| - cia
- The Central Intelligence Agency is an American security organization that through various means, including espionage and clandestine operations gathers information and intelligence for use by various US federal departments, including senate policymakers, department of defense, and law enforcement groups such as the FBI. By the timeframe of Appleseed, the CIA has become the sole security force of the seceded Imperial American Empire in the southeast, while the FBI merges with the KGB to provide a counterpart in the democratic US remainder to the northwest, the Russo-American Alliance.
- Cia (シア, Shia) is one of the major antagonists in Hyrule Warriors and one of three characters who were patched to be playable through a later update. She is an original character created by Omega Force and Team NINJA who doesn't originate or draw inspiration from previous Zelda games.
- The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) is a faction in RGS (Richtofen's Grand Scheme) Zombies Storyline, being playable in Nuketown Zombies, Town, Farm, Bus Depot, and Borough (Grief only). In Survival, they are playable and are switched randomly with CDC Agents. In Grief, they survive with or against the CDC. Their fate is decided by how long they survive. They strongly resemble the SSA (Secret Service Agent) from the Black Ops Campaign mission U.S.S.D. and also the civilians from Call of the Dead.
- Cia is an author of Forever Knight fan fiction. For an alphabetical list of Forever Knight-related material by this author, please see .
- CIA is Central Intelligence Agency, a part of the Executive Branch of the US Government. It was created to be a spy agency to fight the Soviet Union. It's founding members had largely been part of the Office of Strategic Services in World War II. See wikipedia:OSS.
- The Central Intelligence Agency is a intelligence Agency working for the United States Government. While the American are close partners with the United Kingdom, there has been tension between the CIA and MI5's Section D on numerous occasions.
- The Central Intelligence Agency is a major United States intelligence service, specializing in foreign operations.
- thumb|right|200px|Agenti CIA si určili nepriateľov hádzaním šípok do mapy sveta. Geniálne! Central Intelligence Agency, skrátene CIA, po slovensky Citrusovo Integrovaní Američania je americká výzvedná služba, ktorá sa zaoberá hlavne vyzvedaním toho, čo vyzviedli agenti iných výzvedných služieb od nich. Šéfom CIA je Chuck Norris, ktorý priamo spadá pod velenie Jano Slota ████████████. █████████████ je dosť dobrý kamoš Chucka Norrisa. Táto skutočnosť je jediným dôvodom, prečo je ešte nažive.
- The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is one of the principal intelligence-gathering agencies of the United States federal government.
- The Central Intellegance Agency (C.I.A) is a government agency of the United States.
- CIA je zkratka amerického, státem financovaného zábavního holdingu Chilli in Action, které se proslavilo po celém světě.
- L'Agence Centrale de Renseignements (Central Intelligence Agency) ou CIA, est une agence du Gouvernement des Etats-Unis responsable de l'obtention et de l'analyse d'informations à propos des gouverments étrangers, des sociétés et des individus. La CIA rapporte ces informations aux différentes branches du Gouverment américain. Elle peut également influencer les actions d'autres pays vers les intérêts des Etats-Unis. Elle est également chargée des opérations clandestines (renversement de gouvernements, éliminations, sabotages, etc.) mais celles-ci, bien que souvent citées, ne représentent qu'environ 3 % des dépenses de l'agence.
- Agenția Centrală de Informații (în engleză Central Intelligence Agency, abreviat CIA care se pronunță si ai ei) este un serviciu secret extern al Statelor Unite ale Americii, înființat în anul 1947. Pe lângă activitățile de spionaj, de strângere și de analiză a informațiilor despre guverne străine și persoane, cu scopul de a le pune la dispoziția instituțiilor statului american și statelor partenere, CIA întreprinde și acțiuni sub acoperire („Covert Operations“) în străinătate.
- The Central Intelligence Agency is the ultra-secret espionage organization, of USA.
- The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a government body charged with covertly protecting freedomocracy and libertocracy worldwide. CIA agents are known to keep a very low profile, as revelation of their identities might compromise the goals of the agency. A CIA agent's name may be disclosed only if Bob Novak determines it to be politically viable. The CIA does not mislead world leaders; they assassinate themEpisode #561 (Another meaning for the CIA is the Colbinista Intelligence Agency. You can see their webpage here.)
- A Agência Central de Inteligência (CIA) é uma agência de inteligência do governo dos Estados Unidos, responsável por obter e analizar informações sobre governos estrangeiros, corporações e particulares, e relatar essas informações para as várias seções do Governo. Veja Wikipedia para mais detalhes sobre a CIA.
