| - Beute des Hohen Drachen Kaltenzahn in Emprise du Lion
- Caliban é unha banda de metalcore procedente de Alemaña. Leva editados seis álbumes de estudio ata a data. A pesares de que o son da banda achégase máis ao metalcore, eles afirman que proveñen dunha escea hardcore e ese é o estilo da banda.
- Caliban is a mutant and member of the Morlocks.
- Caliban is actually the Clone of Nichalus Dreadstar who's DNA was secretly, and unknown to him, taken during his indoctination into the Imperial Navy and his Academy Years. The Imperial Experiment was to take the DNA of their most intelligent and talented Officers, create perfect clones of them and turn them into cybernetically enhanced Assassins. The duplicates would have their donors brain imprints, giving them their donors experience and personality traits, but not their moral genetic code. They would then be trained to use those experiences and traits for more neferious deeds, without the problem of the original donors moral and ethical genetic standards.
- On the Astral plane they can among other things manipulate dreams to create fear and hatred to feed of. They prey on Diamondback in particular, fueling the feud between her and Psydoe. This presumably relates to her status as astral brick.
- Caliban is a mutant in the X-Men series. Caliban was named by his father after the grotesque creature in Shakespeare's play, The Tempest. A mutant with the mental power to sense and detect other mutants nearby, Caliban helped Callisto assemble the underground society of mutant outcasts called the Morlocks. Before Caliban joined X-Force, Apocalypse vastly increased his size and strength and gave him the role of Death, one of Apocalypse's Four Horsemen. Caliban can psionically intensifies other's fears and can create a psychoactive virus that attacks the mind.
- Caliban is published by Avatar Press. Price per issue is $3.99.
- Caliban fungerte som en søppelplanet for Hubro kolonien, brukt til lagring og gjennvinning av farlige avvfallstoffer. Kontrollstasjonen Prospero var lokalisert på Caliban og ble passet på av en robot som fungerte som vaktmester når det ikke var mennesker tilstede.
- Caliban is an German metalcore band from Germany. They have released nine studio albums to-date, and two split albums with the band Heaven Shall Burn.
- Caliban is a YT1300 freighter constructed by Corellian Engineering Corporation. Since its purchase fresh off the line by then-viceroy Ksar Antilles, the ship has had wide-ranging travels under a variety of identification codes. It is always chiefly noted for its duel with the YT1300 known as Millennium Falcon.
- Caliban is a mutant who locates other mutants for a price and has a tendency to address himself in third-person
- Caliban was a German mutant with the ability to track and sense other mutants. He once worked as an information broker and black marketeer in East Berlin.
- <default>Caliban</default> BildWiki.png Alias Status Gruppe Familie Nationalität Auftritte Dargestellt von Sprecher Caliban ist ein Mutant, der andere Mutanten für einen Preis findet. In der neuen Zeitlinie arbeitet er als Händler auf dem Schwarzmarkt, neben seinem Leibwächter Psylocke, die unter Apokalypses Einfluss verließ.
- Caliban was a servant of Prospero. He would have also been an antagonist of Brooklyn in TimeDancer.
- Caliban was an Imperial Death World located in the Segmentum Obscurus to the galactic north of the Eye of Terror that was once the homeworld of the Dark Angels Legion of Space Marines, which was destroyed during the conflict between Luther, his Chaos-corrupted Fallen Angels and their Primarch Lion El'Jonson and his Loyalist Dark Angels in a great conflagration immediately following the end of the Horus Heresy. What little remained of the planet was the territory surrounding the fortress-monastery of the Dark Angels, which was transformed into a mobile Star Fortress that serves as the primary fortress-monastery and base of operations of the Chapter at present and is known informally as The Rock.
- Caliban es el monstruo jefe del Teatro Artaud en Silent Hill: Origins. También aparece como un monstruo común deambulando por las calles de Silent Hill y el Motel Riverside después de derrotar al jefe.
- Caliban was the moon of Miranda of the Blue Sun system, a planet right at the edge of the Burnham quadrant and embedded deep into Reaver territory.
- Portrayed by Clabe Hartley. Lord Caliban was a powerful and much feared vampiric trancer who ruled Orpheus. His minions were known as the Nobles. Caliban attempted to get his son Prospero to follow in his footsteps. However, this was unsuccessful as Caliban was responsible for the death of his Mother. Jack Deth defeated Caliban with help from a wizard, but Lucius brought him back using a art piece of his master. Jack Deth finally defeated Caliban following their encounter inside the Castle of Unrelenting Terror. And by doing so, Jack returned to Angel City with Prospero using the Tiamond.
- Caliban was a deformed beast, son of the witch Sycorax, who had lived in exile on a small remote island. After Sycorax died, Caliban had lived alone on the island until Prospero and his daughter Miranda were stranded on the island as well. Caliban taught Prospero and his daughter how to survive on the island and Prospero taught Caliban the ways of civilization. Caliban lusted for Miranda, but became Prospero's slave when he tried to have his way with her. Caliban came to resent Prospero.
- Caliban is a powerful and rare Meso-Titan who possesses the fury of an Aztec warrior. This masked warrior, like the lion, represented power and fierceness to the Aztec people. Due to Caliban's strong will, only a very strong and talented Seeker can bond with this Titan. Caliban is closely related to the Caliban Ocean Warrior Titans used by the Casterwill family.
