| - At Angel Grove High School Tommy and I are sitting in the music room listening to Kimberly, Kat, Tanya, and Aisha rehearse for the school song contest wearing ear phones as Tommy and I listen on. Aisha is on the keyboard, Kimberly is on her guitar. "Angel Grove! Hi-yi-yi-yi-gh." The girls sang Katherine holds her hand out to them. "Hold on, hold on. Can we try that bit again?" Katherine questioned "Ok." Aisha agreed "Angel Grove! Hi-yi-yi-yi..." They sang again Kat stops singing and takes off her headphones, Kimberly, Aisha, and Tanya do the same. "What's wrong?" Tanya wondered
| - At Angel Grove High School Tommy and I are sitting in the music room listening to Kimberly, Kat, Tanya, and Aisha rehearse for the school song contest wearing ear phones as Tommy and I listen on. Aisha is on the keyboard, Kimberly is on her guitar. "Angel Grove! Hi-yi-yi-yi-gh." The girls sang Katherine holds her hand out to them. "Hold on, hold on. Can we try that bit again?" Katherine questioned "Ok." Aisha agreed "Angel Grove! Hi-yi-yi-yi..." They sang again Kat stops singing and takes off her headphones, Kimberly, Aisha, and Tanya do the same. "What's wrong?" Tanya wondered "I just can't get this harmony." Katherine admitted Tommy and I then stand up and walk over to them. "It sounded good to us." Tommy mentioned "Aisha, Tanya, Kimberly, maybe you three should do this without me." Kat stated "No, I've already entered our names into the contest." Tanya mentioned