Tana es la princesa del reino de Frelia y Hermana de Innes , también es una Jinete Pegaso. Categoría:Personajes del Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones Categoría:Personajes femeninos del fire emblem Categoría:Esbozos Categoría:Jinetes pegaso Categoría:Personajes jugables Categoría:Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Tana is a playable character in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. She is the princess of Frelia, and the younger sister of Innes.
Tana is a character residing in the city of Arenthia.
Tana is a female dolphin at Monaco Bay. She answered the bell at Monaco Bay Weyr, when T'lion rang it. She and her calf. She told Mirrim that the rider was pregnant. Something that T'lion Both T'gellan and Mirrim were surprised by this but very glad since going between can cause women to miscarry.
Tana is a type of herbal plant needed by mummies to bring back life.
Tana (ターナ Tāna, Turner in the Japanese version and Dana in the Italian version) is a playable character in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. She is the princess of Frelia, and the younger sister of Innes.
Tana is a level 40 hunter trainer located at Farstriders' Square in the blood elf capital of Silvermoon City. She starts the quest File:Horde 15.png File:Ui-charactercreate-classes hunter.png [10] Seek the Farstriders.
Tana (Tana pronunciation: /'tana/) is a language currently under construction.
Tana ist der Name verschiedener Afrikanischer Elefantenkühe:
* der im Tierpark Berlin geborenen Kuh Tana im Zoo Halle;
* der aus Simbabwe stammenden Kuh Tana im Knowsley Safari Park in England.
Tana ist eine blutelfische Jägerin in der Waldläuferhütte am Platz der Weltenwanderer in Silbermond.
|} Wu師の教えを探求する者。Inara の弟子のまじめな方。
Tana is one of two competing tribes on Koh-Lanta: Vanuatu. Their tribe color is yellow.