Attributes | Values |
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| - *Increases the chance of getting the Smithy pet drop; continues to increase for virtual levels past 99, and again at 200 million experience
| - 7200.0
- * Smith bronze scimitars
* Smith novite full helms and novite battleaxes in Daemonheim
* Smith bronze spikes at the Artisans Workshop
- * Smith bronze helms
* Smith novite warhammers and novite rapiers in Daemonheim
* Smith bronze tracks (40%) at the Artisans Workshop
- * Smith fractite full helms and fractite battleaxes in Daemonheim
* Iron bars reach their maximum success rate of 80%
* Smith steel burial armour at the Artisans Workshop
- * Smith bronze chainbodies
* Smith bathus boots and bathus gauntlets in Daemonheim
* Smith bronze ties at the Artisans Workshop
- * Smith bronze full helms
* Smith novite platelegs, novite plateskirts, and novite spears in Daemonheim
- * Smelt mithril bars
* Smith mithril daggers
* Repair burst pipes at the Artisans Workshop
- * Smith iron kiteshields
* Smith marmaros platelegs, marmaros plateskirts, and marmaros spears in Daemonheim
- * Smith steel kiteshields
* Smith fractite hatchets and fractite pickaxes in Daemonheim
- * Smith iron longswords
* Smith marmaros boots and marmaros gauntlets in Daemonheim
- * Smith bronze maces
* Smith novite hatchets and novite pickaxes in Daemonheim
- * Smelt iron bars at a 50% success rate. The chance to successfully smelt an iron bar increases each level up to 45
* Smith iron daggers
* Smith bathus full helms and bathus battleaxes in Daemonheim
* Smith iron rails at the Artisans Workshop
- * Smelt adamant bars
* Smith adamant daggers
- * Smelt rune bars
* Smith rune daggers
- * Smith adamant battleaxes
- * Smith adamant chainbodies
- * Smith adamant full helmets
- * Smith adamant hatchets
- * Smith adamant helms
- * Smith adamant kiteshields
- * Smith adamant longswords
- * Smith adamant maces
- * Smith adamant platebodies and rune helms
- * Smith adamant scimitars
- * Smith adamant square shields
- * Smith adamant swords
- * Smith adamant warhammers
- * Smith fractite platebodies in Daemonheim
- * Smith mithril battleaxes
- * Smith mithril chainbodies
- * Smith mithril full helms
- * Smith mithril hatchets
- * Smith mithril helms
- * Smith mithril kiteshields
- * Smith mithril longswords
- * Smith mithril maces
- * Smith mithril platelegs and mithril plateskirts
- * Smith mithril square shields
- * Smith mithril swords
- * Smith mithril warhammers
- * Smith rune battleaxes
- * Smith rune chainbodies
- * Smith rune full helms
- * Smith rune kiteshields
- * Smith rune longswords
- * Smith rune maces
- * Smith rune scimitars
- * Smith rune square shields
- * Smith rune swords
- * Smith rune warhammers
- * Smelt gold bars
* Smith steel battleaxes
* Smelt fractite bars in Daemonheim
* Smith fractite daggers in Daemonheim
- * Smelt bronze bars
* Smith bronze daggers and bronze hatchets
* Smelt novite bars in Daemonheim
* Smith novite daggers, novite boots, and novite gauntlets in Daemonheim
* Smith bronze rails and bronze base plates at the Artisans Workshop
- * Smith steel two-handed swords
* Smith fractite longswords in Daemonheim
- * Smith steel maces
* Smith kratonite hatchets and kratonite pickaxes in Daemonheim
- * Smith steel longswords
* Smith kratonite kiteshields and kratonite chainbodies in Daemonheim
* One of the requirements for the Lumbridge and Draynor Medium Tasks
- * Smith iron battleaxes
* Smith marmaros full helms and marmaros battleaxes in Daemonheim
* Smith iron tracks (60%) at the Artisans Workshop
- * Smith steel plateskirts and steel platelegs
* Smith fractite kiteshields in Daemonheim
- * Smith adamant platelegs and adamant plateskirts
* Smith rune hatchets
- * Smith bronze warhammers
* Smith novite platebodies in Daemonheim
* Smith bronze tracks (80%) at the Artisans Workshop
