| - Today all of us minus Richie who had to work are participating in a Scavenger Hunt competing against other area high schools. We decided to split up into two teams each taking half of the clues so that we can collect them faster. So Tommy, Adam, Zack, Curtis, Kimberly, Kat, Preston, Angela, and I are on one team while Jason, Trini, Billy, Aisha, Josh, Tanya, Spencer, and Rocky are on another. Right now my team is going through the park looking at our next clue. "Ok so what's our next clue?" Curtis wondered "Ok. It's the color of a tomato has wheels and can travel at great speed." Kimberly read "A picture of this is all you need." Preston finished reading "What do you think it is?" Adam wondered "Wouldn't have a clue." Tommy admitted "Um a stop sign on wheels?" Preston suggested I laugh at that as that be something he would most likely come up with. "You have a guess as to what it could be Paul?" Kimberly inquired "Um it's most probably a Red Car." I stated Kimberly then looked up and saw a Red Car. Kimberly then ran over to the car. "Quick take a picture." Kimberly stated "Say Scavenger Hunt." Tommy instructed "Scavenger hunt." Adam, Angela, Zack, Curtis, Preston, Kat, Kimberly, and I said together "Got it." Tommy stated after he took the photo "Ok so how many clues do we have left?" Kimberly wondered as Tommy walks up to us "Six the others have the other half." Zack mentioned "It's too bad that Richie could play with us." Angela mentioned "Yeah I know but he couldn't leave Ernie alone this time around." Curtis mentioned "So what's the next clue?" Adam asked "Oh let's see here. It's small and makes a noise that can stop a game people can also do it just the same." I read "This is hard." Preston mentioned "Yeah no kidding." Kat agreed "I've got an idea come on." Kimberly mentioned running off "You think she likes this game?" Kat wondered "O Yeah." Zack and I agreed together We all laughed and ran off after my cousin. "So the Rangers are playing a game of Scavenger Hunt." Lord Zedd stated "Yes Master." Goldar confirmed "Then I'll send them to a permanent Scavenger Hunt in the Lost Galaxy." Lord Zedd mentioned Rocky, Billy, Jason, Trini, Tanya, Josh, Spencer, Taryn, and Aisha walked in and walked up to the table. "Man these clues are tough." Rocky said "You said it." Tanya agreed Richie then came over and gave them each a drink. "Thanks Richie." Taryn thanked "No problem man I kind of wish I could be out there playing with you guys." Richie mentioned "No worries Richie we know you couldn't leave Ernie." Billy stated "You know looking at these clues some of them seem kind of weird." Spencer stated "I agree." Josh agreed "And speaking about weird." Jason mentioned pointing ahead Suddenly Bulk and Skull walked in dressed like gypsies. "What are you two doing this time?" Trini questioned "By tapping into the Gypsies powers we are going to find the Power Rangers." Bulk stated "Um guys, that's just a hoax." Billy mentioned "Shows how much you know geek." Skull stated "Ok we go now." Rocky stated finishing his drink "Right behind you." Aisha agreed "See ya later guys." Richie told them "Sure thing man." Preston stated as they clasp hands They all finished their drinks then Aisha, Rocky, Kat, Trini, Billy, and Jason walked out of the Youth Center as Richie took the empty glasses and headed for the counter. "Soon the Lost Dimension will be open and I'll send the Rangers in there and they'll be lost there forever." Lord Zedd stated "Taryn what's the next clue?" Josh questioned "Consider this a weapon kings used in battles past. That hit its target from the sky with a great big blast." Taryn read "A sword maybe?" Rocky suggested "A sword doesn't its target from the sky." Trini stated "Actually it might be some kind of artillery I think it might be this." Billy told them Billy then pulled out a toy cannon "Of course a cannon." Aisha stated "Yeah my little cousin left it here last summer." Billy told them "Come on lets go and look for the other clues." Spencer mentioned The nine then left Billy's Lab. "Perfect. Goldar send down the Putties to get the Blue Dino Ranger's toy Cannon I'll turn it into my Cannontop monster." Lord Zedd ordered "Yes my lord." Goldar stated Billy, Jason, Trini, Taryn, Spencer, Josh, Rocky, Tanya, and Aisha were walking along through the park. Suddenly then the Putties showed up. "Oh great Putties." Tanya stated "Rangers spread out." Jason instructed The Rangers fought back against the Putties and