| - The Balance Elemental will appear from the Stone of Jas once a player touches it. It begins the fight using Ranged, but will readily switch to other attack types. Like players, there is a small delay when it switches combat styles, and it usually uses that same attack for 3-4 hits in a row. It is advisable to fight it using Ranged or Magic (be careful however, the stat drain will affect your spell casting) and get it stuck on some of the rubble around the room so that it cannot use its melee attack. The Stone of Jas itself can be used as a safespot, and a familiar can be used to block as well. If the Elemental's melee attack is disabled in this way, switching prayer is a lot easier, with the bow and the blue spikes being clear indications of which prayer to use. Food must then only be eate
| - The Balance Elemental will appear from the Stone of Jas once a player touches it. It begins the fight using Ranged, but will readily switch to other attack types. Like players, there is a small delay when it switches combat styles, and it usually uses that same attack for 3-4 hits in a row. It is advisable to fight it using Ranged or Magic (be careful however, the stat drain will affect your spell casting) and get it stuck on some of the rubble around the room so that it cannot use its melee attack. The Stone of Jas itself can be used as a safespot, and a familiar can be used to block as well. If the Elemental's melee attack is disabled in this way, switching prayer is a lot easier, with the bow and the blue spikes being clear indications of which prayer to use. Food must then only be eaten to replenish the health lost through the stat draining attacks. As of 1 February 2013, the Balance Elemental is quite easy to defeat by a high-level player, and only hits around 200 or so. Although it was claimed that since the EOC the Balance Elemental powers have received a massive increase, and was able to hit up to 5000 with melee and 4500 with ranged or magic, effortlessly killing players who don't take the battle seriously. One tactic is to immediately run to the other side of the Stone of Jas as soon as the Elemental appears and then completely out of its target range. This will allow time to plan a strategy as the player will no longer be targeted and the elemental will simply stand in place allowing for positioning before the first strike. A good tactic for lower levelled players against the elemental is to quickly poison the elemental, and use prayer to protect from its attacks. Every time it loses approximately 1/3 of its health, the elemental will engage in conversation. It will still take poison damage while talking, allowing for it to be beaten with minimal risk. If the conversation is interrupted, however, it will resume attacking, so players should take great care so that their prayer does not run out. Armour with high prayer bonuses can be very useful in prolonging prayer.