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- Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown.
- Power Description The following Advantages can be purchased or are built in to this power: * Ranged * Double Damage * Armor Piercing * Yes Solvent (this power can be powered-up as part of a solvent package) * Seeker * Multi-Attack * Works in Melee * Area Effect Standard: (Cost: ) Description Superior: (Cost: ) Description Supreme: (Cost: ) Description Ultimate: (Cost: ) Description Special Notes:
- Give this character a power action. Roll one six-sided die and subtract 2 from the result. Treat a negative result as 0. The result equals the damage this character heals.
- Regeneration is one of the nano-augmentations in Deus Ex. File:Regeneration.png It is the complement of Energy Shield - JC Denton must choose one or the other when installing the augment in Torso slot 1.
- Slayers could recover from even very severe injuries in remarkably short periods of time. Usually, Buffy was completely healed within 24 hours of being injured, though more serious injuries took at least a few days; Buffy suffered from a severe stab wound to the belly that required at least a few days to heal, and, according to Vi, was heavily bruised for several days after her second encounter with the Turok-Han. Also, Slayers could receive scars; Buffy had a scar left from The Master's bite on her neck, with Angel and Dracula biting her in the exact same spot.
- Regeneration (also known as healing factor) is a term given when a particular character can heal from wounds at an accelerated rate, even regenerating from wounds that would be lethal to normal humans. Regeneration has different levels. Low levels of regeneration are essentially just faster natural healing, so a wound that could take weeks to heal would take days, hours, or even seconds. More advanced forms of regeneration can regrow lost limbs, organs, going all the way up to regenerating from decapitation, being blown to pieces or vaporized, and even complete physical destruction.
- Regeneration is an ability that allows its user to replace limbs lost in battle and recover from similar severe damage.
- It can start spawning on items at Item Level 1, but will not be able to spawn on all items with full effect until level 70. The formula for how much life is actually replenished comes fairly close to .1 life per second for every Replenish Life, or 1 life every 10 seconds.
- This song is featured on the album Crow's Nest and has entered the Hall of Fame.
- Regenerace je dvacátá třetí epizoda druhé série série seriálu Star Trek: Enterprise. Vědecký tým na Arktidě nalezl dva neznámé příslušníky cizího druhu. Když se však zregenerovali, tak asimilovali vědce a odletěli ze Země. Enterprise je má najít a zastavit.
- This power allows a Jedi to grow back lost extremities. It is a healing power much like Accelerate Healing, though it takes much longer for the effect to be fully realized. Digits like fingers and toes can be re-grown in a matter of two or three weeks. A hand can take a month to two months. An arm can take half a year. A leg a full year or more.
- Regeneration is a thread ability, coming in four separate levels. Regeneration replentishes health for every tick or few seconds.
- There are two types of regeneration in the game, choose which one you want to read about:
* Health Regeneration
* Energy Regeneration
- Regeneration allows you have 4 deaths each day instead of the usual 3. You are still subject to the 10 battle limit.
- Regeneration enables a creature to regain hit points faster than normal. At the beginning of each turn the creature heals a number of hit points equal to the Regeneration value. Regeneration abilities stack with each other. Weapons with Vampiric Regeneration enchantments only regenerate hitpoints when striking a opponent.
- Regeneration, also known as Recovery Art (回復技, Kaifuku Waza) in Japan and ReGen, is a gameplay element exclusive to the arcade version Street Fighter: The Movie. The move refills a small amount of energy into the player's Health Meter in exchange for completely emptying a full Super Combo gauge. Regeneration is activated by holding two specific attack buttons per character, then releasing them.
- Use your connection to nature to substantially regenerate Health and Power over time for yourself and your group members.Usable While Controlled : 50% Supercharge Cost
- Regeneration is the body's ability to automatically repair injuries at a rate of speed that surpasses that of a normal human. As this is a power and not a skill, medical knowledge is not required for this to take effect. Super-speedsters develop this power as a function of super-speed and their connection to the Speed Force. In some cases, an individual may even possess the ability to regenerate missing limbs. This power is exclusive to an individual's own body and cannot be used on others.
- A-6 opgravingsteam:; Aarde; Aarde wetenschappelijk instituut; Adosian slak; Arctis 1; Arctis 1-type; assimilatie; Borg; Borg bol; Borg dar; Borg historie; Bynars; Cochrane, Zefram; deeltjeswapen; kerstboom; nanosonde; Noordpool; Noordpool archeologisch team; Noordpoolcirkel; omicronstraling; pariëtaalkwab; Princeton universiteit; pulsar triangulatie; synaptische processor; Tarkalea; Tarkaleans; Tarkalean vrachtschip; Vulcan zandworm.
