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- Melinda's anger with Rick Payne is sidetracked when she meets another instructor who has her abilities, but reaching his ghost to cross her over may put Melinda's life in jeopardy.
- Firestarter – osiągnięcie występujące w Call of Duty: World at War. Polega ono na ukończeniu dowolnej misji w kampanii używając tylko Miotacz płomieni M2, noża i granatów.
- In combat, it has Desecrator, Mortar and Molten affixes.
- Firestarter is a single-stage overseer quest in Fallout Shelter.
- |} Firestarter was the second episode of the third season of Tracy Beaker Returns. It was originally broadcast back to back with the preceeding episode The Visitors at 17:00 on the CBBC Channel on 06/01/2012.
- Not particularly common, they can be good or evil. Because of their advanced power, they are tracked by Demonic Bounty Hunters, to be given to and trained by a demon called Ludlow, who would train them to become bodyguards to the Source of All Evil. Archai are often mistaken for Firestarters.
- Firestarter is the ninth book published by Stephen King; it is his eighth novel, and the sixth novel under his own name. The book was released by Viking in 29 September 1980.
- Firestarter is a vehicle that only appears in Twisted Metal III.
- By unleashing a concentrated stream of Greek Fire, this small and highly portable weapon can quickly ignite combustable material or enemies. The attack of the Firestarter is concentrated so while it can only be employed against a single foe at a time, the likelihood of the target becoming superheated to the point of explosive combustion is high.
- A miniseries follow-up to the film, entitled Rekindled, was released in 2002 on the Sci-Fi Channel.
- Firestarter is a complete firewall tool for Linux systems. It is available in the Ubuntu Software Center and also can be installed via Synaptic Page Manager. It features a firewall wizard to quickly create a firewall. Using the program you can then open and close ports with a few clicks, or stealth your machine giving access only to a select few. The real-time hit monitor shows attackers probing your machine.
- The Firestarter was designed to perform as an incendiary 'Mech. During the Succession Wars this 'Mech sold well and it is believed there were somewhere around 3000 of them produced. The Firestarter was traditionally assigned at the company level instead of the lance level. The reason for this would seem to be that the 'Mech has such a specialized role that it is useless to assign it to lances. This changed in the later Succession Wars as it was found that the Firestarter performed well in the scout role as it could start fires to prevent an enemy from attempting to follow through the inferno it could leave in its wake and it could also clear areas for the advancement of friendly forces.
- My name is War, well, actually my name is Mya, but I've always liked war so I started calling myself that. You see, some people might call me a pyro, but I disagree, I just like fire a little bit more than other people. It's never been really extreme, I mean, the first major crime I ever committed with was just murder, and I was eight then. I wasn't allowed to go to my own trial, but from what I remember, I was only charged for manslaughter and put on two years house arrest, because it was deemed "Inappropriate" to jail an eight year old.