Billy threw the item bag at one of the Putties and when the Rangers defeated the rest of the Putties the three remaining Putties ran off with the item bag. "They took the bag with the Scavenger items in it." Billy stated "What would Lord Zedd want with those?" Rocky wondered "I don't know but we better contact the others." Taryn mentioned "Good idea." Trini agreed Tommy, Angela, Zack, Curtis, Adam, Preston, Kat, Kimberly, and I walked into the high school. "It's small and makes a noise that can stop a game and people can do the same." Kimberly read Suddenly our Communicators goes off. "Talk about a noise that could stop a game." Preston mentioned "This is Paul we read you." I said into the Communicator "Paul this is Jason. Listen we were attacked by Putties and they took off with our item bag." Jason said through the Communicator "Oh man what is Zedd up to this time?" Zack wondered "I don't know but we better stay in contact." I said into the Communicator "Good idea." Jason said through the Communicator "Oh and good luck with hunt." I said into the Communicator "Thanks you guys too." Jason said through the Communicator "Ok let's get back to the game." Kimberly stated Just then we heard bells and turned around to see Bulk and Skull. I then clicked my fingers. "Whistle." I mentioned "What?" Kat wondered "A whistle it's small and makes a noise that can stop a game, people can also do it just the same." I told her "Yeah your right." Zack stated "Come on let's go find one." Kimberly told us We then walked off to go find one. "It is I that'll stop your game. Goldar did you hide the Cannon?" Lord Zedd inquired "Yes my lord right in the center of the park just as you have instructed." Goldar informed him "Good now Cannontop arise." Lord Zedd stated The toy Cannon got transformed into Cannontop. "I've locked onto you Rangers and your about to get a real blast." Cannontop stated The Alarm sounded. "Ayi, yi, yi Lord Zedd has sent down a new monster." Alpha cried out "Oh dear this is bad." C-3PO mentioned "Contact the Rangers Alpha." Zordon said Just then Jason's Communicator beeped "This is Jason we read you Zordon." Jason said into his Communicator "Jason there is a monster in the center of the park. Alpha will contact the other Rangers and have them meet you there." Zordon said through the Communicator "IT'S MORPHIN TIME!" Jason yelled out "LIONZORD!" Rocky yelled out "GRIFFINZORD!" Aisha yelled out "RED DRAGONZORD!" Tanya yelled out "SARCOSUCHUS!" Josh yelled out "ANKYLO!" Spencer yelled out "STEGOSAURUS!" Taryn yelled out "TRICERATOPS!" Billy yelled out "SABER-TOOTH TIGER!" Trini yelled out "TYRANNOSAURUS!" Jason yelled out "I've got Master Paul on the Viewing Globe Zordon." C-3PO informed him "What is it Zordon?" Paul asked through the Viewing Globe "Paul there is a monster in the park Jason, Billy, Trini, Tanya, Taryn, Specner, Josh, Rocky, and Aisha are already there." Zordon said "What about Richie?" Paul asked through the Viewing Globe "Alpha will try and contact Richie and have him meet you and the others there." Zordon stated "IT'S MORPHIN TIME!" I yelled out "RHINOZORD!" Curtis yelled out "FIREBIRDZORD!" Kat yelled out "UNICORNZORD!" Adam yelled out "RAPTOR!" Angela yelled out "BRACHIOSAURUS!" Preston yelled out "TIGERZORD!" I yelled out "DRANGONZORD!" Tommy yelled out "MASTODON!" Zack yelled out "PTERODACTYL!" Kimberly yelled out Suddenly Richie's Communicator goes off. "Hey Ernie I'm going on my break." Richie told him "Yeah sure thing Richie." Ernie stated Richie then took off his apren and goes to an secluded hallway. "What's up Alpha?" Richie asked into his Communicator "Richie the other Rangers need your help in the park Lord Zedd has just sent down another monster." Alpha said through the Communicator "Got it Alpha I'm on it." Riche said into the Communicator Richie looks around again to make sure no one is around. "IT'S MORPHIN TIME!" Richie yelled out "SPINOSAURUS!" Richie yelled out All nineteen of us then showed up. "Hello Rangers I'm Cannontop and I have you locked in my sight." Cannontop told us "Keep dreaming cannon freak." Preston told him "Alpha, what's the status on the Thunder and Prehistoric weapons?" I asked into the Communicator "They are online and ready for the call Paul." Alpha said through the Communicator "Great thanks Alpha." I said into the Communicator "Thunder and Prehistoric Weapons?" Taryn inquired "what are they?" Rocky wondered "New weapons that Alpha, 3PO, R2, and I have been working on. Rocky, Adam, Kat, Aisha, and Tanya call on your weapons by saying Thunder Weapons and Preston, Josh, Spencer, Taryn, Angela, and Richie call on yours by saying Prehistoric Weapons." I told them "Right Paul you guys ready?" Tanya inquired to Adam, Rocky, Aisha, and Kat "Yeah let's call on them." Adam stated "Thunder Weapons." Rocky, Adam, Aisha, Kat, and Tanya called out Just then the Thunder Weapons appeared. Rocky with the Thunder Axe, Kat, with the Thunder Bow, Adam with the Thunder Lance, Aisha with the Thunder Daggers, and Tanya with the Thunder Sword.