- Your regeneration is how quickly you recover health, mana, and endurance. You regenerate in intervals lasting 6 seconds called ticks, every tick your regeneration is applied.
- Fight others and stay alive to regain health.
- Regeneration Initiatives can be concerned with sustainability, quality of life issues and community involvement.
- Regeneration is the body's ability to automatically repair injuries at a rate of speed that surpasses that of a normal human. As this is a power and not a skill, medical knowledge is not required for this to take effect. Super-speedsters develop this power as a function of super-speed and their connection to the Speed Force. In some cases, an individual may even possess the ability to regenerate missing limbs. This power is exclusive to an individual's own body and cannot be used on others (see also, Healing).
- Regeneration is a in Demon's Souls
- The user can heal their body
- Un equipo de investigación en el Ártico descubre los restos de una nave alienígena, enterrada en un glaciar, junto con los cuerpos de dos humanoides cibernéticamente mejorados.
- Lelouch vi Britannia Image Song for the Code Geass R2 OST. Album / Collection: Code Geass R2 Sound EpisodesTrack # 3 From Code Geass R2 Sound Episode 3, Track 1Vocals: Fukuyama Jun (Lelouch)Lyrics: Kuroishi HitomiMusic & Arrangement: Nakano Sadahiro
- Regeneration is an ability that affects all allies near a unit in the battlefront series, similar to rally and rage. The unit radiates a blue circle that affects all allies it touches. If affected, the ally's health meter will slowly regenerate. This keeps the units alive much longer and is a huge pain to the enemy. It is a great attack, and you will be searching for ammo all the time just to replenish it.
- Regeneration restores a specified number of hit points, without needing to spend healing surges, at the start of each of a character's turns. Regeneration does not usually apply on the same turn it is gained; it occurs at the start of subsequent turns. Regeneration does not apply if the character's hit points are 0 or lower, and cannot increase the character's hit points above their maximum. Regeneration does not stack. If multiple effects are granting regeneration to a character, only the largest amount of regeneration applies.[PH:293][RC:260]
- Kya receives this ability from Atea in the beginning of the game, as it is one of the abilities from the Awakening Power.
- Before the NGE, Regeneration was an ability available to Trandoshans, partially in exchange for their lack of boots and gloves. It was a short term buff (5 minutes) which Pre-CU increased Constitution and Strength, and in the CU it increased Health and Action Regen by 10%. It was removed from the game along with the other unique species only specials in the early days of the NGE
- Regeneration was a healing factor that mutants and freaks have. It gives them the capability to heal wounds and regrow limbs in mere seconds much to the dismay of the individuals who inflicted these wounds in the first place.
- Regeneration was the process by which a living being re-grew or replaced lost tissue. Most flesh and blood creatures could regenerate tissues from wounds or cuts but few species could replace entire limbs. The Swokes Swokes and Abyssin were two such species.
- Supernatural - Slotted Passive - Self Heal Over Time
- regenoration is when a Time Lord Changes its body
- Pac-Man can't digest the eyes of the ghosts so he spits them out, the chamber regenerates the body by using a sample of the original body (the eyes).
- Regeneration is the act of gaining back the loss of Health or Stamina in the isle which is the major key-point on a player surviving the island itself.
- Regeneration is a special ability that can be found onImage:Dragon.PNG. It makes you can order a Seal that has a Growth Box to activate Regeneration. By removing the conditioned Seal(s) that are indicated at the Growth Box on your Arena at the start of its owner's Attack Subturn, that Seal is treated as it is in a state of Growth and obtains Skills/Ablilties in the Growth Box. However, Regeneration is not a Growth (It is not considered as you have activated a Growth). This special ability first appeared in Dragonology Regeneration.
- Regeneration is a novel based on The X-Files episode "Leonard Betts" written by Everett Owens.
- Regeneration is a status effect which impacts a Player's Health bar by gradually replenishing "hearts" within his/her health bar. Regeneration occurs naturally when a player's Hunger is at full, but this status effect allows it to occur even if a character is partially hungry.
- Regeneration is an ability that allows a unit to heal itself.
- Re|ge|ne|ra|ti|on die; -, -en : regeneratio = Wiedergeburt, zu lat. regenerare, Wiederauffrischung, Erneuerung, Zurückversetzung in den ursprünglichen Zustand Auffrischung, Belebung, Erholung, Erneuerung, Verjüngung, Wiederherstellung; re·ge·ne·rie·ren; regenerierte, hat regeneriert; [Vt] 1 etwas regeneriert etwas; etwas gibt jemandem wieder neue Kräfte wieder neues Leben, neue Kräfte bekommen: Er hat sich im Urlaub körperlich regeneriert.