- * Smith fractite warhammers and fractite rapiers in Daemonheim
- * Smith bronze battleaxes
* Smelt bathus bars in Daemonheim
* Smith bathus daggers in Daemonheim
- * Smith iron platebodies
* Smith steel helms
* Smith kratonite warhammers and kratonite rapiers in Daemonheim
- * Smith iron full helms
* Smith marmaros hatchets and marmaros pickaxes in Daemonheim
- * Smith iron maces
* Smith bathus platelegs, bathus plateskirts, and bathus spears in Daemonheim
- * Smith steel scimitars
* Smith kratonite full helms and kratonite battleaxes in Daemonheim
* Smith iron tracks (100%) at the Artisans Workshop
- * Smith steel full helmets
* Smith kratonite platelegs, kratonite plateskirts, and kratonite spears in Daemonheim
- * Smith iron square shields
* Smith marmaros warhammers and marmaros rapiers in Daemonheim
- * Smith iron swords
* Smith bathus platebodies in Daemonheim
* Smith iron base plates at the Artisans Workshop
- * Smith steel platebodies
* Smith fractite mauls in Daemonheim
- * Smith iron chainbodies
* Smith marmaros kiteshields and marmaros chainbodies in Daemonheim
- * Smith iron warhammers
* Smith marmaros longswords in Daemonheim
* Smith iron spikes at the Artisans Workshop
- * Smith fractite platelegs, fractite plateskirts, and fractite spears in Daemonheim
- * Smith bronze platelegs and bronze plateskirts
* Smith iron hatchets
* Smith bathus kiteshields and bathus chainbodies in Daemonheim
- * Smith mithril scimitars
* Use a scroll of efficiency
- * Smith bronze swords
* Smith novite longswords in Daemonheim
- * Smith bathus warhammers and bathus rapiers in Daemonheim
- * Smelt steel bars
* Smith steel daggers
* Smelt kratonite bars in Daemonheim
* Smith kratonite daggers in Daemonheim
* Smith iron burial armour at the Artisans Workshop
* Smith iron tracks (80%) at the Artisans Workshop
* One of the requirements for the Lumbridge and Draynor Easy Tasks
- * Smith steel warhammers
* Smith kratonite platebodies in Daemonheim
- * Smith bronze longswords
* Smith novite kiteshields and novite chainbodies in Daemonheim
* Smith bronze tracks (60%) at the Artisans Workshop
- * Smith mithril platebodies
* One of the requirements for the Lumbridge and Draynor Hard Tasks
- * Smith bronze kiteshields
* Smith bathus hatchets and bathus pickaxes in Daemonheim
* Smith bronze tracks (100%) at the Artisans Workshop
- * Smith steel chainbodies
* Smith fractite boots and fractite gauntlets in Daemonheim
- * Smith steel swords
* Smith kratonite longswords in Daemonheim
* Smith iron ties at the Artisans Workshop
- * Smith iron scimitars
* Smelt silver bars
* Smelt marmaros bars in Daemonheim
* Smith marmaros daggers in Daemonheim
* Smith iron tracks (40%) at the Artisans Workshop
* One of the requirements for the Lumbridge and Draynor medium tasks
- * Smith iron platelegs and iron plateskirts
* Smith steel hatchets
* Smith kratonite boots and kratonite gauntlets in Daemonheim
| - 7200.0
- * Smith mithril crossbow limbs and off-hand mithril longswords,
* Smith zephyrium kiteshields zephyrium chainbodies in
- * Smith promethium warhammers and promethium rapiers in Daemonheim
* Smith malevolent cuirasses
* Greater precision when smithing ceremonial swords at the Artisans Workshop
* Nourish nourished ancient effigies in Smithing
- * Smith obsidian kiteshields
* Smith gorgonite kiteshields and gorgonite chainbodies in Daemonheim
- * One of the requirements for Devious Minds
* Smith argonite full helms and argonite battleaxes in Daemonheim
- * Smith rune crossbow limbs and off-hand rune longswords
* Smith malevolent helms
* Smith promethium boots and promethium gauntlets in Daemonheim
* Nourish starved ancient effigies in Smithing
* One of the requirements for the Ardougne Elite tasks
- * Smith argonite hatchets and argonite pickaxes in Daemonheim
* Repair cannons at the Artisans Workshop