| - Der Begriff Ba'al (jap. 魔王 Maō, „Königsteufel“) bezeichnet in Bravely Default und Bravely Second mächtige Ungeheuer, deren Ursprung nicht in Luxendarc oder der Spielwelt prinzipiell liegt. Einige davon wurden in Bravely Default: For the Sequel als Superbosse eingeführt und sind in Bravely Second: End Layer Teil der Handlung.
- The Ba'al are one of the three Vampire bloodlines mentioned in Vampireology.
- Ba'al was a Goa'uld, and one of the last System Lords. Once an underlord in the Second Goa'uld Dynasty, Ba'al left Ra's service and rose to a position of power among the System Lords in his own right. After the fall of the Goa'uld at the hands of the Replicators, Ba'al was the only known surviving System Lord and became determined to rebuild his power base. He succeeded somewhat with his clones, but they were all killed with the last being extracted by the Tok'ra and the real Ba'al was finally killed by Colonel Cameron Mitchell who set an ambush for him when he tried to change time. Mitchell shot Ba'al in the head, killing him, and with the deaths of all his clones, Ba'al was gone for good although the host of one of his clones survived.
- Ba'al is a demon overlord in the Black Ring and one of the Damned One's mightiest minions. It was he who lead the Invasion of Valley of Shrines that lead to Lord Lovis' downfall and the valley's renaming to Broken Valley.
- Ba'al (also spelled as Baal, Baël) is one of Sinbad's eight Jōin. He's the lightning Jōin, and the Jōin of Wrath, Heroes and the Lord. Ba'al was in the 1st dungeon, Dungeon of Ba'al
- Ba'al is a Goa'uld, and possibly the last of the System Lords. Once an underlord in the Second Goa'uld Dynasty, Ba'al left Ra's service and rose to a position of power among the System Lords in his own right. After the fall of the Goa'uld at the hands of the Replicators, Ba'al was the only known surviving System Lord and became determined to rebuild his power base. He succeded somewhat with his clones, but they were all killed with the last being extracted by the Tok'ra and the real Ba'al was finally killed by Colonel Cameron Mitchell who set an ambush for him when he tried to change time. Mitchell shot Ba'al in the head, killing him, and with the deaths of all his clones, Ba'al was gone for good.
- "Ba‛al" can refer to any god and even to human officials; in some texts it is used as a substitute for Hadad, a god of the rain, thunder, fertility and agriculture, and the lord of Heaven. Since only priests were allowed to utter his divine name, Hadad, Ba‛al was commonly used. Nevertheless, few if any Biblical uses of "Ba‛al" refer to Hadad, the lord over the assembly of gods on the holy mount of Heaven, but rather refer to any number of local spirit-deities worshipped as cult images, each called ba‛al and regarded in the Hebrew Bible in that context as a false god.
- Ba'al the Destroyer, sometimes also referred to as Shaitan, is thought by some to be the progenitor the Baali bloodline. Ba'als claim as founder of the Baali line is disputed in a number of other sources. You might also check the following links for more information on the subject:
* Shaitan
* Huitzilopochtli
* Nergal (VTM)
* The Slave Boy
* Baali
- Ba'al es un personaje de Stargate SG-1, interpretado por el actor sudafricano Cliff Simon. Durante la temporada 8 fue uno de los principales antagonistas de la serie.
- Les Ba'al (魔王) sont une race de démons lunaires introduits en tant que colosses dans Bravely Default: Where the Fairy Flies, et faisant partie de l'intrigue de Bravely Second: End Layer.
- Ba'al var en Goa'uld, och en av de sista Systemherrar. När en underlord i andra Goa'uld dynastin, Ba'al lämnade Ras service och steg till en maktposition bland Systemherrar i sin egen rätt. Efter nedgången av Goa'uld i händerna på Replikatorerna, var Ba'al den enda kända överlevande Systemherre och blev fast besluten att bygga upp sin maktbas. Han lyckades något med hans kloner, men de dödades med de senaste utvanns som av Tok'ra och den verkliga Ba'al slutligen dödades av Överste Cameron Mitchell som satte ett bakhåll för honom när han försökte ändra tiden. Mitchell sköt Ba'al i huvudet och dödade honom, och med dödsfall av alla sina kloner var Ba'al borta för alltid, även värd för en av hans kloner överlevde.
- Ba'al was a member of an alien species called Goa'uld, and one of the last System Lords. Once an underlord in the Second Goa'uld Dynasty, Ba'al left Ra's service and rose to a position of power among the System Lords in his own right. After the fall of the Goa'uld at the hands of the Replicators, Ba'al was the only known surviving System Lord and became determined to rebuild his power base. He succeeded somewhat with his clones, but they were all killed with the last being extracted by the Tok'ra and the real Ba'al was finally killed by Colonel Cameron Mitchell who set an ambush for him when he tried to change time. Mitchell shot Ba'al in the head, killing him, and with the deaths of all his clones, Ba'al was gone for good although the host of one of his clones survived. It is worth of not
- C'est un grand maitre Goa'uld ayant fait des travaux sur la gravité. Ainsi, dans un épisode Jack O'Neill se fait capturer par Ba'al, qui le torture et le garde prisonnier grâce à des appareils sophistiqués. La première apparition de Ba'al eut lieu dans les épisodes 15 et 16 de la saison 5, où il participait à une réunion avec les autres Grands Maîtres. On ne pouvait pas alors le considérer comme un Goa'uld majeur. Cependant, il prit de plus en plus d'importance au niveau de la communauté des grands maîtres lors de la 8e saison car il possédait une flotte puissante et en avait profité en répandant un virus dans le réseau de porte des étoiles (initialement créé par Ferger et modifié par Nerus). En effet, Ba'al avait réussi à s'approprier une grosse partie de la flotte d'Anubis, ainsi que les