- This will restore approximately 2/3 of the amount of hit points that Bind Wound would restore. It's very useful for keeping heroes or high level creatures alive and can be a battle-changing spell in the right situation. This spell is vital to heroes who are fighting in the arena, or who lack armies. When used on a powerful hero who has high level Combat skill, the hero can fight off entire armies.
- Regeneration is the thirty-fourth episode of Armada. It first aired in the United States on April 19, 2003 on Cartoon Network.
- The Regeneration keyword allows a monster to heal X File:Heart.png at the start of its turn. Ability text: Regeneration X: At the beginning of the overlord player's turn, this monster recovers X File:Heart.png.
- Regeneration är en process för reparation. Wraith använder skrov regenere för deras rymdskepp kan har inga sköldar. Eftersom deras rymdskepp är organiska så kan deras rymdskepp bara göra korta hyperrymd hopp. Under 2008 vid slaget vid Asuras överförde Wraith tekniker (Todd's Hive) kraft från icke-kritiska system till skrov regeneration. Under 2008 när Wraith underhuggare använde Super-hive för erövra Jorden. Skeppet hade en förstärkt skrov regenere och Första Atlantis Spaning Team försökte stoppa Super-hive när den hoppade ur hyperrymden för regenerera skrovet. Men Stargate Command blev förvånade när de upptäckte att Super-hive var vid Jorden när resan skulle ta ett par veckor. (ATL: "Be All My Sins Remember'd", "Enemy at the Gate") kategori:Biologi
- Regeneration, also known as Self-Healing, is the ability to magically heal and regenerate bodily tissue and organs damaged as a result of injuries. This regeneration takes place very quickly and is usually completed within seconds. This ability is powerful enough to revive the possessor even after otherwise fatal injuries and wounds. However, beings cannot be brought back to life after being vanquished as powerful magic is needed for such action.
- Regeneration is a booster in the multiplayer mode of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. It allows the player to recover from wounds faster. It can only be purchased when the player reaches level 15 onwards. To upgrade the booster to Level 2, the player must acquire 10 'Lucky' medals, and an additional 30 for Level 3. Leveling up makes the health regenerate faster.
- All players automatically regenerate Mana and Hitpoints over time as long has they have eaten some kind of Food recently. All food regenerates mana and hitpoints for some length of time depending on the food. The longest you can regenerate for without consuming more Food is 1200 seconds (20 minutes). See the Food page for more information on the different kinds of edible items.
- All players automatically regenerate Mana and Hitpoints over time as long has they have eaten some kind of Food recently. All food regenerates mana and hitpoints for some length of time depending on the food. The longest you can regenerate for without consuming more Food is 1200 seconds (20 minutes). See the Food page for more information on the different kinds of edible items.
- Regeneration, also called Healing Factor, is the ability to heal wounds and injuries beyond that of a normal person. This ability does not however make its holder immortal or invulnerable, just more difficult to kill than normal beings.
- Regeneration is actually a Status Effect that rivals Burn. It gradually restores health. It is casted with Light magic.
- Regeneration is the third Intel document in Resistance: Fall of Man. It is found in the section level "A Lone Survivor" in York.
- Regeneracja to rasowa umiejętność trolli polegająca na zdolności do regenerowania zdrowia o 10% szybciej niż inne rasy lub klasy. Jest to użyteczna zdolność, ponieważ trwa również podczas walki. Kategoria:Troll Kategoria:Racial traits
- Regeneration is an episode of K-9. It has been released in various forms of media.
- The mutant has the ability to recover from injuries received in battle. At the end of any turn during which the mutant has suffered one or more W, it may try to regenerate, even if it is 'dead'. Roll a D6; on a result of 4, 5, or 6, all lost W are recovered. If the regeneration roll is unsuccessful, the mutant loses the W in a normal manner and must heal as normal. A mutant may regenerate W any number of times, so long as it continues to roll 4, 5, or 6 when testing for regeneration. It may even return from the dead several times during the course of the same battle.
- Regeneration is a support ability that grants the user the ability to heal themself. It can heal a broken bone of its user in mere seconds.
- Regeneration in video games refers to the gradual recovery of health, absent other healing items or abilities. Until Battlefield 1943, a player's health could only be restored by medkits (or by defibrillator if killed).
- Regeneration is a Feralkin racial trait which appears in Lionheart.
- The following weapons have the Regeneration ability, specifically the dolls in the Conquistador Group.
- Regeneration is an ability a unit can have. It was first introduced in Age of Empires II. Units with regeneration ability slowly heal their own HP without the need of a healer, making them valuable in pitched battles and often essential in campaign scenarios where the player cannot build a base and train units, but has to fight their way through with a starting army.
- The target is healing much faster than normal over a prolonged duration, regaining X HP each turn until the end of combat.
