| - [Source] Les Chadra-Fans sont une espèce originaire de la planète Chad dans la Bordure Extérieure. Ce sont des petits humanoïdes ressemblant à des rongeurs, avec de grandes oreilles et un gros nez plat. Kabe et Courtepatte sont des Chadra-Fans.
- Chadra-Fan are a small, rodent-like species native to the planet Chad, located in the Outer Rim. File:WookieepediaFavicon.png For information on this subject beyond The Old Republic, see: Chadra-Fan on Wookieepedia
- The Chadra-Fan are a sapient race of small, bat-like humanoids from the planet Chad, in a galaxy far, far away. They are notable for their infrared sight, acute sense of smell, fast metabolic rate, clear blood, two hearts, and their natural fear of drowning; the latter resulting from the fact that most of the continental area of their homeworld is covered in wetlands and swamps.
- The small, quick witted inhabitants of Chadra, the Chadra-Fan, resemble humanoid rodents, with large ears, dark eyes, and flat, circular noses with four nostrils.
- Two Chadra-Fan can be seen at the bar of the Mos Eisley cantina. A chadra-fan can also be found in Nym's Palace in Nym's Stronghold near Nym's desk.
- Piccole creature umanoidi somiglianti ai roditori, con un volto simile a quello dei pipistrelli e i sensi molto acuti. Il metabolismo iperattivo permette loro di dormire solo due ore per notte, condannandoli però a una vita breve: mai più di quarant'anni. Il loro pianeta natale è Chad. Tookarti era un Chadra-Fan.
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- The Chadra-Fan were a rodent-like species that came from the planet Chad. They communicate through whistle-like sounds.
- Average Height: 1 meter Average Lifespan: 80 years Short, with large flaring nostrils, huge pointed ears, and bucked teeth for knawing and grinding, the Chadra-Fan look like overgrown house pests, and are often mistaken for them with some horror. That being said, it is no wonder that they are exceptionally quick on their paws, able to scurry at alarming speeds.
- Chadra-Fan were short bat-faced humanoids from the planet of Hanging Chad, where everybody hung upside down to sleep. They were curious, jittery creatures with an intense fear of drowning. They had rapid metabolisms that allowed them to function at full capacity with only two hours of sleep per day. They also had infrared sight, echolocation, chemoreceptive smell, and could receive radio transmissions with their teeth. They enjoyed tinkering with mechanical and electronic devices, especially dangerous ones capable of killing everyone in a fifty-meter radius.