| - Tab feauture groups and binds windows, making them look as if one is there. Tab is included in sawfish-1.5.0, but is still under development (sorry).
- thumb|Типичный вид Tab. Tab - кнопочка на клавиатуре, обозначающаяся как вектор, упершийся в отрезок в n-мерном пространстве. Также многие путают с: таблетка, табакерка, табасаранец, табачок, табулятор, табель-календарь и табуретка.
- Tab was a brand of diet soft drink introduced in 1963. While in 1955, Marty McFly attempted to order a Tab from Lou's Cafe; however, Lou thought he wanted a restaurant bill also known as a tab. After that, he tried to order a Pepsi Free only to be told "You want a Pepsi, pal, you're gonna pay for it!"
- Tab ( от лат. Tabbuletta , то бишь таблетка ) может иметь не ограниченное число значений в жизни человеческой . Например древние могикане использовали кнопку Tab для перемещения бетонных блоков или даже статуэток Ктулху . Некоторые учёные , в частности учёные ВПТУГБ ( Высший Полит - технический Университет Города Бобруйска ), считают что Tab является сокращением от римского Tabburetto , что в переводе на инко - эльдарский обозначает "?):?(*"%(?)(?_ , что в переводе на русский табуретка . Ещё прапрапрапрапрапрапрапрапрапрадед эстонской философии Г.Яксон ( он же Карл седьмой великий ) , заявил что MS DOS без Tab невозможен , в результате чего был оплёван и впоследствии сожжён .
- Tab is the shopkeeper of the garden shop. Tab is a champion of worrying. He worries about anything every second, he wishes there was nothing to worry about. In fact, there is nothing to worry about. One time in BW cartoons,he got hit with chewing gum. He has Paniphobia(the fear of everything) and he is one of the weevils that have a tab shaped head. He is relatives with Lab, he is in the Tab family.
- Tab is a diet cola soft drink produced by The Coca-Cola Company, introduced in 1963.originally marketed to consumers who want to keep 'tabs' on their weight.
- Tab was een merk van een light drank dat geïntroduceerd was in 1963. In 1955 probeerde Marty McFly een Tab te bestellen in Lou's Cafe, echter dacht Lou dat hij om de rekening vroeg, want in het Engels wordt dit ook een tab genoemd. Daarna probeerde hij een Pepsi Free te bestellen.
- In the book, Tab is a male cat (but he is female in the movie) who taunts his prey. He also has a sort of goal to kill Hazel, and has somewhat of a rivalry towards him. When Hazel and Pipkin were trying to steal a couple of hutch rabbits, Clover, Boxwood, Haystack, and Laurel from the farm, Tab and his farm cat companions scouted them out. Pipkin was the first rabbit to see him, do to his keen sense of vision. However, Hazel taunted Tab, leading them to escape.
- The cans of TaB, both empty and full, were naturalized into Can Town's growing population, which, being the egalitarian, civil society that it is, doesn't discriminate against cans based on their contents or their lack of such. In the Can Town game of industrial expansion/chess the TaB cans served as pawns for both sides, though tragically the drama and action of the game eventually lead to the untimely demise of one unfortunate citizen.
- Tab is a character from MegaMan Battle Network 6. He owns a chip shop called Astroland and is one of Lan's classmates. He has a NormalNavi which only appears once in the storyline. He is a fervent admirer of Lan after the BlastMan.EXE accident at the Central Town school and addresses him as Mr. Hikari. From MMKB, a Wikia wiki.
- Tab, known as Asuta Omori (大森 明日太 Ōmori Asuta?) in Japan, is a character from MegaMan Battle Network 6. He is one of Lan's classmates and works at the Battle Chip shop called AsterLand, which is owned by his family. He has a NormalNavi which only appears once in the storyline. He is a fervent admirer of Lan after the BlastMan.EXE accident at the Central Town school and addresses him as Mr. Hikari.
| - In the book, Tab is a male cat (but he is female in the movie) who taunts his prey. He also has a sort of goal to kill Hazel, and has somewhat of a rivalry towards him. When Hazel and Pipkin were trying to steal a couple of hutch rabbits, Clover, Boxwood, Haystack, and Laurel from the farm, Tab and his farm cat companions scouted them out. Pipkin was the first rabbit to see him, do to his keen sense of vision. However, Hazel taunted Tab, leading them to escape. Later during the Battle of Watership Down, after Hazel released the guard dog, Bob, Tab went after Hazel, seriously injuring him. However, the cat's owner, Lucy, found and saved Hazel's life. This made Tab's hatred towards the rabbit grow. In the book, Tab is allied with the Nuthanger Farm's guard dog, Bob. There is also a female cat in the book, from Nuthanger Farm, who's name is unknown. This unnamed cat got into a fight with Bigwig and lost, with minor injuries. This cat is often mistaken for Tab.
- Tab feauture groups and binds windows, making them look as if one is there. Tab is included in sawfish-1.5.0, but is still under development (sorry).
- thumb|Типичный вид Tab. Tab - кнопочка на клавиатуре, обозначающаяся как вектор, упершийся в отрезок в n-мерном пространстве. Также многие путают с: таблетка, табакерка, табасаранец, табачок, табулятор, табель-календарь и табуретка.
