| - Arsenic is a character mentioned in Fallout 4.
- Arsenic was an element that was used as a poison and a beauty product. In the 1800s, many people, such as Jack Harkness' Slovenian boyfriend, used arsenic for better skin. Jack talked about this when he was poisoned with arsenic by CIA agent Lyn Peterfield. (TV: Rendition)
- Initial effect: Lowers constitution by 1 Secondary effect: Lowers constitution by 2 to 16 (2d8) Save DC: 13 Arsenic is resisted upon contraction if the target makes a successful fortitude saving throw. If the save fails, the initial effect is applied, and one minute later a second saving throw is attempted to avoid the secondary effect.
- Level Requirement: ??? Leader: Darigazz Channel: ??? Play Hours: ??? Total Membership: ???
- The most common oxidation states for arsenic are -3 (arsenides: usually alloy-like intermetallic compounds), +3 (arsenates(III) or arsenites, and most organoarsenic compounds), and +5 (arsenates: the most stable inorganic arsenic oxycompounds). Arsenic also bonds readily to itself, forming square As43- ions in the arsenide skutterudite. In the +3 oxidation state, the stereochemistry of arsenic is affected by possession of a lone pair of electrons.
- Arsenic (symbol As) is a chemical element, a metalloid with atomic number 33 on the periodic table.
- Dans Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, Arsenic est une commande de magie basique, prenant un emplacement dans le Jeu de commandes, possédant un niveau maximum de 4 et un temps de recharge de 10 secondes.
- The bullets from this weapon naturally erode PA with Kojima contamination. Kojima is glitched in FA. If stunned while charging you need to switch weapons before you can hit again. Even then, Kojimas poor speed and FA's fast combat means hitting with Kojima is extremely difficult. This weapon is highly drainy, and while it can kill an AC in one shot, it usually won't.
- Arsenic is a chemical element (atomic number 33). It is a common cause of heavy metal poisoning. Before the development of synthetic pesticides, it was commonly used in agricultural pesticides, and is still used in household products as, despite its highly poisonous nature, it is considered organic. It is also used in integrated circuits as a compound in semi-conductors, and in certain types of metalwork. Until recently, it was also used as an insecticide in pressure treated wood. It was also used as a compound in pigments for artists.
- Arsenic is a chemical element with symbol As and atomic number 33. Arsenic occurs in many minerals, usually in conjunction with sulfur and metals, and also as a pure elemental crystal. Arsenic is a metalloid. It can exist in various allotropes, although only the gray form has important use in industry.
- Soon after it was discovered, arsenic became all the rage. Soon enough of it was put into toothpaste, and gum, used in various beauty products such as fake tan, and also eaten by women to improve the complexion of their faces. The application that was of most concern to the general public, is probably that of toothpaste. Up until 1985 arsenic was widely used as the main cleansing ingredient in toothpaste because they thought it could only kill germs. Despite large incidence of people dying from arsenic ingestion, manufacturers maintained that there was no scientific link that the poison could pass from the toothpaste to the mouth. However in 1984 scientists from Cambridge University found a causal link which they called the toothbrush and eventually brought sufficient pressure to bear on