| - Samuel the Deserter is a side quest from a Flaming Fist Mercenary on the west side of the Gibberling Mountains area east of the Nashkel Mines (375, 2515, AR5500). He asks you to watch for the Flaming Fist deserter Samuel, and to turn him in if you find him. The Flaming Fist Mercenary will stay there after initial dialogue and only says, "So we meet again. I'm sorry, but I don't have any time for talk." when engaged again. Killing this mercenary will reduce reputation by 10 points, gain only 15 experience points and: 100 gold, plate mail, decorative helmet, small shield, long sword.
| - Samuel the Deserter is a side quest from a Flaming Fist Mercenary on the west side of the Gibberling Mountains area east of the Nashkel Mines (375, 2515, AR5500). He asks you to watch for the Flaming Fist deserter Samuel, and to turn him in if you find him. The Flaming Fist Mercenary will stay there after initial dialogue and only says, "So we meet again. I'm sorry, but I don't have any time for talk." when engaged again. Killing this mercenary will reduce reputation by 10 points, gain only 15 experience points and: 100 gold, plate mail, decorative helmet, small shield, long sword. By finding Samuel laying on the ground near Lena (in same map, go east), you can accept to take Samuel on the Manuel and Lena side quest to obtain him in your pack. He is heavy, and will need to be carried back to the Flaming Fist Mercenary on the west side of the map area. You will receive the 50 gold pieces as reward and have no other penalties or rewards. This is in direct conflict with the more involved (but much more rewarding) Samuel and Lena quest from Samuel's friend Lena, also in the Gibberling Mountains. The only way to complete both quests is to first complete the Samuel and Lena quest, kill Gellana Mirrroshade, loot Samuel's body from her corpse, and then deliver it to the Flaming Fist Mercenary.