| - Discussions, amongst both scholars and practitioners, at the first Congress were planned primarily about the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Other Bhikkshuni lineages which could be restored were also expected to be on the agenda. The Congress was be held at University of Hamburg, Germany, July 18-20, 2007, hosted by the University of Hamburg's Asia-Africa Institute.
| - Discussions, amongst both scholars and practitioners, at the first Congress were planned primarily about the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Other Bhikkshuni lineages which could be restored were also expected to be on the agenda. The Congress was be held at University of Hamburg, Germany, July 18-20, 2007, hosted by the University of Hamburg's Asia-Africa Institute. After statements from the many bhikkus and bhikkshunis present, the Dalai Lama announced that, while he supported the case, he needed to discuss the matter with senior lamas representing the different schools of Tibetan Buddhism to gain a consensus view. He added that from 2008 (or if possible 2007) nuns were to practice three monastic ceremonies, posadha, vassa and pavarana, as preparation for the establishment of a Bhikkhuni Sangha in the near future. These, he declared, should be held in Tibetan and follow the dharmaguptaka vinaya. A full statement was issued by the Dalai Lama detailing this. Bhikshuni and Yogini Tenzin Palmo -a member of the Committee of Western Bhikshunis- belonging to Drukpa Lineage of the Kagyu school in her statement A brief overview of the situation for nuns in the Tibetan Tradition elaborated that in spite of full Bhikshuni ordination monks had not to be afraid because according to vinaya they were going to keep their higher position.. The six member 'Committee of Western Bhikshunis' is an organisation of senior Western nuns supported by two Advisors from Taiwan (Ven. Bhiksuni Heng-ching Shih, Professor of Philosophy at Taiwan National University (Gelongma ordination 1975 in San Francisco) and Ven. Bhikshuni Wu-yin, Vinaya Master). It was formed in the autumn of 2005, after His Holiness the Dalai Lama told Bhikshuni Jampa Tsedroen that the Western bhikshunis should be more involved in helping to establish the bhikshuni ordination in the Tibetan tradition. To help establish the Bhikshuni Sangha (community of fully-ordained nuns) where it does not currently exist had already been declared in 1987 one of the objectives of Sakyadhita, as expressed at its founding meeting in 1987 in Bodhgaya, India.