is different than Isshou's..." Reflexively spinning the polearm around his wrist, reiatsu began to spiral up the haft and converge at the tip of the blade, being bathed in a pink aura. "I wouldn't call it a "transformation"." The boy said, frowning as he slung his blade over his shoulder. "I'm not Isshou. To be completely candid, I don't even have a real name. Isshou however, calls me "Shiro"." Complying with these , Yuuki nodded, "I see." Observing "Shiro's" frown, Yuuki then joked, "You're not a very happy person, are you? ...Ah, well." Thrusting his naginata into the air, the pink aura shifted itself to the tip of the blade, flowing into the air. Without a moment's notice, Yuuki slammed the naginata into the ground, shouting "Saigo no Katsudō!!" From the tip of the polearm, a swan-shaped wave of reishi shot out at Shiro, while Yuuki leapt back using Shunpo, preparing for his next move. He swung his sword quickly, the sight was blurred, and the swan was destroyed. His pose never changed, his expression didn't flicker. "I see." Awai thought, watching. "A pure shockwave. Brute force. Isshou knows how to make use of our strength, I've give him that." "Just like that, he caused my swan to dissipate? He's powerful, I'll give him that..." Yuuki thought as he moved his hands in a strange pattern. From all around "Shiro", strange seals, appearing as Greek letters formed, flashing black and white. Now securing a stable footing, Yuuki thrust his right arm out towards "Shiro" while calling, "Bakudanshiki!", causing the seals to begin to detonate around Yuuki's foe. "Seals?" He thought. The explosions proved to be good cover, allowing him to dodge the brunt of the blast without any lasting damage to himself. He raised his blade. "Show your immortal colors...Mitorihime." He said, forming several energy swords, while the blade itself became a glowing blue daito. Leaping back, Yuuki could only show a look of confusion towards this powerful opponent. Quickly regaining his composure, Yuuki utilized Shunpo to rush towards "Shiro", before calling, "Yatō Issen!" Upon delcaring such an attack, Yuuki unleashed twelve consecutive slashes at breakneck speeds towards his opponent. "Sankenshu." Using three of the swords that formed, he formed a large triangular shield, with each sword on a pointing, facing outwards. Yuuki's slashes met the durable, very sharp barrier, allowing Shiro to gain some distance. He then disengaged said barrier, causing the swords to come his way and the barrier to erupt in white flames. Yuuki managed to get caught within the snow-white searing flames, burning a small portion of his off, yet due to his kimono's special properties, he was able to keep his modesty. Regaining a stable footing, Yuuki leapt foward, thrusting his naginata foward while screaming, "Uchikubi Gokumon!!" As he called his attack, the blade of Jokyoku became immersed in red reiatsu, before it became inflamed, with the naginata speeding towards Shiro with the speed and force of a cannon shell. Shiro's face, pale, pinkened slightly at this, but he maintained his concentration. Seems Isshou messed with his mindset a bit upon fusion completion. Damn bastard. "Gokenkari." Five of the swords he had shattered, becoming long, blades of flame, like needles. "Go." The multiple needles shot forward towards Yuuki, with Shiro jumping back a bit to gain more distance. "Iyaaagh...!" Being pierced in every part of his body, Yuuki doubled over in pain, as from within the lacerations, crimson liquid began to ooze out from his skin slowly. Barely managing to stand, Yuuki immedately snapped back to his usual self. "Oh, was that a little blush I saw...? I'm honored, to be honest...Mhmhmhm." Intertwining his own fingers like a schoolgirl, Yuuki regained composure and leapt at Shiro once again. Perhaps due to his allies, he had adopted a strategy of 'Attack! Attack! Attack!' Calling, "Panchira Torunēdo!" Yuuki immediately flipped unto his left hand, performing upside rotating straddle split, similar to a tornado, before unleashing a plethora of kicks towards Shiro at breakneck speeds. "Bakudō #4, Hainawa. Bakudō #9, Hōrin." From his fingertips spread two ropes they attached to Yuuki's ankles and wrists, with difficulty due to the swinning. Shiro straightened him and levitated him with telekinesis. "Be this a real battle, I'd run you through." He said, his face unreadable as he threw Yuuki, the ropes releasing. Catching himself in mid-air, Yuuki quickly spun around, before shouting "Kazaguruma!" Yuuki immediately threw his body up into the air, making a shearing movement with the legs to get one leg in front of the other without holding on to the ground. Lifting his leg up high, Yuuki attempted to slam down on Shiro with incredible force. "An axe kick?" Shiro thought. "Shikensu!" He called out the attack name, swords rushed towards Yuuki to form a barrier around him to capture him, giving Shiro a chance to jump back. Getting ensnared within the barrier, Yuuki could only wait until the blades that encircled him dissipated, crossing his arms silently. Shiro looked bored. "The moment I release this barrier, it will explode in flames. Can you prepare yourself?" Silently, Yuuki nodded, as white, crackling reishi surround him. "Alrighty then...I can take all you dish out. Give me your worst!" Shiro frowned, release the barrier, which caught flame as he did so. As the flames danced ferociously around Yuuki's person, the Shinigami thrust Jokyoku into the fire, as the tip of the naginata became surrounded in brilliant white reiatsu. "Cleansing" the raging flames, the hazard was absorbed into Jokyoku, as Yuuki spun around, thrusting his weapon towards Shiro, releasing a vicious stream of flame at his opponent. He covered himself in a pink sphere, the flames hitting the barrier and then disappearing. Out of nowhere, they shot straight back at Yuuki, more like a beam than flame, tearing up the ground. Thrusting his naginata at Shiro once again, Yuuki unleashed raging flames towards Shiro's wave of destruction, managing to prevent them from touching him for a brief second. Immediately, Yuuki utilized Shunpo to leap over the beam, before launching a crescent moon of energy towards Shiro at an extreme velocity. Shiro's barrier took the brunt of the attack, absorbing it once again and reflecting it back in a large beam. He frowned. With this barrier up he didn't have to move. How long would it take the boy to break through?
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