- The acronym CIA may refer to:
* Central Intelligence Agency
* Certified Internal Auditor
* C = Confidentiality, I = Integrity, A = Availability
* Cryptographic Information Application
- Cia is a character in the Legend of Zelda series. She is the main antagonist in the upcoming game, Hyrule Warriors. She works with her companions, Volga and Wizro. She was originally a good-natured person and keeper of balance of the Triforce until jealousy got to her and she was corrupted. File:Tingle Dog.png This Legend of Zelda related article is a stub. Please help by expanding it. File:Tingle Dog.png
- Originally a person of morals, Cia has grown provocative and aggressive due to her corruption. She is not afraid to speak openly about her desires and thus has a strong sense of self. She wants to make the world and everything in it hers, especially Link. She shares some similarities with Veran, in that they both have similar outfits (including Cia's dress having elements used in Veran's concept designs) and can both summon multiple Dark Links.
- The CIA sent a US Airforce plane on a secret mission within the Arctic Circle when the plane had to make a crash landing.
- President Harry S. Truman created the Central Intelligence Agency in 1947 with the signing of the National Security Act. The act also created a Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) to serve as head of the United States intelligence community; act as the principal adviser to the President for intelligence matters related to the national security; and serve as head of the Central Intelligence Agency. CIA is important when being a spy, if you don't know CIA codes your destined to fail. Follow RULES of CoveOps class when going undercover for the CIA.
- The CIA divulges information about its activities to Congress and the President; however, it is suspected of extralegal activities. These "black operations" involve action against enemy governments or non-state actors, such as assassinations, inciting rebellion and (counter-)espionage. Agents involved in these missions may be disavowed if discovered. Officially and according to its charter, the CIA does not conduct operations in the U.S, but is suspected of it. These activities, while illegal, keep terrorist attacks from occurring.
- The Central Intelligence Agency or the CIA is one of the principal intelligence-gathering agencies of the United States federal government.
- After CIA captures Big Guy with his two brothers who have alotta loyalty for hired guns; Bane breaks free from his cuffs and crashes the plane with no survivors. It is presumed, however, that CIA survived.
- Unter der Abkürzung CIA versteht man verschiedene Dinge. Zum einen ist es der Name eines der am wenigsten geheimen amerikanischen Geheimdienste. Zudem gibt es eine gleichnamige Tochterfirma, welche von George Orwell gegründet wurde, welche im Fernsehgeschäft tätig ist. Zudem gibt es noch ein von der ersteren CIA produziertes Auto, der KIA. Zu guter Letzt gibt es noch eine, laut CIA-Geheimdienstangaben, nichts mit diesem ganzen Thema zu tun habende Fluglinie namens CIA.
- CIA; Criminal In Anus, oprettet i år 25 etter Jesus av Judas for å beskytte forbryteres rettigheter. Judas hadde på den tiden blitt steinet av fire tannløse horer, elefant sugd ut øyet hans med snabel og steinet av ti av Jesus hangarounds. I 503 saksøkte de den "Å se så mye penger vi har å bruke på korstog og det er galt å onanere"-kirken i Rom for å ha fremstilt Judas i et dårlig lys, siden har de vunnet mange uskyldig, tvungne-av-sin-tid, hardtarbeidende mennesker som Hitler, Stalin, David Toska, osama Bin Laden og mange fler. From Ikkepedia , a Wikia wiki.
- The CIA is mostly organized like a daycare. For example, in "Bush Comes to Dinner", Bullock forced Stan to sit in the "Quiet Area" and without "Milk Time". Every CIA agent has his/her own body double who looks exactly like him/her and knows everything about the other. Mainly, the doubles are for work purposes only but sometimes they are called in on personal business.
- La CIA est un service de renseignement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique. Catégorie:Organisations
- Die Central Intelligence Agency (deutsch Zentraler Nachrichtendienst), offizielle Abkürzung CIA, ist einer der Auslandsnachrichtendienste der Vereinigten Staaten. Während der Ereignisse um den Miracle Day im Jahr 2011 bekommen es die letzten Torchwood-Agenten Jack Harkness und Gwen Cooper mit dem CIA zu tun. Sie werden von dem CIA-Agenten Rex Matheson gegen ihren Willen in die USA gebracht.
* Mitarbeiter des CIA
- La CIA (Central Intelligence Agency, VF: Agence centrale de renseignements) est une agence gouvernementale chargée du renseignement extérieur des États-Unis. Ils apparaissent dans les jeux Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Call of Duty: Black Ops III
- Die Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ist ein Nachrichtendienst der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Ihre Aufgabe ist es Informationen über ausländische Regierungen, Unternehmen und Personen zu erlangen und zu analysieren und diese an die verschiedenen Zweige der Regierung weiterzugeben. Mehr Informationen über die CIA bei Wikipedia
- For one thing, the CIA employs many mutant operatives, including both of Tennyo's parents, whose codenames are Flashlight and Weasel, and her brothers, and hires mutant contractors such as Setup. Mr. Frisk, their boss, spends most of Parents' Day trying to get Tennyo to sign on too. He tries to keep Tennyo out of the action during The Christmas Crisis, but only manages to piss her off to where she'll probably report in dead before working for him.