- The metamorphisis is apparently performed at will, but was used only once during the series, as a means of updating Robotnik's design from his original games design to the design of Robotnik from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog.
- Regeneration ist ein Perk der Fertigkeit Wiederherstellung in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
- A player regenerates by clicking the regenerate button(or typing '/rest') under his health, blood, and experience bars. The player will remain regenerating until he or she moves or attacks something. While regenerating, a player's health and blood recovery rate is tripled. You cannot regenerate past your maximum amounts of health and blood.
- Regeneration is a Blue Mage spell that is learned from Sea Monks. It restores 300 HP slowly over 90 seconds at a rate of 10 HP per tick. This spell costs 2 Blue Magic Points to set and grants a MND+2 stat bonus when set.
- Regeneration is a process that a Time Lord uses to completely renew their body following near-death such as by old age, violence, accident, or another Moffat script. A change of personality and a change of appearance comes with most regenerations.
- "Regeneration" is the 41st episode of the third season of Stupid Mario Brothers and the 41st episode overall.
- Regeneration allows all guildmembers visible on the Guild Leader's screen to increase their HP and SP regeneration rate. Once used, caster must wait 5 minutes before using this skill again. Can only be used during guild sieges.
* Is on the same timer as Restore, Battle Orders, and Emergency Call.
- This technique cannot resurrect the dead, as once a person is deceased this technique would be incapable of working as it relies on living tissue.
- Regeneration is a type of alchemy and is used to create a living creature from just one part of it. Renfield is very skilled at alchemy as was Renfield Sr. When the Count was young, he created a troupe of three-headed killer monkeys.
- The Regeneration is one of the default for Medic agents. Activating the device begins a heal-over-time buff on the Medic, acting much like the R.E.S.T. device. However, rather than slowing the Medic, Regeneration reduces the damage dealt by the Medic by 25% for the 15s the heal-over-time is active ( time is increased when the Regeneration has T on the device and healing is increased when the device haves an H on it ). The only danger is that The Regeneration can be Neutralized by an other Medic using a Neutralize Wave.
- Regeneration is a property that speeds the recovery of HP drastically; your character gains 1 HP on every turn (s)he would not normally do so. It is acquired as an extrinsic through putting on a ring of regeneration or wielding the Healer's quest artifact, the Staff of Aesculapius. It can only be acquired as an intrinsic by eating a ring of regeneration if the ring is of suitable material and you are polymorphed in to a monster that can eat it. More details on the effect of regeneration on hp recovery can be found at Hit point regeneration.
- Regenerate is a recurring benefitial status effect that restores a certain amount of HP of those affected at a set interval. Characters affected by the status gradually gain HP (as long as their current HP are below their MaxHP) while the status lasts. The amount of HP recovered can be either a fixed amount, a percentage or calculated from the stats of the character affected, as well as the caster. The interval is usually one turn (or its equivalent in RTS engines; usually a character's ACT phase). The effect is reversed on undead targets, on which it acts similar to poison, gradually reducing their HP. Non-organic targets are usually resistent to Regeneration. The basic spell applying the status is of the same name. Being curative as well as a positive status effect, it belongs to the cat
- Regeneration was the process by which Time Lords and others renewed themselves, causing a complete physical and often psychological change. It could happen because of severe illness, (TV: Planet of the Spiders, The Caves of Androzani, The End of Time, Day of the Moon; AUDIO: The Brink of Death) old age/fatigue (TV: The Tenth Planet, The Day of the Doctor, The Time of the Doctor) or injury. (TV: Logopolis, Time and the Rani, Doctor Who, Utopia, Let's Kill Hitler, Hell Bent, PROSE: Interference - Book Two) It could also be invoked by choice, whether voluntary (TV: Destiny of the Daleks, The Night of the Doctor, Nightmare in Silver) or involuntary. (TV: The War Games) Conversely, regeneration could be prevented by choice, although choosing not to regenerate from fatal damage was essentially a
- Gallifreyan's have a Triple Helix DNA, comprising of 69 chromosomes divided into 23 homogeneous triads. Humans, by comparison, only have 46 chromosomes divided among 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes.
- Status_Boost.gif|Enemy Regenerating Status Player Yay.gif|Player Regenerating While regenerating, you heal some HP at the end of your turn. This is one hit of Heal-element damage, does not receive bonuses from your Stats, has no Type, and always hits. The damage is based on the regeneration's Level: Base: (round((5.25 + 0.5625*Level + 0.00375*Level^2)/2) * 0.1 Rand: (round((10.5 + 1.125*Level + 0.0075*Level^2)/2) + ((round(200 + 13.2*Level)/200) * [2.1462*Level + 10.399]† / 8))* 0.1 †Minimum 10, maximum 200, rounded to the nearest 5