(AN: They look just like the main five Power Weapons but with the Thunder Zords' logo on them and the Thunder Axe green and also have some white and gold on them.) "Whoa these are real cool." Rocky stated "Yeah they are." Adam agreed "Ok guys let's call on ours." Preston mentioned to Josh, Taryn, Spencer, Angela, and Richie "Right." The others agreed Prehistoric Weapons." Preston, Taryn, Spencer, Josh, Angela, and Richie called out Just then the Prehistoric Weapons appeared. Spencer with the Ankylo Axe, Taryn, with the Stego Bow, Richie with the Spino Lance, Angela with the Raptor Daggers, Preston with the Brachio Sword, and Josh with the Gator Sword.(AN: The first five as before look just like the main five Power Weapons but with the Prehistoric Dino Zords' logo on them and the Ankylo Axe is White and also have some Black and Gold on it.) "Whoa these are awesome so cool." Spencer stated "Yeah they are." Preston agreed "Ok guys time to bring our weapons together." I told them "Right ok Rangers time for the Power Blaster." Jason instructed to Kimberly, Billy, Zack, and Trini "Right." Trini, Zack, Kimberly, and Billy agreed together Trini, Zack, Kimberly, Jason, and Billy then held their weapons into the air and made them touch. "Power Axe." Zack called out changing the Axe from Axe mode to Cannon Mode. Then Zack threw the axe into sky. "Power Bow." Kimberly called out Then Kimberly threw the bow in to the sky where it combined with the Power Axe. "Power Daggers." Trini called out Then Trini threw the daggers in to the sky where they combined with the Power Bow and both daggers landed on each side of the Power Axe. "Power Lance." Billy called out Then Billy threw both pieces of the lance into the sky and combined with the Power bow and landed between the Power Daggers and Power Axe on each side. "Power Sword" Jason called out Jason then jumped up and placed the Sword on top of the Power Axe and brought it back down to Earth. Then the other Rangers came and held on to Jason or the Power Blaster with Billy and Kimberly standing to his right and Zack and Trini standing to his left. "POWER RANGERS!" Jason, Billy, Trini, Zack, and Kimberly yelled at the same time "Ok guys let's form the Thunder Blaster." Tanya told Kat, Aisha, Adam, and Rocky "Right." Rocky, Billy, Kat, and Aisha agreed together Aisha, Tanya, Kat, Rocky, and Adam then held their weapons into the air and made them touch. "Thunder Axe." Rocky called out changing the Axe from Axe mode to Cannon Mode. Then Rocky threw the Thunder Axe into sky. "Thunder Bow." Kat called out Then Kat threw the bow into the sky where it combined with the Thunder Axe. "Thunder Daggers" Aisha called out Then Aisha threw the daggers into the sky where they combined with the Thunder Bow and both daggers landed on each side of the Thunder Axe. "Thunder Lance." Rocky called out Then Rocky threw both pieces of the lance into the sky and combined with the Thunder Bow and landed between the Thunder Daggers and Thunder Axe on each side. "Thunder Sword." Tanya called out Tanya then jumped up and placed the Thunder Sword on top of the Thunder Axe and brought it back down to Earth. Then the other Rangers came and held on to Tanya or the Thunder Blaster with Adam and Kat standing to his right and Rocky and Aisha standing to his left. "THUNDER RANGERS!" Tanya, Rocky, Aisha, Adam, and Kat yelled out at the same time "Ok guys time for the Prehistoric Blaster." Preston told Spencer, Taryn, Richie, and Angela "Right." Spencer, Taryn, Richie, and Angela agreed Angela, Taryn, Spencer, Richie, and Preston then held their weapons into the air and made them touch. "Ankylo Axe." Spencer called out changing the Axe from Axe mode to Cannon Mode. Then Spencer threw the Ankylo Axe into sky. "Stego Bow." Taryn called out Then Taryn threw the bow into the sky where it combined with the Ankylo Axe. "Raptor Daggers" Angela called out Then Angela threw