| - In addition to the mechanical requirements, players will also need DM approval and possibly the completion of a DM quest before levels in the class can be taken. To apply for a Prestige Class token, please contact DMs in game, via the DM channel.
- Myth Drannor utilizes the standard NWN Harper Scout prestige class.
- Many Harpers are bards, but by no means all. Ranger, rogue, sorcerer, and wizard are common vocations for Harpers, as these classes tend to have versatility and mobility. All have some skill at manipulating others, a resistance to outside mental influences, acute abilities of perception, and a talent for solving problems. Hit die: d6 Proficiencies: simple weapons, light armor Skill points: 4 + int modifier Skills: appraise, bluff, craft armor, craft trap, craft weapon, discipline, heal, hide, listen, lore, move silently, persuade, pick pocket, tumble Primary saving throw(s): reflex, will
| - In addition to the mechanical requirements, players will also need DM approval and possibly the completion of a DM quest before levels in the class can be taken. To apply for a Prestige Class token, please contact DMs in game, via the DM channel.
- Many Harpers are bards, but by no means all. Ranger, rogue, sorcerer, and wizard are common vocations for Harpers, as these classes tend to have versatility and mobility. All have some skill at manipulating others, a resistance to outside mental influences, acute abilities of perception, and a talent for solving problems. Hit die: d6 Proficiencies: simple weapons, light armor Skill points: 4 + int modifier Skills: appraise, bluff, craft armor, craft trap, craft weapon, discipline, heal, hide, listen, lore, move silently, persuade, pick pocket, tumble Unavailable feats: brew potion, craft wand, divine might, divine shield, extra music, extra turning, lingering song, scribe scroll, spell focus, weapon proficiency (martial), weapon specialization These general feats cannot be selected when taking a level of harper scout. The inclusion of martial weapon proficiency in this list is likely a bug. Primary saving throw(s): reflex, will
- Myth Drannor utilizes the standard NWN Harper Scout prestige class.