- Caliban is the name of a planet in multiple works of science fiction:
- Caliban es la muestra de ADN de un Gigantopithecus Sapiens Sapiens del planeta Gliese-R74G Él es uno de los aliens más parecidos a un humano.
- Caliban is a unique one-handed sword in Dragon Age: Inquisition.
- Caliban era un mundo letal y el hogar del Capítulo de Marines Espaciales de los Ángeles Oscuros. Era un hermoso pero maldito planeta, que estaba muy cercano al Ojo del Terror.
- Caliban was a Mullencamp S-Class member who acted as the guardian of Hannibal Losstarot for a while. He was actually in league with the Totenkopfs and had been responsible for Tybalt's death. He kidnapped Hannibal and took him to Simon and the Totenkopfs who betrayed him and killed him in order to frame him for Hannibal's kidnapping. In the last moments of his life, Caliban could do nothing but watch as his prize, Hannibal, was teleported elsewhere.
- Caliban was a weapons manufacturer based on the planet Calabosh-2. Caliban was eventually nationalized by the Galactic Empire when it was found they were supporting the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. Imperial Munitions, a major weapons and equipment manufacturer for the Empire, received most of Caliban's assets. SoroSuub later bought the design for the Model X heavy blaster pistol.
- Caliban es un Titán bastante poderoso, utilizado por Dante Vale. Fue su segundo Titán y tardo bastante en vincularse con él. Actualmente Caliban se conoce como el Titán favorito de Dante Vale. Caliban tiene tres armas: la espada, la lanza y, una daga pequeña. su comando de invocación es "sal a jugar"
- Caliban was a former Mutari who served as Ka-Tow to Walker Smith. Caliban had participated in the Mutai until a final fight with Gyor ended his fighting days. In 2258, Walker Smith arrived at Babylon 5 to participate in the exclusively non-Human Mutai fight circuit. He hoped that the publicity would help him reignite his boxing career. Initially denied from participating, Smith received aid from Caliban, and eventually enters the competition. Caliban helped him train and understand the nature of the Mutai (apparently out of respect for Smith's courage and for a desire to settle the score with Gyor, whom Walker had to fight to get accepted). With Smith's entrance into the competition, he paved the way for other humans to join.
- Caliban was a competitor robot that exclusively fought in Series 2 of Robot Wars. In its only appearance, it was eliminated at the Gauntlet stage after Sir Killalot picked it up and turned it over close to the start. A successor to Caliban, Caliban 2 was listed as an entry for Robot Wars: The Third Wars, however it would not be seen in the televised series. The team would ultimately enter Daisy Chopper into the same series, although it is unknown whether Caliban 2 was a renamed Daisy Chopper, or a separate robot that was scrapped in favour of it.
- Caliban is a monster in Silent Hill: Origins and serves as a boss in Artaud Theater. Caliban can frequently be seen roaming the streets of Silent Hill after its boss fight, and also appears as an enemy in Riverside Motel.
- Born an albino mutant with a pale complexion and large yellow eyes. At some point in his life, he is banished from his home by his father, who called him Caliban, after a character from the play The Tempest by William Shakespeare. Growing up, a still young Caliban, who speaks in the third person, is discovered by the mutant Callisto and taken under her wing. Learning of his mutant tracking ability, Callisto uses Caliban to locate other disenfranchised mutants and organizes them into the Morlocks, a band of homeless, rejected mutants. The founding Morlocks consist of Caliban, Callisto, Masque, Plague, and Sunder. The Morlocks live in the sewers and abandoned subway tunnels running underneath New York City, and, like Caliban, most of them had grotesque appearances. Caliban senses the presenc
- Caliban is a mastiff bat who was featured in Sunwing. He was seen as the replacement leader of the survival group living in jungle at Statue Haven. The group consisted of bats used by humans to carry fire in metal disks (bombs) and were originally led by Shade's father Cassiel until he was captured by the Vampyrum Spectrum. Caliban took over as leader and was the one who found Shade and Chinook.
- At some point, Caliban was recruited by Callisto, to use his superhuman ability to locate other mutants for her, whom she organized into the underground community known as the Morlocks. Caliban found Leech and took him to Annalee, who raised him and several other young mutant orphans as her children. Caliban lived beneath the Manhattan streets with them, in The Alley, but felt lonely, even among his fellow mutant outcasts. One evening Caliban sensed the presence of mutants in a New York City nightclub and entered, only to find himself in combat against Dazzler, Storm, Sprite, as well as against the original Spider-Woman. Caliban attempted to kidnap Sprite and the battle ended peacefully, with the four women allowing the pathetic Caliban, who only sought friendship, to return to his undergr
- Caliban est un ancien système de l'UEE perdu pendant les premières incursions Vanduul et classifié militaire. Ce fut le choix de repli lorsqu'il fut évident qu'Orion ne pouvait plus être tenue par les forces de l’UEE. La chute de Caliban, en 2871, est devenue célèbre pour avoir été la dernière fois qu’un Kingship Vanduul a été observé dans l’espace de l’UEE. La bataille qui s’est ensuivie a également été le théâtre du dernier baroud d’honneur de « L’Escadron Perdu ». Les informations en provenance du système Caliban sont, en très grande partie, classifiées par l'armée.