| - Der Richter ist Teil der Baureihe Collectable Minifiguren und gehört zur Serie 9. Er ist ausgestattet mit einem Umhang und einem Hammer. Er hat folgende Fähigkeiten: Datei:CM_drei_sterne.pngKraft Datei:CM_drei_sterne.pngKreativität Datei:CM_drei_sterne.pngTempo
- Richter was encountered by Indiana Jones in 1935. → This article is a stub. You can help us by adding to it. Check out the talk page for hints on what needs to be done.
- Richter sind Juristen, die das anrichten, was ihnen Rechtsanwälte auftischen. Nach dem Grundgesetz sind sie unabhängig und nur dem Gesetz unterworfen, richten also mehr oder weniger im permanenten Zwiespalt mit dem Willen des Volkes und ihrer persönlichen Entscheidung, ob sie rechtzeitig zur Mittagspause um 12 Uhr oder zum Kaffee um 16 Uhr einen Vergleich hinkriegen.
- Der Richter führt fast ausschließlich jede Verhandlung der Spiele Reihe. In zwei Fällen übernimmt sein Bruder die Gerichtsverhandlung. Der Richter ist leicht beeinflussbar, manchmal Begriffstutzig ansonsten versucht er jede Verhandlung so fair zu halten wie es nur geht.Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Charaktere aus PW:AA Kategorie:Charaktere aus PW:JFA Kategorie:Charaktere aus PW:TAT Kategorie:Charaktere aus AJ:AA Kategorie:Charaktere aus PW:DD Kategorie:Charaktere aus PW:SOJ Kategorie:Charaktere aus AAI:ME Kategorie:Zeugen Kategorie:Richter Kategorie:Charaktere aus Gyakuten Saiban: Sono "Shinjitsu", Igi Ari! Kategorie:Männliche Charaktere
- Richter is a slaver at Paradise Falls in 2277.
- Richter is a character in Terminator Salvation, portrayed by Chris Ashworth.
- Richter is a formerly agent of the secrets services of the Germany and a member of the Syndicate sent with Kagan at the opera of Vienna to killed Ilsa Faust if she does not kill the Chancellor of Austria.
- Richter is a gunner on a team of The Ghosts who fought against Yuri Treskayev. He sometimes calls fellow teammate Saffron "mom."
- The leader of Talon Squad. Richter is a master of battle, and has never been defeated in combat. His prowess makes him feel a little bit empty, as he has no peers, and he always searching for a worthy challenger who can inspire him. He is the most distinguished warrior to date, and is actively hunting out and eradicating Fiends. When he's not leading the Talon Squad, he's busy being extraordinary with the ladies.
- Richter is a small purple ankylosaurus-like creature, with a lavender stomach, a bulky body and legs, a huge tail with a triangle shape at the end, a round face with a wide mouth, a round nose, black eyes, short ears, a single horn on his head and tiny spikes down his back.
- A standard piece of hardware, Richter is an artificial program that can provide environmental analysis. It also includes a database that contains all kinds of information and D.I.Y(Do It Yourself) tutorials.
- Richter, known by the alias of "Black Baron", was an ace German tank commander in Call of Duty 3.
- Hauptsturmführer Richter is an officer in the SS Paranormal Division in Wolfenstein. He is only seen during the intro of the side mission "SS Headquarters." Apparently something of a sadist, he boasts of his skill as a torturer to a Golden Dawn prisoner before being interrupted by a subordinate and ordering the prisoners to be taken to the Paranormal Base. His fate is not known, as he is never seen again after Blazkowicz thwarted Project Nachtsonne.
- Richter is the minor character of Rugrats that he is voiced by Phil Proctor.
- Their produced parts provide a statistically better handling performance boost depending on the installed component and are highlighted with a red tint. All of Richters' parts are of Race level rarity meaning that they are uncommon parts that and are not readily available to any user. They are amongst the lower-middle category available for improving vehicle performance. They provide each of their parts in either Improved, Sport or Tuned quality.
- Richter is one of the Ward 6 patients in Mayfield Psychiatric Hospital who is extremly paranoid and thinks that the CIA are watching him. He appeared in the episode Broken. He was in Mayfield throughout the entire time that House was there. He was portrayed by Curtis Armstrong. He currently still resides at Mayfield.
- Richter es un veterano marcado con múltiples cicatrices del Capítulo de los Templarios Negros, el cual se unió recientemente a las filas de los Guardianes de la Muerte en la Fortaleza de la Guardia Erioch. Parece taciturno y anónimo, pero su habilidad con el Bólter y la Espada sierra lo reafirman como un maestro en el arte de matar. Para aquellos con un ojo con experiencia, salta a la vista que es un Hermano de Armas, aunque no porte honores en su servoarmadura y no busca ningún reconocimiento por sus proezas. Cierta tribulación espiritual le irrita enormemente. Su mandíbula fija y su mirada distante hablan de un alma profundamente preocupada por algún acontecimiento pasado. Aquellos que le han observado de cerca notan que Richter habla en privado con el Capellán Titus Strome más que la ma
- Richter is a character from Strife. He is the leader of a powerful faction within The Front. The impression is given by the dialogue that Richter coordinates most of the Front's daily military operations, while Macil acts as more of a visible leader. File:Strife Richter Conv.png SPOILER WARNING: Plot details follow. Spoilers end here. The player interacts with Richter briefly in the Order Commons, where he provides the player with needed information.
- Richter first appeared when he contacted Lori about Douglas Quaid having went to Rekall on Earth, which triggered an outburst about Mars before having his memory erased. As told, Lori attempted to kill Quaid, but he escapes, inciting Richter and his goons to chase after him. It is shown that Richter has a seething hatred for Quaid, all stemming a from a grudge that Quaid was sleeping and making love to an undercover Lori (who is known to be Richter's wife). As such, he tried to kill Quaid multiple times, which has also earned him the ire of his superior Cohaagen, who has repeatedly ordered that Quaid is to be brought to him alive.
- thumb|Richterin Q und ihre Kollegen Ein Richter bildet den Vorsitz eines Gerichts. Als Person der Justiz entscheidet er über die Schuldfrage eines Angeklagten. Die Anklage kann dabei von ihm selbst, durch einen anderen Vertreter des Gesetzes oder andere Personen erhoben werden. Die Entscheidung über einen Freispruch oder bei erwiesener Schuld gegebenenfalls über ein Urteil fällt er entweder auf der Grundlage gegebener Rechtsprechung oder in Willkür. In einigen Rechtssystemen übernehmen es Geschworene die Schuldfrage zu klären.