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- History of location is unknown.
- The Yukon is canada's most northwestern territory. Established:1898 (by: Sir Wilfred Laurier)
- Yukon ist eine Winter Karte die im Jahr 2015 veröffentlicht wurde. Sie ist verschneit und liegt im Nordwesten von Kanada.
- Le Yukon était un fleuve situé en Amérique du Nord sur Terre. Au 24ème siècle, le runabout USS Yukon de classe Danube fut ainsi nommé en l'honneur de ce cours d'eau. L'épisode DS9: "Family Business" établit que les runabouts de DS9 sont nommés ainsi en référence aux fleuves de la Terre.
- Yukon is Balto and Jenna's child, and is also Aleu, Kodi, and Dingo's sibling. They are seen in Balto II: Wolf Quest, and Balto III: Wings of Change.
- Yukon is a Standard Control Point map. It is one of the community maps chosen by Valve and was included in the Classless Update as an honorary official map due to its outstanding quality. It also is one of the top played competitive maps in 6v6 leagues. The goal is to capture all five of the control points. Each team starts with their second and final control points locked, and only the middle point available.
- Yukon is the westernmost and smallest of Canada's three federal territories. Whitehorse is the territorial capital and Yukon's only city.
- See Yukon (solitaire).
- Yukon is a pinball machine produced by Williams.
- Yukon (ユーコン Yūkon) is a marksman bandit from Corral Island and a member of the cowboy gang, the Kuro Lobos Gang. Being the third strongest member of the gang, Yukon is sometimes referred to as Gamma. Being one of the antagonists of the Wyatt Arc in One Dream, Yukon fought against and lost to Rose Glory of The Jolly Pirates; aiding in the total defeat of the Kuro Lobos Gang.
- Yukon was one of the main characters of the stage play "Quest for the Golden Puffle." He was a timid male explorer. He claimed to be "allergic to danger", but he still followed Alaska into scary places. He is frightened by many things, while Alaska (considered his polar opposite) is a lot more brave than him.
- Yukon ou T'es con est le mot canadien pour dire «vous êtes cons» ou en anglais "You have been conned". C'est d'ailleurs le terme le plus utiliser pour illustrer un con au Canada, sauf au Québec et en Acadie. Et en plus c'est la province où ont trouve le plus grand nombre de cons sur la planète exposant leur connerie au yeux du monde, dont Brice de Nice où il tire sa fierté de vivre là-bas.
- Banksia was a province in the North American Union. It, Baffin, and Hudsonia, were the northernmost Provinces of the NAU. Banksia was bordered by Baffin to the east, Vancouver to the south, and Russian Alaska to the west, with a small north coast on the Arctic Ocean.
- The Yukon is a cold merciless land to north of Fredonia in northern Vespuciland. It is the home of Sargeant Yukon.
- Yukon is one of the main characters of the stage play: Quest for the Golden Puffle. He is a timid male explorer. He claims to be "allergic to danger", but he still follows Alaska into scary places. He is frightened by many things, while Alaska (considered his polar opposite) is a lot more brave than him.
- The flag of the Yukon territory (in northern Canada) is white background, with two vertical stripes on the hoist (blue) and fly (green). A very large representation of the Yukon territorial coat of arms is in the center of the white area. Underneath the coat of arms is a stylized version of two fireweed sprigs.
- Yukon ist eine Waffentarnung in Call of Duty: Black Ops.thumb|Yukon
- They were the most advanced of them all. They are even more advanced than the ancient.
- Yukon is a territory in Northern Canada, a part of Canada.
- El es un personaje de la obra de teatro En busca del puffle dorado
- Yukon is a landlocked map featured in Age of Empires III. The map takes place in a location in Northern Canada and consists of an arctic wasteland with a flora and fauna suited with this kind of climate. Players start in the larger section of the map. In each map, there may be either two Cree or Nootka settlements across the river. The access to the northern area of the river may have two or three crossings. There is also a trade route which always has four trade sites.