the daggers into the sky where they combined with the Stego Bow and both daggers landed on each side of the Ankylo Axe. "Spino Lance." Richie called out Then Richie threw both pieces of the lance into the sky and combined with the Stego Bow and landed between the Raptor Daggers and Ankylo Axe on each side. "Brachio Sword." Preston called out Preston then jumped up and placed the Brachio Sword on top of the Ankylo Axe and brought it back down to Earth. Then the other Rangers came and held on to Preston or the Prehistoric Blaster with Richie and Taryn standing to his right and Spencer and Angela standing to his left. "PREHISTORIC RANGERS!" Preston, Spencer, Tanya, Angela, and Richie yelled out at the same time "Gorilla Battle Mode." I called out Just then, my whole suit changed I have the Gold Ranger's shield and my White Ranger suit also has Golden stripes around and there is a Gorilla Coin in the center of the shield. "Ok guys, Tommy, Curtis, Josh, and I will go in first then you guys follow." I instructed as I pull out both Saba and Xavier "Right bro." Jason agreed Tommy pulled out his Dragon Dagger and Curtis pulled out Rocks. The four of us then charge in our weapons glowing Tommy's Dragon Dagger glowing Green, Josh's Gator Sword glowing Ruby Red, Rocks glowing Purple, Saba glowing White and Xavier glowing Gold. Tommy and Curtis jump up and slash down on Cannontop followed by Josh. I then charge in past them and jump in the air and slash down on Cannontop in a 'X' formation landing in a tiger pose as Cannontop goes to the ground. "Guys now." I called out Tommy, Curtis, Josh, and I move out of the way. "Let's do this." Tanya stated "That doesn't scare me." Cannontop stated struggling to stand up "Ready." Jason started "Aim." Preston continued "FIRE!" They all shouted out together Their combined blasts fired and destroyed Cannontop. "Oh no you don't Rangers. Time for Cannontop to grow." Lord Zedd stated throwing down his bomb device Suddenly Cannontop grew thirty stories tall. "All Zords assemble, Power up now." All of us called out "Tyrannosaurs Dino Zord Power." Jason called out Just then the Tyrannosaurs Zord came out of the earth "Mastodon Dino Zord Power." Zack called out Just then the Mastodon Zord came out of the ice. "Triceratops Dino Zord Power." Billy called out Just then, the Triceratops Zord rolled along the desert. "Saber-Tooth Tiger Dino Zord Power." Trini called out Just then the Saber Tooth Tiger Zord ran along the jungle. "Pterodactyl Dino Zord Power." Kimberly called out Just then the Pterodactyl Zord came out of a volcano. "Brachiosaurus Dino Zord Power." Preston called out Just then the Brachiosaurus Zord came walking out of the ocean. "Raptor Dino Zord Power." Angela called out Just then the Raptor Zord came running out of the jungle. "Ankylo Dino Zord Power." Spencer called out Just then the Ankylo Zord came walking out of the woods "Stegosaurus Dino Zord Power." Taryn called out Just then the Stegosaurus Zord came charging out of the mountains "Spinosaurus Dino Zord Power." Richie called out Just then the Spinosaurus came rolling out of the dessert. "Sarcosuchus Dino Zord Power." Josh called out Just the the Sarcosuchus Dino Zord came walked out of the swamp. "Green Lion Thunder Zord Power." Rocky called out Just then the Lion Thunder Zord comes down through the mountains "Pink Firebird Thunder Zord Power." Kat called out Just then the Firebird Thunder Zord comes flying down through the mountains "Blue Unicorn Thunder Zord Power." Adam called out Just then the Unicorn Thunder Zord came down through the mountains "Yellow Griffin Thunder Zord Power." Aisha called out Just then the Griffin Thunder Zord came down through the mountains "Red Dragon Thunder Zord Power." Tanya called out Just then the Red Dragon Thunder Zord came flying down through the mountains in its Dragon mode "Purple Rhino Thunder Zord Power." Curtis called out Just then the Rhino Zord came charging down through the mountains. "Gold Gorilla and White Tiger Thunder Zords Power up." I called out Just then the Gorilla Zord came burrowing down and the Tiger Zord came charging down through the mountains "I call on the power of the Dragon Zord." Tommy called out as he then starts playing the Dragon Dagger Moments later the Dragon Zord rose up from the ocean. "Alright." Jason said before he jumped up and hopped into the Tyrannosaurus's cockpit. "Rangers log on." Jason said placing his hands on the controls Just then