| - Twelve gods. One apartment. One bathroom. O-Cast is a mockumentary Web series about the lives of the Greek gods in the present day. Having fallen from Olympus, they've taken up residence in New York as a group of rather attractive 20-somethings, and Poseidon has taken it upon himself to reintroduce himself and his godly brethren to the mortals of the world. How best to do that? The Internet, of course! (The other Olympians have some ideas of their own.) Many of the tropes seen in Classical Mythology still apply, though some have been deliciously subverted. This show provides examples of:
* Action Girl: Artemis, bordering on Dark Action Girl.
* Badass: Hades.
* Bi the Way: Apollo.
* Butt Monkey: Hestia and Hephaestus. And neither seem to realize that they are, which only makes it sadder.
* Can't Have Sex Ever: Athena and Artemis are more than happy with this situation. Hestia, not so much.
* The Chessmaster: How Athena sees herself.
* Control Freak: How everyone else sees Athena.
* Deadpan Snarker: Hades.
* Fight Clubbing: What Ares does for fun.
* Fish Out of Temporal Water: Well, yeah. Kind of the basis of the series.
* Gods Need Prayer Badly
* Good Bad Girl: Aphrodite would like to be seen as this, though she's sliding toward Femme Fatale.
* Granola Girl: Demeter.
* The Gunslinger: Artemis. Guns and knives, actually!
* Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today? / Transparent Closet: See Hermes' character profile and ANY interaction he has with Ares.
* Hot Amazon: Artemis and Hera.
* Maiden Aunt: Hestia, basically.
* My Girl Is a Slut: Accepted reluctantly by Hephaestus.
* Only Sane Man: Poseidon, and occasionally Hermes.
* Performance Artist: Apollo.
* Physical God: All of the Olympians.
* The Power of Rock: Apollo's idea of how to get the mortals' attention.
* Really Gets Around: Aphrodite and Zeus.
* Soapbox Sadie: Demeter.
* The Twink: Apollo and Hermes.
* The Woobie: Hephaestus, and maybe Hestia, too.
* Trademark Favorite Food: Zeus and Hot Pockets!
* Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: Hephaestus and Aphrodite.
* Woman Scorned: Hera. Be afraid.
* You Need to Get Laid: A Running Gag with many of the virgin goddesses.