Jonathan Fahn is an American voice actor, and brother of two other Digimon veteran voice actors; Melissa and Tom Fahn, as well as the brother-in-law to Tom's wife, Dorothy Elias-Fahn.
Jonathan Fahn (born 1965) is a voice actor who is the brother of Melissa Fahn and Tom Fahn and the husband of Jennie Fahn. He is also known as Jonathan Charles.
Jonathan Fahn is an American voice actor, and brother of two other Digimon veteran voice actors; Melissa and Tom Fahn, as well as the brother-in-law to Tom's wife, Dorothy Elias-Fahn.
Jonathan Fahn (born 1965) is a voice actor who is the brother of Melissa Fahn and Tom Fahn and the husband of Jennie Fahn. He is also known as Jonathan Charles.