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- Dani va ser un dels tres membres fundadors junt amb Pau i Vicent.
- Dani ist ein Verteidiger, der beim spanischen Erstligisten FC Granada unter Vertrag steht.
- Dani is the wife of Laurel.
- Dani was a prostitute who worked on Kensington Ave in 2003 along with Ashley. Detectives Lilly Rush and Chris Lassing questioned them about Mitchell Bayes, who's body was found in the adjascent alley in 1990. Dani and Ashley weren't much help because, as Lassing put it, they were "probably playing hop-scotch in 1990." Instead she and Ashley directed the detectives to an older woman named Delores
- Dani was one of Fagin's "kids", a term equally possible to be figurative or literal. Regardless, she was known to be dedicated to the crime lord. Unfortunately for Dani, her dedication could not prevent Fagin's psi-screen-induced psychosis. Due to his crumbling sanity, he shot Dani for "pretending to be Sam."
- siehe auch Frustbesäufnis oder Michi (an Tinos Geburtstag) "Natürlich weiss ich wie das Geburtstagskind heißt *lach*.... ähm.... Dildo oder Tino oder so...."
- dlink
- Eine der Drei Duinen, und diejenige, die stets das Gute an allen Dingen aufzeigt. Im Bild rechts ist sie in der Mitte zu sehen. Mythor-Fundort: 134 .
- At one point in her life, Dani probably worked as a prostitute. Legend has it that her last act in this capacity involved the choking death of an Imperial naval captain, because she really really hated the Empire.
- She is one of Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag's personal damane who is part of the Corenne.
- Dani Christl...
* verhungerte gerne in Höhlen...
* spielt schon lange Minigo
- The Dani House is the third most involved house in the Auroran storyline. Dani is in the galactic east with the main Auroran space on their west border, their enemy the Tekel House on their east border, and the Houseless pirates to the south. They argue with Tekel over whose responsibility it is to deal with the Houseless. The Dani appear to use a swirling galaxy as their insignia.
- Palvellessaan liiton joukoissa Dani joutui sekaantumaan nagaiden ja tofien väliseen sotaan. Ollessaan Kinooinella Skywalkerin ja Kiron kanssa Danista tuli yksi ensimmäisiä liiton agentteja, joka joutui kohtaamaan nagait ja heidän liittolaisensa Lumiyan. Kun Kiro oletettavasti kuoli taistelussa Kinooinella, Danissa heräsi kostonhimo ja hän tahtoi aiheuttaa nagaille yhtä paljon tuskaa kuin nämä olivat aiheuttaneet hänelle. Hän joutui kuitenkin laittamaan omat tunteensa syrjään, kun nagait muodostivat liiton kapinallisten kanssa, jotta uhkaavat tofit saataisiin pysäytettyä. Sodan päätyttyä Dani palasi Zeltrosiin ja koetti hukuttaa tuskansa kotimaailmansa iloiseen ilmapiiriin.
- Dani is an asthmatic Anything Muppet boy befriended by Elmo and Rosita in A Is for Asthma. He's also bilingual. Dani features heavily in the accompanying booklet and visual materials. Dani is made from the orange live-hand Anything Muppet pattern. There were two versions of Dani; one a live-hand Muppet and later for a nationwide tour, he became a rod puppet. Dani has a positive outlook on life and does all the fun and good things kids like to do. He does not let asthma get him down.
- Danilo Calvio è nato il 17 Ottobre 1985 a Cerignola, in provincia di Foggia. Attualmente vive a Legnano (Milano). E' alto 1.72m, è il più basso del gruppo. Ha frequentato il liceo scientifico assieme a Pedro e Ka , si è diplomato con 70. Studia alla facoltà di Giurisprudenza.Odia la matematica (come dargli torto?uahsuah XD) Ama l'abigliamento Skater.Fuma.Il suo colore preferito è il blu. Ha un fratello minore di nome Federico di 14 o 15 anni. Non tifa per nessuna squadra ma se dovesse scegliere tiferebbe per la Juve. Suona la batteria da quando aveva circa 15 anni. -Fumo e Cenere (Tutto è Possibile)
- Dani (geb. 14.10.1995) ist eine 20 Jährige Let's Playerin & Streamerin. Ihre Streams finden in letzter Zeit vermerkt auf Youtube statt, es kommen aber auch noch welche auf Twitch. Sie besitzt 5 Rennmäuse: Nila, Akila, Cheops, Ramses, Kairo Sie besitzt seit Kurzem auch einen Hund: einen Chihuahua-Yorkshire Terrier-Mix Welpen namens Suri Zusätzlich zu ihren Let's Plays kommen ab und zu auch Community bezogenen Videos wie z.B GNYT und das neue Format in dem sie Zuschauern mit Problemen, die sie ihr per E-Mail schicken können, hilft und Ratschläge gibt.