- Mortimer es un caníbal y un miembro de alto rango de la Sociedad de Guante Blanco que trabaja como recepcionista en el Casino Ultra-Luxe en el año 2281.
- Mortimer er en løshund som man finner i alle nabolag. Han kan bli adoptert av simmer som er venn med ham. Mortimer er interessert i vær, sove, leker, å være utendørs, og dyr.
- Mortimer es un experto lanzador de cuchillos que trabaja en una feria de diversiones de las afueras de Londres. Empleado por el señor Smith, Mortimer asesina a Sir Frederic Flagherty y roba la esmeralda Romanov. Kaliman logra rastrearlo, debido a que cojea de una pierna y ha dejado huellas muy características afuera de la ventana de la casa de Sir Frederic. 360pxMortimer termina siendo traicionado por su cómplice, el señor Smith, quien lo apuñala con el estilete que lleva escondido en su paraguas. Categoría: Personajes Categoría: Personajes de El Valle de los Vampiros
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- Mortimer is a Secret / Rare figure part of the collection.
- Mortimer is a cannibalistic high-ranking member of the White Glove Society who works as the front desk manager and Marjorie's assistant and right-hand man at the Ultra-Luxe Casino in 2281.
- Mortimer (モーティマー, Mōtimā?) is the Lord of the Salamanders in ALfheim Online. He is believed to be the older brother of Eugene, and is said to be a strategist.
- Mortimer est la 4e Annale du Disque-monde de Terry Pratchett.
- Mortimer Grey is an Orc Fighter 8/Hellknight 10, a long standing member of The Great Downward Engineering Company, the founder of The Order of the Scythe, the founder of Greyton and the owner of Castle Grey.
- Mortimer Scharf is a recurring character in the Twisted Metal series. In his appearances, he is the driver of Shadow.
- The Mortimer Family is a well respected family, particularly active in the Southern Counties of the Kingdom of England.
- Mortimer is the leader and founder of a Bolivian Tiberium cult operating in the vicinity of ancient temples, most importantly the Temple of the Tacitus, which houses the missing segment of the data matrix. He is bald headed and (possibly due to a unique Tiberium mutation) able to summon ion storms and influence his followers.
- Duke Mortimer of Sto Helit is a recurring character in the Discworld series and the main character in the novel Mort. His given name is Mortimer, but he prefers to be known as Mort. For a brief time he was an apprentice to Death and temporarily carried out The Duty on his behalf. He is described as being very tall and skinny, with muscles like knots in string. He has a shock of bright red hair, and looks as if he is made entirely of knees.
- "I never really knew my parents. My Mother died giving birth to me, my Father died defending me. I sometimes wonder what they would think of me were they still alive. Would they approve of my decisions, my actions, my choices. I will never know now If they either would have cursed my name or watched proudly as I do what I believe is right." - Mathusala
- thumb|Mortimer ohne seinen großen Zylinder Er ist ein Kannibale und Mitglied der Feinschmecker. Anders als die anderen Leute, die nach der Umformung noch in der Gruppe waren, versteht er die momentane Führung als falsch. Er sieht die Feinschmecker als höhere Gesellschaft und findet, der verwehrte Zugang zu solch "exotischem" Fleisch hat der Organisation den einzigen Grund geraubt, überhaupt noch zu bestehen. Zu dieser Meinung steht er nicht in der Öffentlichkeit und seine wahre Natur kommt nur bei einer Rede während eines Festessens ans Licht. Mit einer Sprachherausforderung von 62 versucht er einen mit in seine kannibalistischen Pläne mit Ted Gunderson einzubeziehen.