- The CIA, better known as the Greater CIA or CIA II, was formed on Friday, March 7, 2008, at 11:13 p.m. by Seamus O'Malley III. 50 something years of age, Seamus liked to refer to himself as a traveling minstrel. Twice married, twice divorced. During his time in the CIA, Seamus specialized in espionage. Espionage was his life. Only two people in the world knew of Seamus' secret underworld identity--Seamus and an entity known only as "Control." Some believe Control was a mad genius. Others thought he was a computer. Still others believed that Control was God himself. It was debatable if Seamus was the real identity of the man that concerns us, or just a cover story for a greater agent. It is even possible that even Seamus did not know his true identity anymore.
- The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a civilian intelligence agency of the United States government responsible for providing national security intelligence to senior United States policymakers. The CIA also engages in covert activities at the request of the President of the United States of America.
- CIA ist die Abkürzung für Central Intelligence Agency der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Die Behörde hat zwar offiziell ihren Sitz in McLean, Virginia, der Standort wird aber als Langley bezeichnet (nach dem Stadtviertel in McLean, in dem sich die CIA-Verwaltung gefindet). Vorläufer der CIA war das im Zweiten Weltkrieg aktive OSS (Office of Strategic Services). Die CIA wurde 1947 durch das US-Gesetz zur nationalen Sicherheit (National Security Act) gegründet.
- Die CIA ist der Auslandsgeheimdienst der USA. Im Rahmen von MK Ultra und ähnlichen Programmen erforsche die CIA in den 50ern bis 70ern zahlreiche Drogen, wie Scopolamin und LSD, auf ihre Fähigkeit zur Beeinflussung von Menschen. Zeitweise war sie Hauptabnehmer der Schweizer Firma Sandoz für LSD. Auch Timothy Leary war an von der CIA finanzierten Forschungen beteiligt und der später als UNA-Bomber bekannte Ted Kaczynski war ein Proband dem in seiner Universitätszeit LSD verabreicht wurde. Viele Akten aus dieser Zeit wurden vernichtet, so das das gesamte Ausmaß der CIA-Forschung unbekannt ist.
- The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a civilian foreign intelligence service of the U.S. Government, tasked with gathering, processing and analyzing national security information from around the world, primarily through the use of human intelligence (HUMINT). As one of the principal members of the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC), the CIA reports to the Director of National Intelligence and is primarily focused on providing intelligence for the President and his Cabinet.
- CIA (ruse ЦИА) estas la ŝtata usona informcentro pri eksterlando fondita en 1947. La centra oficejo estas en Langley, Virginio.300px|right|thumb|Sidejo de CIA Ĝi zorgas provizi kaj analizi informojn pri alilandaj estraroj, firmaoj kaj individuoj kaj raportas tiajn informojn al la usona registraro. La CIA World Factbook estas informfonto senkopirajta kiu ebligas riĉigi la geografiajn paĝojn de la Neciklopedio. 300px|left La Monda faktolibro de CIA (CIA World Factbook) estas oficiala eldonaĵo de la CIA de Usono, referenca rimedo, detale priskribante en almanaka stilo ĉiun landon en la mondo, laŭ geografia, demografia, politika, ekonomia vidpunktoj. Ĝi estis originale ĉiujara libro, sed la eldono de 2008 estis la laste papere presita fare de la CIA. Ĝi disponigas duon- ĝis tripaĝan resumon pr
- thumb|Πράκτορας του CSI-ΤήλοςCIA ή αλλιώς ΣΙΑ - Σύλλογος Ικανοποιημένων Αυνανιστών. Αυτός ο σύλλογος ενυπήρχε από τα τέλη του 1940 μετά την πτώση του Αδόλφου και την καταστροφή του Ντεθ Σταρ . Δημιουργήθηκε από την κορυφαία και ύψιστη κυβέρνηση των ΗΠΑ με σκοπό να ελέγχουν ακόμα αποδοτικότερα τους νουμπάδες κατοίκους των ΗΠΑ . Επιπλέον αυτός ο σύλλογος διοργανώνει ομαδικά πάρτυ με δορυφορική τηλεόραση 500 και βάλε καναλιών τα οποία δείχνουν την αγαπημένη εκπομπή των μελών - το Big Brother . Μάλιστα τους αρέσει τόοσοο πολύ που το παρακολουθούν καθημερινώς και λαμβάνουν σήμα από κάθε χώρα στον κόσμο . Είναι ματάκηδες οι άνθρωποι τι να κάνουμε!