| - Knight of Owner: A Knight Does Not Die with Empty Hands (騎士は徒手にて死せずナイト・オブ・オーナー, Kishi wa Toshu nite ShisezuNaito obu Ōnā?) is an ability that is the embodiment of the incident where Lancelot was forced to fight Phelot unarmed and proved his fighting prowess by claiming victory with an elm branch. Rather than an overt weapon, it manifests as a "unique ability" retained by his body. Once Berserker grabs a hold of anything that can be even remotely conceptualized as a weapon by his own recognition with his gauntlets and he recognizes that he wishes to wield it, it instantly gains the property of "becoming his Noble Phantasm." Even control of other Servants' Noble Phantasms will instantly go to him should he grab hold of them. It can only be activated for objects recognized as "this is a weapon", so he could use a steel chair if he happened to be skilled in wrestling. He couldn't utilize an aircraft carrier, as its role as weapon transportation is higher than that as a weapon, making it not count as such to him. The ability is completely sealed along with For Someone's Glory once Arondight is drawn by Berserker. The ability allows for something as worthless as a piece of scrap iron to be turned into a demonic spear or sword capable of damaging Servants and striking legendary weapons. He can make use of weaponry regardless of how it was created or its time of origin, allowing him to take control of anything from legendary weapons to modern weapons and machinery. Compared to Gilgamesh's numerous Noble Phantasms, his can be called endless. He also shows potential to corrupt more abstract weapons like Invisible Air, which is closer to magecraft than a true weapon. The ability soaks the affected items with Berserker's Magical Energy, muddled with bloodthirstiness and hatred, that permeates from his hands. They slowly change as they are tainted with his black color as dark lines invade the item and multiply like the veins on a leaf. The items, covered in a spiderweb pattern of black veins, look alien and repulsive compared to their normal forms. The strength of the weapons is great enough that they can easily clash with Excalibur repeatedly despite normally being mundane objects that would be cut like butter by a Noble Phantasm, and modern weapons turned into Noble Phantasms will be greatly strengthened and have modified capabilities. He can give up the weapons at any time, returning them to their natural state, and immediately switch to another without any trouble. The weapons will stay under control for a brief moment after he lets go of his grip, allowing them to be used as deadly projectiles. When faced with a direct counter to his skill that can cut through magical energy circulation, like Gáe Dearg that can repel Berserker's magical energy and return the fake Noble Phantasms to nothing but bundles of iron, he shows the sense to cancel the ability and tear off an already affected part, and he can also pick up the remains of a cleaved weapon to once again utilize it. He is able to naturally control any weapon that he wields as if it were an extension of his arm and a favorite weapon with which he specialized in and polished his skills for many years. The items will be advanced to D Rank Noble Phantasms, and if he takes another Servant's Noble Phantasm of a superior rank, its quality will be maintained while under Berserker's control. The ability is a natural counter to Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon, which makes use of a large number of projectile Noble Phantasms. Berserker is able to freely catch and wield the weapons shot at him as if they were extensions of his arms, and use them to deflect volleys of weapons capable of completely destroying the surrounding area. He freely catches swords, halberds, battle axes, and exchanges them for more powerful weapons all while not receiving a single scratch.