| - Maylu is an optimistic and smart character, whose maturity often keeps the bull-headed Lan out of trouble. Throughout the series, she attempts to show Lan that she can protect him, just as he has protected her many times. However, it usually results in Lan saving her and Roll from danger. They have feelings for each other, but Lan doesn't admit it until the end of Mega Man Battle Network 6, where, in the epilogue, it is revealed that 20 years later, the two are married and have a son named Patch.
| - Maylu is an optimistic and smart character, whose maturity often keeps the bull-headed Lan out of trouble. Throughout the series, she attempts to show Lan that she can protect him, just as he has protected her many times. However, it usually results in Lan saving her and Roll from danger. They have feelings for each other, but Lan doesn't admit it until the end of Mega Man Battle Network 6, where, in the epilogue, it is revealed that 20 years later, the two are married and have a son named Patch. In the anime, Maylu has a more hot-headed personality, constantly scolding Lan for his immaturity. Despite this, her feelings for him became stronger as the series progressed. She is also shown to become very jealous whenever Lan is with another girl; examples include Princess Pride, who had developed a very strong, almost loving bond with Lan during her time in DenTech City, Shuko in Axess when she gets too closed to Lan and Jasmine in Stream who she viewed as a rival for Lan's affection.