"Have we had any other dealings with [Your Liege Lord]?"
Maester Lucas fills you in on the rebellion of House Gernert and the drugged letters. You nod. "I know the warlock responsible."
"Tell me everything that's happened in my absence."
Eutimio tells you about [Your Liege Lord]'s response to House Gernert's rebellion. "We are in high favor at the moment, my [lord/lady]," he adds.
"I won't scrape and beg from [Your Liege Lord], when I could be high in Nyall's councils."
"A fleet has landed, but who and why we know not," Rona says. You tell her of Nyall's parentage and plan. "I have sworn him my fealty as a [Your Fealty]."
"Nyall has a blood claim to [Your Region]. He would be the best lord for it."
With House Vandrake defeated, you return home at last. Jon greets you with a bow. Ella curtseys, "My [lord/lady]! Thank [the Seven/the Old Gods/the Drowned God/R'hllor] you have returned!"
"Nyall has strength of arms, right of blood and magic on his side. He cannot lose."