Zack, Billy, Trini, Kimberly, Angela, Taryn, Spencer, Josh, Richie, and Preston hopped into their respective Zords. "Zack here ready to rock." Zack said placing his hands on the controls "Billy here all systems go." Billy said placing his hands on the controls "Trini here ready to kick some butt." Trini said placing her hands on the controls "Alright let's keep it together." Kimberly said placing her hands on the controls. "Preston here time take care of business." Preston said putting his hands on the controls "Angela here time to rock." Angela said putting her hands on the controls "Spencer here it's go time." Spencer said putting his hands on the controls "Richie here let's get cookin." Richie said putting his hands on the controls "Taryn here let's kick some monster butt." Taryn said putting her hands on the controls "Josh is in and ready for action." Josh said placing his hands on the console "Ok Rangers power up your crystals." Jason said as he placed his crystal into the consol "Two one power up." The others said as they did the same thing. "All right let's bring them together." Jason said Just then the Mastodon Zord transformed into arms with cannons out the front. Then the three Zords combined with the Tyrannosaurs Zord and the Pterodactyl Zord sat behind the T Rex's head. All five rangers ended up in the Megazord cockpit. "Alright let's do this." Jason stated "Right." Trini, Zack, Billy, and Kimberly agreed "Switching Megazord into Battle mode now." Jason instructed "Right" Trini, Kimberly, Zack, and Billy agreed Just then the tank mode started to stand up. Turning the Saber Tooth Tiger and Triceratops Zords into legs and feet. The Mastodon became the arms while the Tyrannosaurus became the body. Just then the T Rex's head went into the Megazord and the Pterodactyl Zord became the chest shield and the head of the Megazord activated. "Megazord online." Jason, Trini, Billy, Kimberly, and Zack called out together "Prehistoric Megazord Transform now." Preston called out Just then the Brachiosaurus became the main body with the Stegosaurus and Spinosaurus Dino Zords became the legs and then with the Ankylo and Raptor Dino Zords becoming the arms with the Ankylo Zord arm being the drill. "Prehistoric Megazord online." Preston, Taryn, Spencer, Richie, and Angela said together "Sarcosuchus Dino Warrior Mode." Josh called out pushing down on the lever in front of him Just then the Sarcosuchus Dino Zord stood up on its back legs then its front legs turned into arms then the bottom jaw folded down showing a face. Then the Zord's tail turned into a Sword. "Power up." Josh called out "Hang on I am on my way." Tommy said jumping into the Dragon Zord's cockpit "Tommy here let's do this." Tommy said putting his hands on the controls "Alright let's do this." I stated as he then jumps up and into the Tiger Zord's cockpit "White Tiger Zord and Gold Gorilla Zord convert to Warrior Modes now." I said placing both Saba and Xavier into the slots on the controls Just then both the Tiger Zord and Gorilla Zord transformed into their Warrior Modes. "Alright guys our turn." Tanya stated Tanya then jumps into the Red Dragon Thunder Zord's cockpit "Tanya here time to rock." Tanya said putting her hands on the controls Just then Adam, Aisha, Rocky, and Kat jumped into their Zords cockpits "Adam here ready to go." Adam said putting his hands on the controls "Rocky signing in let's get to it." Rocky said putting his hands on the controls "Aisha here ready to rock." Aisha said putting her hands on the controls "Kat here I'm ready too." Kat said putting her hands on the controls "Red Dragon Thunder Zord Warrior Mode now." Tanya called out Just then the Red Dragon Thunder Zord transformed into its Warrior mode. "Alright let's go Thunder Megazord transformation sequence now." Tanya called out Just then the Five Thunder Zords combined to create the Thunder Megazord. "Thunder Megazord Battle ready." Tanya, Aisha, Rocky, Kat, and Adam said together "Time to get this party started." Curtis mentioned as he then jumped into the Rhino Zord's cockpit "Purple Rhino Zord convert to Warrior Mode now." Curtis said as he placed Rocks into lot in the console next to him Just then the Purple Rhino Zord converted to Warrior Mode. "So you think you can defeat me huh?" Cannontop wondered "Yeah we can." Spencer stated "Then try it Rangers." Cannontop challenge "I hope the Rangers are careful." Alpha mentioned "Alpha, send in Tor to help out the Rangers." Zordon instructed "Right." Alpha stated Tor the Shuttle Zord showed up and fired at Cannontop. "Great." Jason stated "Perfect timing." Zack mentioned "Alright I think it's time we ended this." I stated "Not good. Lord Zedd has opened up the gateway to the Lost Galaxy Zordon this not good." C-3PO mentioned "You must believe in Paul C-3PO. We all know he won't let the Rangers down." Zordon stated "Time for you to go." Cannontop told us "That's what you think, Gorilla Zord convert back to Gorilla Mode now." I commanded Just then, The Gorilla Zord converted back to its Gorilla Mode. "Jungle Megazord begin transformation sequence now." I called out Just then, the Gorilla Zord's head attach to the Tiger Zord Warrior Mode's head then the Gorilla Zord's arms and feet combine with the Tiger Zord Warrior Mode's arms to create bulkier arms and feet creating the Jungle Megazord. "Jungle Megazord online." I called out "What the?" Cannontop wondered "Guys attack in sequence." I instructed "You got it man I'll start us off." Curtis stated grabbing a sphere from behind him and then placing it into a slot in front of him "Purple Rhino Thunderbolt fire." Curtis commanded Just then three fire balls shot out of the Rhino's mouth hitting Cannontop straight on sending him to the ground. "We need the Power Sword now." Jason called out Just then the Megazord's Power Sword came falling from the sky and the Megazord caught it. "Thunder Saber battle action." Rocky, Adam, Tanya, Aisha, and Kat called out Just then the Thunder Megazord pulled out it Thunder Megazord Saber. "Prehistoric Megazord Saber activate." Preston called out Just then a Saber appeared in its right hand. "Energize Power Sword." Jason, Kimberly, Trini, Billy, and Zack commanded Just then the Power Sword charge up and slash down on Cannontop. "Thunder Saber engage." Rocky, Aisha, Adam, Tanya, and Kat commanded Just then the Thunder Megazord charge up the Thunder saber comes down and slashes Cannontop. "Activate Missiles." Tommy commanded pushing a button Suddenly, five missiles pop out of the Dragon Zord's fingertips. "Missiles fire." Tommy commanded The Dragon Zord then fired the missiles at Cannontop hitting him straight on sending him back to the ground he then staggers back onto his feet. "Activate Ankylo Drill." Preston called out "Activating Ankylo Drill now." Spencer confirmed pushing a button in front of him Just then the Ankylo Drill started spinning. "Gator Tail Saber." Josh called out Just then the Sarcosuchus Dino Warrior Mode drew out its Gator Tail Sword. "Prehistoric Double Strike." Preston, Taryn, Spencer, Angela, and Richie commanded "Gator Slash attack." Josh commanded Just then the Prehistoric Megazord Saber and the Gator Tail Sword started glowing and they charge in at Cannontop the Ankylo Drill goes through Cannontop's stomach and both sabers slash down over Cannontop. "Jungle Blade." I called out Just then, the Jungle Blade appeared in the Megazord's hands. "I'm still here Rangers." Cannnontop stated holding his drilled chest "Not for long, Jungle Blade, Final Strike." I commanded Just then, the Jungle Megazord charged up the Jungle Blade causing it to glow a combination of Gold and White and then slash down on Cannontop causing him to fall back to the ground destroying him. "No the Rangers won again mark my words they will not win next time." Lord Zedd stated We all run up to Ernie and Richie. "Hey guys we only have one more thing to find." Kimberly told him "You guys better hurry words got out that Central High as got all the items and are on their way back." Richie informed us "So what's the last clue?" Spencer questioned "There the colors of the rainbow and they fight villains too. Find a picture of them and that will do." Tommy read "Rainbow colors Fights villains." Richie mumbled "Must be the Power Rangers." Ernie mentioned "Do you have a picture of them?" Kimberly wondered "Yeah." Ernie confirmed Ernie got the picture just as Bulk and Skull walked up. The two saw the picture and were disappointed. Kimberly thanked Ernie for the photo and we walked past Bulk and Skull. We got to the Judges and pulled out all our stuff. The judges checked it all. "The winner is Angel Grove High." The head judge declared "Yes." Kimberly cheered We all high fived each other for a job well done. "Hey how about a drink the Zack man is buying the first round." Zack offered "Sounds good to me bro." I told him We all then walk up to the counter to get our drinks and just talk about stuff.