| - Please leave this page in place for future content and Steamification BrentNewland (talk) 03:42, December 2, 2013 (UTC)
- You can find more information about the game on the Terraria Wiki.
- Terraria is a 2D pixelated sandbox/action/adventure indie game. This game is widely known to have been played by TotalBiscuit and Jesse Cox for over 2 years, and is quite possibly the series with the most views on both of their channels.
- Terraria is a sandbox game with building, , and RPG elements which was created by Re-Logic, published and developed on by Re-Logic, and published on consoles (developed by Engine Software) and mobile devices (developed by Codeglue) by 505 Games. It is available on Steam for $9.99, PlayStation Network for $14.99, Xbox Live Arcade for $14.99, Nintendo eShop (3DS) for $19.99, iOS for $4.99, and Google Play for $4.99. Several versions of the game also have free trial versions. __TOC__
- 300px|rightTerraria es un juego sandbox, de acción y aventura producido de forma independiente por el estudio Re-Logic. Tiene características tales como la exploración, la artesanía, la construcción de estructuras, combatir diversos monstruos y jefes. Puede ser jugado tanto solo como en multijugador. Además del inglés, el juego puede cambiar su idioma a alemán, italiano, francés y español. Actualmente el equipo de los desarrolladores está trabajando en una secuela: Terraria: Otherworld.
- Terraria is shame for Windows, Mac, iPhone, Android, Xbox 360, Play Station 3 and Nintendo 3DS. The entire shame itself is a rip-off of Minecraft, Infact, it was released when Minecraft Beta 1.4 was released!
- Terraria is an indie video game developed by Re-Logic. It follows a similar sandbox gameplay to Minecraft, but is more focused on the adventure concept rather than the building side of things. The unnamed main character lands on an land called Terraria, whose soil and nature has been corrupted. It is now his job to cleanses the land by slaying every Eldritch Horror waiting for a poor soul to fight them, and eventually defeats the Moon Lord.
- Das Terraria-Wiki ist ein Wiki rund um das englischsprachige 2D-Computerspiel Terraria.
- Terraria is a prequel to the unsuccessful indie-game Minecraft (which only sold 8 copies), set in 1977 AD when all games were rendered using one dimension. This, and the speculated Merchant NPCs' Nazi alignment, raised some controversy, as the game was actually a 2D version of Minecraft.
- Terraria es un juego sandbox, de acción y aventura creado por Andrew "Redigit" Spinks y producido de forma independiente por el estudio Re-Logic. Tiene características tales como la exploración, la artesanía, la construcción de estructuras, combatir diversos monstruos y jefes. El juego también consiste en la creación de objetos y artefactos como espadas, pistolas, accesorios, etc.
- Before leaving 100Megabytestogo, Vytheros made a series of Terraria consisting of 4 episodes, with another deleted episode. This was his only video series on the channel.
- Terraria es un videojuego de acción-aventura y mundo abierto desarrollado por el estudio Re-Logic. Fue lanzado inicialmente en Microsoft Windows el 11 de mayo de 2011, pasando por Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, iOS y Android en 2013, en Windows Phone, PlayStation 4 y Xbox One en 2014 para acabar finalmente siendo lanzado en Wii U y Nintendo 3DS entre 2015 y 2016.