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- Sami is a playable CO in SSS. She can do a soldier can do, best of all, fire at her opponents with her assault rifle. She can also use kick attacks.
- Sami é o marido de Amira, uma mulher que acusou Sayid de tê-la torturado uma vez enquanto ele trabalhava pela Guarda Republicana do Iraque. Sami levou Sayid para uma armadilha oferecendo-o um trabalho como chefe de cozinha em seu restaurante e então fazendo seus amigos bater em Sayid. Ele interroga e prende Sayid, ameaçando matá-lo se ele não confessar. Quando Sayid confessa para sua esposa, ela diz a ele que falará a Sami que ela cometeu um erro e deixar-a Sayid ir embora. ("Enter 77")
- was the of Kumogakure. He was famous in life for his speed, leading to the moniker of . Despite being blind, Sami was admired for his strength and record for not being touched until becoming a jonin. In truth, Sami was the last mutation of five, created by Dr. Kairo, trained to become one of the Kage of the five villages, in order to control the shinobi world. Do to Sami being blind he was granted the chakra of all the Tailed Beast and advanced sensory skills to make up for his lack of vision.
- S[ANCTA] ANN[A] Busto ampio di sant'Anna, velata e nimbata, di profilo destro con un libro in mano. Di fronte la vergine Maria adolescente di profilo sinistro riceve dalla madre le istruzioni alla lettura.
- Sami was a Republic scientist who was working at the rift facility on the Hrakert Rift when the Selkath were driven insane by the Giant Firaxan. She was the assistant to Kono Nolan and one of the few survivors of the Selkath.
- The Sami people (aka Samis, sometimes referred to the colorful indians of the north) is a group of nomads that nobody understand, that once upon a time enjoyed having sex fun with their reindeers. They speak a language no one understands, the Sami language, and wear clothes no one understands, the Sami clothes. The Samis are very sexy people, living in the cold, cold, freezy north of Norway, Sweden, Russia, Denmark and Finland and some parts of Alaska and Japan too. But we call the same people Eskimos but they are the same thing.Paul McCartneys mother was in fact a Same, and she had a cousin who was a reindeer.
- Sami est le mari d'Amira, une femme qui accusa Sayid de l'avoir torturée alors qu'il était dans la Garde républicaine irakienne. Sami leurra Sayid en lui proposant un travail dans son restaurant Le Jardin Croissant Fertile. Là-bas des hommes l'attendaient pour le soumettre puis ils l'ont attaché à une grille au sol. Sami questionna et frappa Sayid, il menaça également de le tuer s'il n'avouait pas. Quand, plus tard, Sayid avoua à sa femme, elle mentit à son mari en racontant qu'elle avait fait une erreur et qu'il devait laisser Sayid partir. (Tapez 77)
- Sami es el marido de Amira, una mujer que acusa a Sayid de torturarla mientras trabajaba para la Guardia Republicana. Sami le tiende a Sayid una trampa, y le ofrece trabajar como chef en su restaurante. Una vez allí, es capturado por Sami y sus amigos. Tortura a Sayid, amenazándolo con matarle si no confiesa. Cuando confiesa a Amira, ésta le dice a Sami que ha cometido un error y que le deje marchar.
- [Source] Sami était une scientifique qui travaillait dans la base de l'Ancienne République sur la faille de Kolto de la station Hrakert sur Manaan durant la Guerre Civile des Jedi. Elle fut l'une des seules survivantes lorsque la folie prit la base.
- Sami is a telehub sim and home to the Gigas group that owns 15% of the sim. Another major project is Sami Tabla's Park which takes up 30%.
- Sami, właśc. Samantha Williams (ur. 23.06.1989 w Baltimore) - występuje w seriach:
* Wyzwania Totalnej Porażki
* Zima Totalnej Porażki
* Życie Totalnej Porażki
* Szkoła Totalnej Porażki: Powrót do przeszłości
* Jest wzorowana na Sami z gry Advance Wars.
* Jest typem wojowniczki. Zawsze walczy do końca.
* Sama przyznała, że chciałaby pójść do wojska.
* Bardzo rzadko się uśmiecha. Nawet, jak jest szczęśliwa, to tego zbytnio nie okazuje.
* Ma specyficzny charakter, przez co może sobie narobić dużo wrogów albo przyjaciół.
- Sami (Japanese: ドミノ Domino) is a CO from one of the four countries that comprises the Allied Nations, Orange Star. She is one of the first CO's played in the games, debuting in the eighth mission of the first game.
- Sami was the husband of Amira, a woman who accused Sayid of torturing her once while he was working for the Republican Guard. Sami lured Sayid into a trap by offering him a job as a chef in his restaraunt, Le Jardin Croissant Fertile, and then having his friends subdue Sayid. He questioned and roughed up Sayid, threatening to kill him if he did not confess. When Sayid later confessed to Amira, she told Sami she had made a mistake and should let Sayid go.
- Sami ist der Ehemann von Amira, einer Frau, die Sayid beschuldigt, sie gefoltert zu haben, während er für die Republikanische Garde arbeitete. [[Bild:3x11-warren-kundis.jpg|thumb|left|250px|Sami will Sayid als Koch einstellen. („“)]] Sami lockt Sayid in eine Falle, indem er ihm einen Job als Küchenchef in seinem Restaurant Le Jardin Croissant Fertile anbietet, wo ihn seine Freunde dann überwältigen. Er befragt Sayid, schlägt ihn zusammen und droht ihn zu töten, wenn er nicht gesteht. Als Sayid später ein Geständnis gegenüber seiner Frau ablegt, erklärt diese ihm, sie habe sich geirrt und er solle Sayid gehen lassen. („“)
- Sami, è interpretato da Shaun Toub, viene introdotto nella Terza stagione nel episodio "Digitare 77". È il marito di Amira, una donna che accusa Sayid di averla torturata quando lui lavorava per la Guardia Repubblicana. Sami inganna Sayid e gli offre un lavoro come chef nel suo ristorante, in realtà si rivela una trappola per Sayid. Lo interroga e lo picchia, minaccia di ucciderlo se non confessa. Quando Sayid più tardi si confessa alla moglie, lei dice a suo marito che ha fatto uno sbaglio e che può lasciarlo andare.
- Sami oli Galaktiselle Tasavallalle työskennellyt tiedemies, joka oli asettunut vuonna 3956 BBY Manaanille Hrakertin asemalle, kun Selkathit hyökkäsivät sinne. Sami oli yksi harvoista selviytyjistä, jotka Revan pelasti. Hän oli Kolton kaivostehtaan tuhoamisen kannalla rauhoittaakseen Progenitoria, jota Revan päätti seurata tämän tappamisen sijaan.
- Sami and his wife Amira were passing by a restaurant in Paris, when Amira spotted Sayid and was positive that he was the man who had tortured her when she was captured by the Republican Guard. Sami returned to the restaurant, and offered Sayid (who was going by the alias of "Najeev") a job based on the one meal, and stated that it was because they were outsiders, and because his had chef just quit. Sayid later admitted to Amira that he did in fact torture her years ago,and she agreed to inform Sami that she had made a mistake so that Sami would free him.