| - Amn is a country in western Faerûn, bordered to the north by the Sword Coast, to the south by Tethyr, to the west by Sea of Swords and to the east by the Shinning Plains. It is ruled by the Council of Six. Amn appears both in Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn and is place where majority of Shadows of Amn takes place.
- Amn, also known as the Merchant's Domain, was a tremendously wealthy nation in West Faerûn. Prior to the Spellplague and the continent's disappearance, Amn held colonies far away in Maztica. Post-Spellplague it still controlled important trade routes to Calimshan and Baldur's Gate as well as colonial ports in the Moonshaes and Chult. Its population, mostly human with a large minority population of halflings, was historically in the range of 3 million. The country's natural resources and wealth, combined with its mercantile nature led Amn to become one of the most important and influential trading centers throughout Faerûn. The crowning jewel of this powerful state was the capital city of Athkatla, founded in 100 DR or 0 AR in official documents and often known as the "City of Coin."
- Amn is a fictional country in the role-playing game of Dungeons and Dragons, modeled on medieval Spain. It is the land of focus in the game Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn. Amn is a tremendously wealthy nation, holding colonies in far away Maztica and controlling important trade routes to Calimshan and Baldur's Gate. It attracts adventurers from many lands, even from outside Faerûn. Amn's capital is Athkatla, which was founded in 100 DR, which is 0 DR in Amnreckoning (little used except in official documents). Major towns include Crimmor (population 35,491), a walled trade hub; Eshpurta (pop 24,252), the main military city; Keczulla (pop 47,733), a gem mining town; and Purskul (pop 27,210), a granary city. The city of Murann (pop 43,773) has fallen into the hands of two ogre mages and the
| - Ale, armor, beer, caravan items, gems, golds, grain, horses, iron, jewelry, weapons