- Tab was a brand of diet soft drink introduced in 1963. While in 1955, Marty McFly attempted to order a Tab from Lou's Cafe; however, Lou thought he wanted a restaurant bill also known as a tab. After that, he tried to order a Pepsi Free only to be told "You want a Pepsi, pal, you're gonna pay for it!"
- The cans of TaB, both empty and full, were naturalized into Can Town's growing population, which, being the egalitarian, civil society that it is, doesn't discriminate against cans based on their contents or their lack of such. In the Can Town game of industrial expansion/chess the TaB cans served as pawns for both sides, though tragically the drama and action of the game eventually lead to the untimely demise of one unfortunate citizen. During the short fight of the WV and PM against AR, a noble can of TaB risked its life to aid PM in delivering her package, serving as a... Distaction. It is unknown if it survived. Wayward Vagabond later uses the drink, along with some Cans, to defuse the situation involving the Peregrine Mendicant and the Aimless Renegade. This prompts Aimless Renegade to deem the drink too warm, so he sets off to the Frog Temple to find Jade Harley's abandoned refrigerator to cool the beverage down. Additionally, Feferi tries to drink Alternian TaB after a conversation with Eridan but fails with a GLUB since she's underwater. However, the can itself shows marvelous structural integrity by holding up to the extreme pressures of an underwater environment. John finds a can in one of the mailboxes of his land and reacts with genuine excitement, since he is in need of a good sugar kick, and he expects it to be JAM PACKED full of real, actual sugar. It is likely due to the drink's complete lack of any such thing that he decides it sucks. There appears to be another troll equivalent to TaB called the Alternian Soft Drink, which features Tavros-like horns on its sides and was used by the Condesce to take control of the market from the Subjugglators and their Faygo. Though the drink contained no sugar whatsoever, the Condesce sold billions of them to unknowing lowbloods - a fact that Meenah would have taken great pride in if she heard the story when finding it in a dream bubble chest. The Condesce is later seen with what appears to be an Earth version of TaB on her desk on Derse.
- Tab ( от лат. Tabbuletta , то бишь таблетка ) может иметь не ограниченное число значений в жизни человеческой . Например древние могикане использовали кнопку Tab для перемещения бетонных блоков или даже статуэток Ктулху . Некоторые учёные , в частности учёные ВПТУГБ ( Высший Полит - технический Университет Города Бобруйска ), считают что Tab является сокращением от римского Tabburetto , что в переводе на инко - эльдарский обозначает "?):?(*"%(?)(?_ , что в переводе на русский табуретка . Ещё прапрапрапрапрапрапрапрапрапрадед эстонской философии Г.Яксон ( он же Карл седьмой великий ) , заявил что MS DOS без Tab невозможен , в результате чего был оплёван и впоследствии сожжён .
- Tab is the shopkeeper of the garden shop. Tab is a champion of worrying. He worries about anything every second, he wishes there was nothing to worry about. In fact, there is nothing to worry about. One time in BW cartoons,he got hit with chewing gum. He has Paniphobia(the fear of everything) and he is one of the weevils that have a tab shaped head. He is relatives with Lab, he is in the Tab family.
- Tab, known as Asuta Omori (大森 明日太 Ōmori Asuta?) in Japan, is a character from MegaMan Battle Network 6. He is one of Lan's classmates and works at the Battle Chip shop called AsterLand, which is owned by his family. He has a NormalNavi which only appears once in the storyline. He is a fervent admirer of Lan after the BlastMan.EXE accident at the Central Town school and addresses him as Mr. Hikari. In the climax of the game, Tab, along with Lan, Mick, Iris and the rest of Lan's friends were invited for a preview of the Expo before the actual opening. The Expo turned out to be a trap by Lord Wily, who then sends HeelNavis occupying CopyBots to capture the group and terrorize Central Town. Lan was separated from his friends, and when he made his way back to the Expo site, Mick and the others were there to back him up against Yuika, Vic, and Prosecutor Ito, prompting the latter group to escape. Lan warns the others to get as far away from the Expo site as possible (the battle of the Cybeasts would be devastating).
- Tab is a diet cola soft drink produced by The Coca-Cola Company, introduced in 1963.originally marketed to consumers who want to keep 'tabs' on their weight.
- Tab is a character from MegaMan Battle Network 6. He owns a chip shop called Astroland and is one of Lan's classmates. He has a NormalNavi which only appears once in the storyline. He is a fervent admirer of Lan after the BlastMan.EXE accident at the Central Town school and addresses him as Mr. Hikari. In the climax of the game, Tab, along with Lan, Mick, Iris and the rest of Lan's friends were invited for a preview of the Expo before the actual opening. The Expo turned out to be a trap by Lord Wily, who then sends HeelNavis occupying CopyBots to capture the group and terrorize Central Town. Lan was separated from his friends, and when he made his way back to the Expo site, Mick and the others were there to back him up against Yuika, Vic, and Prosecutor Ito, prompting the latter group to escape. Lan warns the others to get as far away from the Expo site as possible (the battle of the Cybeasts would be devastating). Pre-climax, Tab returns to his family's chip shop. From MMKB, a Wikia wiki.
- Tab was een merk van een light drank dat geïntroduceerd was in 1963. In 1955 probeerde Marty McFly een Tab te bestellen in Lou's Cafe, echter dacht Lou dat hij om de rekening vroeg, want in het Engels wordt dit ook een tab genoemd. Daarna probeerde hij een Pepsi Free te bestellen.