| - The shame sends player to the monochrome land filled with wierd creatures. Later player finds that the Land is laying under iron fist of King Harkinian and only Robotnik can save the land. During the shame Robotnik kills some bosses, including Mario. Finally Robotnik defeats the King and everybody is save (except Luigi). In this shame player controlls Dr. Robotnik, who uses Pingas to PWN Teh n00bs.
- Super Robotnik Land is a strange platformer game developed by a YouTube user called Dezzan, based on the "Robotnik and His Gameboy Youtube Poop by CraaazyCat13 and on the Memetic Mutations present in Youtube Poop in general. This video game provides examples of:
* Difficulty Spike (3-1)
* Fake Difficulty (The buggy elevators. In all fairness, the game maker did not intend them to be so)
* Fan Disservice: Robotnik's means of attack is by using his "pingas".
* Feed It a Bomb (The method of defeating HUNGRYMAN)
* Full-Frontal Assault (Not quite, but Robotnik does use his (clothed) pingas as a weapon.)
* Luck-Based Mission (INSTRUCTIONSMAN, who must be killed by having Robotnik jump into a book with 3 diagonal dots. The book will either kill Robotnik or INSTRUCTIONSMAN)
* One-Hit-Point Wonder (Robotnik himself)
* Retraux
* Tactical Suicide Boss (Taken to an extreme by BOMBMAN, who, for no conceivable logical reason, drops rope which only serves the purpose of letting the player climb up to him and attack him)
* He does have a reason, actually. You want it, and you have enough Rubies, therefore, it's yours.
* Youtube Poop / Memetic Mutation (Pretty much the basis of everything in the game)