The Beethoven film series is a series of American film, in which the plot revolves around a family attempting to control the antics of their pet, a Saint Bernard. The first two films were theatrical releases and all after have been direct to video. Beethoven hit theaters in April 1992. Its opening grossed $7,587,565. It was the year's 26th largest grossing film in the U.S. at $57,114,049.
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| - The Beethoven film series is a series of American film, in which the plot revolves around a family attempting to control the antics of their pet, a Saint Bernard. The first two films were theatrical releases and all after have been direct to video. Beethoven hit theaters in April 1992. Its opening grossed $7,587,565. It was the year's 26th largest grossing film in the U.S. at $57,114,049.
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| - The Beethoven film series is a series of American film, in which the plot revolves around a family attempting to control the antics of their pet, a Saint Bernard. The first two films were theatrical releases and all after have been direct to video. Beethoven hit theaters in April 1992. Its opening grossed $7,587,565. It was the year's 26th largest grossing film in the U.S. at $57,114,049.